Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Weight Loss Veterans Advice Post

I've had multiple usernames over the years, but I'm on my 3rd weight loss journey. The first two times were roughly 60lbs, yay babies! This time is due to medical complications.

I thought this sub may soon be flooded with new users or advice seekers. The weight loss veterans can try and add to this post to help out the new losers..

My tips:

  1. When posting, seeking diet advice, include your age, height, weight, and gender. There are formulas we can help you use, but they need this information.

  2. The time is going to pass anyway. You may as well use it to lose weight. Use websites like to project your weight loss, and you're less active than you think.

  3. Speaking of activity, don't add in your activity calories or eat them back unless you're an athlete. There may come a point when you're looking to add them in, but your focus won't be weight loss at that point. It will be performance.

  4. Check in on your mental health and recognize if you're getting burnt out. If you are, then take a maintenance break for a week or two. Think of it as practice for when you reach your goal.

  5. If you think medication to help suppress your appetite is needed, then please talk to your doctor. You do not need the validation of anyone here. It will still take work. They will surpress your appetite, but if you eat more calories than your body uses, then you will still gain weight. There are potential side effects, temporary or permanent. This is a talk for your doctor.

  6. Use a food scale. Volume measurements are notoriously inaccurate, and you can be eating twice as many calories as you thought.

  7. Log your food, weigh yourself at whatever intervals you want, and have a way to make this routine. I mealprep and eat the same foods 3 or 4 days in a row. I cook less, clean less, and have to log my foods less. Does it suck if I did a bad job? Yes, but it motivated me to improve my cooking, fast.

  8. Your activity will never compensate for overeating. The same way, one bad day will not ruin everything. Keep everything in perspective. It takes 3,500 kcal to gain a pound of fat. Was your binge 3,500 kcal over your TDEE? No? Then you didn't even gain a pound, but you probably do have water weight from the carbs. It will be okay. You got this.

  9. If the numbers aren't adding up and your weight is remaining over weeks when you didn't add in weight lifting or the hunger is flatly painful/all-consuming, then see the doctor. Medical issues can complicate weight loss. CICO is the basic formula, but that ignores the hormones and other bodily functions going on that you should address.

Good luck!!

submitted by /u/CookiePuzzler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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