Saturday, December 24, 2022

(SV) So, umm, I stopped trying to lose weight and now I’m down over 20kg/44lb. (SW: 135kg*, CW:115*: GW:80.. and yes the asterisks are important)

What kind of a headline is that?

Truthful, actually, and yeah i’m even shocked by this but i was hoping to inspire folks in a weird way because i seem to have done things backwards and they worked the way i wanted them to.

And yes I can’t claim this will work for anyone else, your mileage will vary, if this approach does not work for you it’s ok and it’s not your fault.

Between the Covid-19kg of weight gain and going on disability due to a severe low back injury that permanently restricts me, i was suffering when its came to body weight.

I could not lose weight. This is a lifelong problem. I was obese by age nine and i’m in my early 40s now. Couldn’t lose weight but it turned out the weight it’s trauma related so of course it wouldn’t go anywhere unless the underlying mental health issues were resolved.

I considered bariatric surgery, though i was talked out of it by people who has this life altering procedure. (I kept this on the table in case nothing worked, and i’m not bashing anyone who gets this done. Apparently in my case nothing, um, worked so now it’s off the table.)

I considered talking to my GP about meds that off-label helped with weight loss, but in the end i decided against it.

At the peak in April, i weighed 135kg/298lb. I wanted to lose 20kg/44lb by year’s end. Eight months, that’s doable. Hard, but safely doable.

Thing is i really didn’t think about this until last Thursday. While i have been recording my weight regularly, i haven’t really thought about losing weight.

I weigh myself in as little as possible. Usually just a cami and underwear. Consistency.

I stepped on my scale on 15 Dec.

116.4kg / 256.6lb.

Not bad. 1.4kg/3lb in two weeks is doable.

Then I looked at my app and, umm.

I have a problem.

Actually, several problems.

The first problem is that I wasn’t at 135 in April.

I was at 137kg/302lb in April, 135kg in May.

I.. I did it!

I reached my goal! 20 kilos down!

But then there’s a second problem.

On Thursday 22 Dec, I went to my GP. With slightly more clothing on I weighed, umm.. 113.6kg / 250.4 lb‽

I’ve actually accomplished the goal twice: once in spirit (20kg down), once in letter (20kg down from 135kg).

Now the details:

As i mentioned, no medical intervention.

I also havent radically increased my physical activity. A little extra walking, maybe the stairs a little more (though that is getting easier with less mass pressing down on my knees and ankles). I will be doing more targeted physical activity soon to rebuild muscle but at the moment that’s not in the cards.

Diet and appetite have been the biggest change. My appetite has gone from insatiable, literally incapable of feeling satiety, eating until bursting, to something not really around much.

I do not experience nearly as much hunger.

When I’m hungry, i eat, and i both generally eat higher quality food and savour every bite.

For example, on Wednesday, i went to a Katsu shop and had katsu don ramen. I ate the entire bowl and two cups of good miso. Two nights ago, i made super tender chicken thighs with Greek potatoes and roasted broccoli.

This is important: this is not disordered eating per my doctor and per a therapist i consider a friend. If anything, I likely met, past tense, diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder but no longer do.

Hunger isn’t being ignored; It’s just not present except when it is.

Main reason i can see is that my mental health in general has radically improved, Mostly i’ve managed to unf—- my head enough so that depression, anxiety, AuDHD, and several trauma disorders don’t hold me back from, well, just about anything.

And no, there’s no religious or cult or drug thing involved. I’m pretty much sober, though i’ve never had a substance abuse issue.

I’m certain i’ll be able to get to 85kg if not 80 by this time next year.

And i did it because, well..

Those who fail just try it. Those who succeed just do it.

I stopped trying to lose weight and instead just… lost weight.

If you are looking to get a kickstart on weight loss goals, can’t guarantee this will work but do get started on it before end of year. Don’t wait for New Year’s resolutions that almost feel like they are set up for failure.

submitted by /u/hacktheself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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