Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Don’t try too hard

So I’ve been on a weight loss journey for almost 2 years now. My weight has gone up and down more than the stock market it seems like. I’ll lose 5-6 lbs then gain it back. Then lose it and gain it back. I do know I am the issue because I’ll get bored of my diet, or fall off completely and not get back on track till way too late. Another reason is I set goals and then when I don’t hit that goal, I say to myself, what’s the point?” and then it’s back to eating out. So for the who knows how many times, I’m back on it and hopefully it sticks. Some things I leaned through this “journey” are:

1) Don’t stress a bad day. We will all have them. And it’s not a bad thing to have a cheat meal or a cheat day. What matters is how you respond the next day. If you eat healthy 6 of the 7 days and are in a calorie deficit overall, guess what? You lost weight! That’s success. If you wake up and tell yourself, “I can’t believe I ate half a pizza on day 2 this week? I give up”. Then it’ll be a bad week. Just start overall. Not about how you start, about how you finish.

2) Scale can be an enemy. I OBSESSED over the scale. I tried everything to weighing myself every day to once a week to every other week. If the scale didn’t meet what I “thought” I did, then I was a failure and gave up. Don’t worry about the scale. Worry about how YOU feel. How your clothes fit. The scale will eventually catch up.

3) Weight loss goals won’t always be achieved on time. As I mentioned, I didn’t hit my “lose 5 lbs by this day goal”, I failed. Don’t worry about the “lose this much by this day” goal. Your goal should be “lose weight”. Period. Yeah, it would nice to lose 2 lbs/week or 10 lbs/month. And if you achieve it, amazing! If not, as long as it went down, you met your goal. That’s my goal forward. Lose weight!

4) Don’t let someone else’s success be your success. This one sounds weird, so I’ll explain. I see tons a post of people having success. And first, CONGRATS! One thing I did was read, “I was able to lose 20 lbs last 2 months” and think, “I can do that”. If I didn’t, why? One thing to remember about anyone else on here is, we all live different lives, lifestyles, work life’s, etc. Someone’s job may be more active than others. So they burn an additional 400 calories per day at work than someone else. That’s 8000 calories per month on average, which is roughly 2.2 lbs! Others may have genetic things going on, such as an underperforming thyroid. Be your own success story! Let them inspire you to start and keep going. But their goals/success may not be yours.

5) Track. Track. Track calories! For a while, I tried to “guess” what I ate. I would know a small fry at work is 280 calories. But I may get more than that. Or use ketchup and not track that. So that 280 calories I’m guessing is really 380. 100 extra? Not a big deal. Over a month, that’s almost a pound! So if you do that 3 times a day, it adds up! Track everything! Even the ketchup. It adds up overtime.

I’m not saying I know everything with weight loss. Heck, I may know nothing. This is just a post so if there is anyone out there who is beginning their journey or stuck or starting over again, like me, maybe you won’t fall into one of my mistakes and have success! Good luck!

submitted by /u/Legitimate-Chair
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FxeVg6q

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