Tuesday, December 6, 2022

I just started my weight loss journey today!

I I am a 15 yr old girl and I’ve been overweight most of my life. Right now I’m about 230 lbs. I want to lose around 100 lbs. I’ve always made excuses and not followed through with weight loss. But today something finally clicked when I saw my ex-friend on tiktok. He was happy, and I still wasn’t after how he bullied me 2 years ago. So I asked myself why I couldn’t change as well. I need to be healthier and happier. I don’t want to be embarrassed in gym class. So I made a goal, I want to lose most of the weight by the end of the school year. I want to work out about 30mins-1 hour a day. I want to feel worthy of my true potential. I want to look at myself and not want to cry. I’ll probably try posting every 2 weeks or so to keep myself in track.

submitted by /u/Ilovecats_38
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/eZN8xlB

How to get back on track after a period of not working out

So last summer I started my weight loss journey and started to go to the gym. I was super consistent and ended up going everyday and losing around 50 pounds. Now I have fallen off of my gym routine and no matter what I do I cannot build up the motivation to get back to the gym even 3 times a week. I’m a busy college student with a pretty active part time job and I just never feel like hitting the gym or walking. Any tips?

submitted by /u/NearbyTime6213
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/gd761bl

Did losing weight make the cold unbearable ?

I don’t live in Russia or Canada or any other extremely cold country, but I can’t bear the cold- here it averages like 10-15 Celsius and luckily my apartment is warm even without heating, but going outside makes me feel so sick, specially at night- it’s not my thyroid either- because I’m only so easily cold now- when before the weight loss I use to sweat like a pig- I’m not even that skinny like I weigh 180 lbs so I still have fat- just venting how I’m so cold all the time in winter

submitted by /u/SusieQu1885
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/x8cfB2A

My weight hasn't gone down according to the scale but I swear I FEEL slimmer.

So for some background I weigh 115kg/250lbs ,am 6'2 and 17 years old so technically I am considered obese. My journey began 3 months ago when I started to get anxious about my health and realised that better start now than later. In these 3 months I have reduced my portion sizes and have cut down on fast food(I eat out about once a week now) and am trying to completely eliminate added sugar from my diet( I'm making good progress, I feel that sugar is now a choice and not a necessity). And also increase protein and decrease carbs I try to stand up as much as I can and walk about 1 mile a day. I'm saying that I should have seen some weight loss by now, right? Though I haven't lost weight, I certainly feel slimmer and my mother also says that I have gotten slimmer. What is happening to me?

submitted by /u/MOISTAFBOY
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/h6uv8bi

A really out-of-the-blue binge

I just had the strangest experience. I’ve just had the worst binge craving ever in my life. I knew what was happening so I managed to go to the store and get healthy foods, but I literally just had three entire bags of frozen vegetables and a litre of diet soda. I felt so powerless, like I couldn’t even TRY to distract myself or stop eating. It even took me over an hour of walking to go to the store and get foods, and when I got back I just carried on eating.

For my size and usual diet, volume-wise that simply doesn’t add up. I should feel so so full. But I still feel hungry. The only reason I’m not eating anymore is because I’m out of food (traveling so no kitchen).

I’m proud I guess that I managed to make good choices about WHAT I binged on, but I’ve never felt that kind of complete possession by the NEED to eat (when I’m not hungry) before. I’ve known cravings and I certainly binged before my weight loss journey, but nothing felt like this. I don’t necessarily feel judgemental of myself. I mean, I did my best given the circumstances by buying veggies. But I do feel sad and scared.

I don’t know what triggered it. I don’t know when it will stop. I’m scared I’ll start obsessing. I feel so lame.

What do you do to stop a binge once it’s started? How do you identify triggers? How have you overcome it?

Thanks in advance, friends.

submitted by /u/not-my-usj-username
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FXaGjlJ

I am back on my weight loss Journey. My plan !currently 170lbs 5'3 hoping to be 160!

Hey all, just wanted to post for some motivation. So I am currently 5'3 at 170. Last year I was up to 178lbs. My baseline was always 145lbs but since I started college and moved away from home I gained weight BAD. Now I havent been able to go back down. I dont plan on going back to 145 bc thats probably too much for me at the moment. I want to go little by little so I will start with the goal of 160 lbs. I am planning on walking 10k steps a day, reducing the amount of fast food I eat, tracking my calories and drinking more water. I also always drink coffee a Large size from dunkin and its probably like 350 calories. i will reduce it to a medium. Maybe getting coffee everyday I can reduce it to 4 times a week. Making small steps but i really want to lose weight. Any tips for foods to cook with high satiety and low calorie? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/EnvironmentalPeace21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ditBF84

Monday, December 5, 2022

Slightly awkward conversation with coworker may have inspired her which makes me feel awesome.

I'm one of those that usually hates talking about my weight loss. And this conversation didn't start super well. In fairness, she was talking about how she was limping because her knee is sore, so I mentioned that my legs are also sore because of pilates. So I kind of opened the door by mentioning that I had worked out. But then she started asking me about my losing weight, and started doing the thing that makes me self conscious like "don't lose any more, you didn't need to lose any in the first place" (which is untrue, I was overweight.) But I started talking about how much better I felt physically after losing a bit, and she asked me how I did it. I told her that I lost it mostly counting calories, and a lot of walking with some other workouts thrown in and now some running. Usually people don't really seem to want to hear that, but she kept asking more, so I ended up telling her about LoseIt, and about how I mostly just count calories and do portion control with more fruits and veggies. At the end of the day as I was leaving, she mentioned that she had downloaded the app and was going to give it a try. And that made me feel really good, like maybe I actually helped someone. Usually people act disappointed when they ask me how I lost the weight and I say that I count calories and exercise, like I'm holding out on them.

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/tIyDwAa