Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I have a few questions, you all seem so kind

I’m 25F. My whole life has been a weight loss journey. As a kid my heaviest was 108kg (almost 240lb) and as a teen with the help of a nutritionist I weighed about 78kg(~172lb) by the time I turned 15.

Here is my first question: when we started I was like 50% body fat and my weight goal was super low (I don’t remember it, maybe 55kg) and by the time I weighed 78kg my weight goal was like 76 tops. I remember her telling me it was greater then because my muscle mass was greater. Does that make sense? Would you explain that to me?

Then without worrying or anything for the next 8 years I weighed between 80-85kilos, until the last year of uni when I started eating out a lot and then got pregnant at 89kg(196lb). Long story short from there, a lot of stress with breastfeeding etc., baby is 1.5 years old and I weigh a little more than the last days of my pregnancy, so 107kg(236lb)

She’s beautiful, she eats very well and I encourage a balanced diet. You could say I know how to eat. But I think there’s a few things to this matter. The main one is that I like sweets. I love sugar, I love chocolate, I love to bake, I make the bread we eat in this house, I also like mayo, butter, cheese. But I don’t eat all that every day. I just say any food I can make highly caloric in a jizz.

Another thing is that I don’t exercise. Like, I don’t purposely exercise, because I am running around after a toddler all day anyway.

The other thing (and it might sound really stupid after what was written before) but I think that my body is somehow comfortable with this weight. I know if I let me eat whatever I want whenever I feel like it I can grow heavier, and that it works the other way around too. But does it make sense that my body tends to weight 107~108kg for some reason?(that’s question number two)

I tried to research this and calculated my tdee and found it is 1850kcal. I think is low. I thought the normal adult could eat 2000kcal and maintain their weight. So since I was fat if I ate 2000kcal I would lose weight. Silly me I guess. My theory or plan is to exercise (I have a stroller I barely use) and increase my muscle mass and slowly my tdee will increase so eating less calories than what I burn daily should look more like eating everything balanced (I don’t really like junk food so that’s not part of everything) and not like a restriction of some kind.

So third question: does that make sense?

And fourth: is there anything else that I should know?

Ps1: my heaviest was 9 months ago at 114kg(251lb)

Ps2: I was super comfortable and pretty at 80kg I would love to weigh that again.

submitted by /u/Sweetest_Jelly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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