Saturday, December 24, 2022

Still see myself as overweight

Hey, just wanna see if anyone else has this problem. I started my weight loss journey about a year and a half or more ago seriously. I am 5’8 and I used to weight 210 when I started. Now I weigh around 160 (probably a little more right now because I am out of country with my fiancé). Everyone tells me I am skinny, but I every time I look in the mirror I just see how much fat I still have and that I need to lose more and more. I may just need to work out more than I am now so I see more definition. Just wanted to see if anyone else feels this.

submitted by /u/cripticss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 month progress pics! ~60ish pounds down, 100 more to go!

I’ve finally gotten my weight down below 300lbs! I started my weight loss journey, in September, and have been on a tight calorie intake of about 1200-1500 calories a day. In addition, I’ve been working out (a combination of weightlifting and cardio) 6 times a week for 90-120 minutes a day. Im not exactly sure what my starting weight was, since I never weighed myself until recently, where I discovered that I am currently 296lbs. Going off of my TDEE and the amount of calories I’ve been burning each day though I calculated it’s likely 60 pounds or so give or take. I’ve never felt better, and I’m looking forward to seeing a brand new me! (before and after pics)

submitted by /u/XAszee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm losing weight for entirely shallow and aesthetic reasons and it's going great!

I've bounced between being overweight and outright obese my entire life. I've been pretty decently fit for most of that time and I've always had good blood pressure, good cholesterol, etc. I've never had a health problem associated with my weight. I've never not fit in an airplane seat or broken a chair or anything like that. I've been pretty physically fit for a lot of my life and I honestly don't feel like my weight has held me back like that. I played sports in high school and I hike and camp both for work and leisure. I wouldn't consider myself as having an eating disorder or suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and I feel like I have a pretty healthy relationship with food. I don't even think I eat badly. I eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water, get plenty of fiber, etc. Still, I'm fat and I just don't like the way I look. I never really did.

I know it's true that society penalizes women for not being conventionally attractive and I want to make it clear that I think that's bullshit and you shouldn't have to be conventionally attractive to be treated with dignity and respect. I've been treated like shit for my weight/appearance and I wouldn't wish it on anyone or condone it in any way. I'm not doing this because I want to fit a societal expectation or give into fatphobic pressure, I'm doing this because I wouldn't be attracted to me if I saw my picture in a dating profile and I want that to change. I'm tired of hating how I look in photos. I'm tired of getting dressed up and still not liking how my clothes look on me. I'm tired of being treated like a kid. I've got a round face and the extra fat isn't helping that any. I was mistaken for a colleague's teenage daughter recently and I'm 29! I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of it all and I just want to look like a hot adult woman for once in my life. I hereby admit publicly that I am shallow and doing this for entirely aesthetic reasons and I'm done caring about what people think of that.

It's been 7-8 weeks and it's going great! CICO is primarily my main method. I don't restrict myself from foods for weight-loss reasons, I just track eat what I want in moderation. I was already eating a plant-based pescetarian diet for mostly ethical reasons, but I'd recommend it for weight loss. Fish and shellfish are packed with protein and good fats and super low in calories. I also live like 4 hours from the ocean, so I have good access to lower cost seafood and I take full advantage of that!

I've lost 8lbs over the last 7 weeks (slowed down to eating 2,200 at maintenance for December because obvious reasons) but I'm going back to 1,500-1,700 calories (I'm 5'4" and pretty active) on December 26th and I'm hoping to lose 10lbs in January. LoseIt says I'll hit my goal weight sometime in January 2024 and I'm excited for it! I want to be skinny and hot and I'm going to be skinny and hot and nobody can fucking stop me!

submitted by /u/ScyllaOfTheDepths
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Walking in a winter Onderland!

Today my weight begins with a one! 😭 It hasn’t since middle school (I’m 31) and I’m just so proud of myself. I’ve been using keto and CICO, but I also got here by giving myself grace. I let myself have substitutes. I let myself enjoy the holidays despite the carb-heavy foods of my culture. I also stole many bites of my boyfriend’s food lol.

