Monday, December 19, 2022

When to get back into things post Covid

Last Tuesday I was 3 lbs from my goal weight. I went for a 25 minute run. I got my 10k steps. I was doing great. Last Wednesday, I tested positive for covid, with all that went with that. Fevers, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue. Since then, I have done nothing to do with weight loss or even maintenance. I laid on my couch and played hours of Animal Crossing. I ate whenever I was hungry, and surprisingly, I was hungry A LOT. I expected to have the normal sick "barely choking things down" thing that I usually have when I'm sick. This time, with Covid, I was ravenous a lot of the time. Perhaps because my body had been in a deficit for months and now it was trying to gather the reserves to fight off a serious illness? So I ate. Because there is no way I was going to deprive myself of energy to fight Covid. And also because I was maddeningly hungry. Lol Today is the first day since Wednesday morning that I feel pretty much normal. I have been doing progressively better since Friday evening, I would say. I'm still not really restricting calories or exercising though. So now I'm wondering when it makes sense to start trying again. I weighed myself this morning (first time since I got sick) and despite the massive quantities of food I ate for most of a week, I was only up 1 lb, so I'm not super concerned about weight loss for the moment, but I also don't want to let things slip for a longer time than I need to. I don't want to get out of the habit of running and exercising. But I also don't want to push my body too hard after being pretty sick. When do you think would be safe to get back on the wagon, so to speak? Thinking about at least trying to go for a walk tomorrow and logging calories, even if I don't run, and just seeing how I feel. Does that seem sensible?

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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