Sunday, October 16, 2022

Day 1 of losing the last 4kg

So today is my first day of losing the last 4kg to 47-48kg (I'm a short person so this is within the healthy range for me). I lost roughly 8-10kg through the summer before college started which I regained last year due to stress and regained about 1.5kg after starting college again this year and emotionally eating and binging, so rather than doing what I did last year which was let it get worse and regain even more, I am losing this weight fully and going to maintain at my goal weight and then build more muscle after a few months of being there.

I overcame obesity and anorexia in the past, but then the emotional eating started to come back and while the anorexia and obesity are long gone, I want to tackle this emotional eating and keep my weight stable after losing this last bit of weight. I already beat the other two issues, so I can do this as well even if it feels hard.

What I will do is:

  1. Restart weightlifting again as I can after surgery, and I am going to train with a personal trainer to work on this and my posture issues for 8-10 weeks and this will keep me accountable.
  2. I am going to keep walking 20,000 steps + a day (I'm very active in general and can't sit still, so this is normal for me. I have a treadmill desk as well so can easily get in 30,000+ steps without really noticing it too much) AND fuel my body to maintain my muscle mass and get enough protein and calories to be in a healthy deficit, rather than cutting down too much and triggering a binge or emotional eating from stress.
  3. While weight loss is part of it, the real goal is fat loss and therefore, I will start focusing on changes in my measurements and being consistent with my diet and exercise rather than stressing out over the number on the scale too much as this will help prevent binges or me giving up, and it helps to maintain an adequate calorie intake and love the process of getting stronger again.
  4. I will address my triggers for binging and emotional eating with a therapist along with addressing stress and other mental health issues to prevent this from coming back. I've been listening to the podcast The Last 10 Pounds by Brenda Lomeli and I find a lot of her advice on the mental side of weight loss very helpful especially as she suffered from emotional eating and restriction in the past as well, even if I don't subscribe to all of her dietary advice.

This is day 1 of me tackling this rather than ignoring it and trying to do this in a healthier way to keep it off for good. I've already been maintaining a 20kg weight loss for the last 8 years so I can definitely do this as well!

submitted by /u/SKJJR2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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