This is the largest, most consistent weight loss success I’ve had in my life (and with PCOS to boot!). I can’t wait to hit my first goal weight of 185.

Let this be your permission to enjoy the holidays. You can reach your goals while being kind and compassionate towards yourself. Everything in moderation.


submitted by /u/metaldeathtrap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 23, 2022

Why can’t I lose weight it’s so frustrating and hard UGH…

Says the girl who….

  1. Drinks wine or margaritas everyday.
  2. Orders door dash every night, sometimes twice.
  3. Eats candy and other junk foods regularly.
  4. Wakes up at 11am, eats a healthy breakfast then proceeds to eat nothing all day until 9pm when she has dinner only to trigger her appetite and start binging on snacks and frozen food till 2am.
  5. Doesn’t work out or when she does it’s low intensity.
  6. Did a bunch of drugs in college which caused severe weight loss and addiction and is wondering why the healthy route isn’t fast enough.
  7. Went through a traumatic experience and needs to understand that unhealthy habits were adopted to cope. And it’s ok if you gained 40lbs, what matters is you want to bounce back, you’ve been trying and trying, you’ve been seeking professional help, and soon those new habits you’re learning to adopt will show you results.

I’m 29F, 173 lbs and my goal is to reach 130 lbs. It took a year to gain all this weight, it’ll take a year to lose it. I constantly complain about my weight, so I’m calling myself out.

submitted by /u/TheGhostOfGiggy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

why do I have to eat so little?


Sorry for the long read

I have an issues when it comes to dieting. I'm male, 5'8, 160lbs. I've been on a weight loss journey for about 4 months. I now eat 1250 - 1300 calories a day. The first 2 months i ate 1500 calories a day and lost about 1lb per week. After that I started losing less weight each week so I dropped the calories to 1400. I started to lose about 1lb a week again after I did that. I know you need to adjust your calorie intake as you lose more weight, but I thought I would still lose 1lb a week on 1500, but I didn't. I dropped the calories again after little more than a month to 1300.

So my question is, why can't I eat more calories and still lose weight? I think someone of my weight should be able to eat more.

And I'm pretty sure i'm tracking the things I eat correctly.

I weigh everything I eat on my food scale. I weigh the banana without the peel, I weigh my iceberg lettuce I eat every day, I weigh the taco sauce I eat every day, I weigh the popcorn. I weigh everything. I drink sodas but with sweeteners instead of sugar, so almost no calories in that. I weigh myself every day as well.

I even calculate the actual calories from the grams of protein, fats and carbs that's on the nutrition labels, becuase sometimes it doesn't add up to what it says how much calories there's supposed to be in 100 grams of a product.

So it seems unlikely that i'm counting my calories incorrectly. I eat pretty much the same few foods each day, I like it and it's easier that way. Maybe not the healthiest but that's not my main concern for now.

With that said, I know the nutrionlabels can be off by 10-20% when it comes to a products caloric content.

My theory why i have to eat so little, is that i have lower muscle mass than the average person in relation to the body fat i carry. When i was 132lbs, I looked skinny-fat. My arms and upper chest looked very skinny, but I still carried a decent amount of fat on my body. That's still the case today. So when people see me, they think I'm skinny because of my arms and upper chest, but they don't see my stomach or my lower body, such as my thighs.


submitted by /u/beebaahz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wellbutrin, Metformin, and LDN

I’m about to start a combination of all 3 for weight loss along with PCOS symptoms. Has anyone been on all three? Did you see a decrease in your weight? I’m aware I still need to follow calories in/calories out to see change regardless of medication or not. I’ve been counting calories for about 6 months and the weight is still coming off SO slowly. I’d like to know if these helped the weight loss process for anyone.

submitted by /u/feet_fatale_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat