Saturday, December 24, 2022

I'm losing weight for entirely shallow and aesthetic reasons and it's going great!

I've bounced between being overweight and outright obese my entire life. I've been pretty decently fit for most of that time and I've always had good blood pressure, good cholesterol, etc. I've never had a health problem associated with my weight. I've never not fit in an airplane seat or broken a chair or anything like that. I've been pretty physically fit for a lot of my life and I honestly don't feel like my weight has held me back like that. I played sports in high school and I hike and camp both for work and leisure. I wouldn't consider myself as having an eating disorder or suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and I feel like I have a pretty healthy relationship with food. I don't even think I eat badly. I eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water, get plenty of fiber, etc. Still, I'm fat and I just don't like the way I look. I never really did.

I know it's true that society penalizes women for not being conventionally attractive and I want to make it clear that I think that's bullshit and you shouldn't have to be conventionally attractive to be treated with dignity and respect. I've been treated like shit for my weight/appearance and I wouldn't wish it on anyone or condone it in any way. I'm not doing this because I want to fit a societal expectation or give into fatphobic pressure, I'm doing this because I wouldn't be attracted to me if I saw my picture in a dating profile and I want that to change. I'm tired of hating how I look in photos. I'm tired of getting dressed up and still not liking how my clothes look on me. I'm tired of being treated like a kid. I've got a round face and the extra fat isn't helping that any. I was mistaken for a colleague's teenage daughter recently and I'm 29! I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of it all and I just want to look like a hot adult woman for once in my life. I hereby admit publicly that I am shallow and doing this for entirely aesthetic reasons and I'm done caring about what people think of that.

It's been 7-8 weeks and it's going great! CICO is primarily my main method. I don't restrict myself from foods for weight-loss reasons, I just track eat what I want in moderation. I was already eating a plant-based pescetarian diet for mostly ethical reasons, but I'd recommend it for weight loss. Fish and shellfish are packed with protein and good fats and super low in calories. I also live like 4 hours from the ocean, so I have good access to lower cost seafood and I take full advantage of that!

I've lost 8lbs over the last 7 weeks (slowed down to eating 2,200 at maintenance for December because obvious reasons) but I'm going back to 1,500-1,700 calories (I'm 5'4" and pretty active) on December 26th and I'm hoping to lose 10lbs in January. LoseIt says I'll hit my goal weight sometime in January 2024 and I'm excited for it! I want to be skinny and hot and I'm going to be skinny and hot and nobody can fucking stop me!

submitted by /u/ScyllaOfTheDepths
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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