Tuesday, February 28, 2023

So I weighed myself

Hey again (second post this morning) I should probably give a lil bit of background on this. I started my weight loss journey on the 18th of June 2022 at 549lbs. I'm a 5'11 male, 23 years old, I am now 455lbs as of this morning. I usually just do lots of swimming and walking (I do also weigh everything I eat and calorie count, I eat 2000 calories a day, sometimes a little under, sometimes a little over) but over the past 2 weeks I've also started weight lifting too, I also weigh myself every 2 weeks. I was told by a friend and even my psychologist that when you start weight lifting and things like it, there can be a transitionary period where your weight may go up or the stay the same on the scales. I was worried this would happen and I'd feel rubbish because of it, and well here we are. Do you guys think it could just be the weight lfiting causing me to only lose 3lbs in 2 weeks? I know saying "only 3lbs" sounds bad, but at my size with the exercise I do and the amount I eat, 3lbs seems strangely small.

submitted by /u/Krimzonblitz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DprEgB0

the safety in being fat

I never realized how safe being fat was (at least for me). I was never assaulted. I had never ever been catcalled on the street. I never felt unsafe walking alone or near men, as they just never approached me. I’ve never had trouble in the crappy parts of town, or walking by construction sites. The creepy guys outside gas stations wouldn’t even look my way. I never really feared being kidnapped, because who could have the strength to kidnap me when I weighed near 250lbs? I didn’t ever worry about my guy friends ruining our friendship by having “feelings for me,” none of the teachers my friends found creepy ever gave me an inkling of weirdo-ness, and in the gym none of the old men who would leer at my friends made me uncomfortable. My male dominated sport was fun for me, I just never had to worry about any creepy or harassing behavior compared to my peers

I’m losing weight now. I got taller during puberty and I’m way more active. As the weight drops I’ve become curvier instead of just fat. And I’m only noticing because of the way guys treat me now.I was catcalled for the first time a few weeks ago, and to be honest it was just a bizarre experience. I’m never acknowledged like that in public by men, ever. It was so scary to have a guy yell at me from the street. I catch guys looking at my ass. Their eyes stray towards my chest. Service workers will make conversation with me. Guys who have been my friends for years take my usual banter as flirting. Everything I say seems flirty now. My personality is the same, I’ve always been charming and funny to make friends because I was never pretty. But now it's like I have to tone it down, or people will get the wrong idea.

Walking alone at night now is scary. It's like my peace of mind is gone. I took so much for granted when I was fat and now I’m just wondering if its all worth it. Yeah I look better and i’m healthier but whats the point when I can hardly enjoy myself? is weight loss even worth it? I’m not even sure anymore and this revelation honestly caused a binge.

sorry for this rant, the change has been rough for me

submitted by /u/thedeadtiredgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kQNzx8d

Convincing myself that I’m worth the effort has been the hardest part.

I don’t know how much I’m willing to share about myself, so this isn’t my main account. I stepped on the scale today for the first time in a long time…and I saw a number didn’t surprise me but it certainly depressed me. Intellectually I know exactly what I must do; lay off the beer (have cut back but it’s not gone entirely; count calories; get more exercise. Every day I don’t let it happen.

For those struggling with ADHD, depression, etc, well into your 40s and are still managing to keep on a weight loss program- you’re damned heroes.

Anyway…if anyone else out there feels the same, know that you’re certainly not alone.

submitted by /u/Lancerfixer86104
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XojI20U

Want some encouragement !!

I am 31 yrs old 5'8 inches height . I am depressed but want to get better by making weight loss my focus as i feel unhealthy in my body and to prevent diseases due to overweight. I have joined gym and planning on walking on treadmill for half an hour and then some basic weightlifting. For diet I am trying to consume less food and stop eating sugary food. Just some encouragement from you guys will help me a lot. Also is there a support group online where we can talk on zoom or skype every week and talk about losing weight.

submitted by /u/No-Nefariousness-483
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PftD92G

I was a little dismayed about my first month of weight loss...

I started February at 265lbs and weighed in today at 263lbs. At first I was really sad and was looking back at all the times I had an extra snack or two after meeting my calorie goal. Those extra snacks really do add up.

I was pretty sad.

I took my monthly picture of myself as I plan to use this as a way to really visualize my weight loss. Then I went to the gym as I do every weekday morning. After changing into my day clothes I realized something. My pants were looser.

Now these pants have no stretch in them whatsoever. So when I was at my heaviest of 273 I couldn't fit into them comfortably. Now they just feel a lot looser compared to the beginning of the month. I realized that even if I didn't have much weight loss, I did have a good bit of fat loss and muscle gain.

It's a small personal win and I'll work on being more strict about my calorie goal, but it's something I felt like sharing. Remember that even if the scale doesn't move for a while that doesn't mean you've reached a failing point. You could be losing fat and gaining muscle without realizing it.

submitted by /u/pumpkinthighs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/HulcDsy

Stretching daily while losing weight

I decided to start doing nightly and morning stretches aside from my daily exercise. A month ago, I would never be able to touch my right foot with both hands with my left leg extended behind me. Now I can do it for 5 seconds without having to bring my foot down.

I don't know if it actually does anything for weight loss aside from increasing balance (my reason) and flexibility, but it feels nice to be able to do that without falling over or lowering my foot.

If any of y'all incorporate daily stretching, I'd love to hear how it has helped- whether it be balance, flexibility or something else.

submitted by /u/Extrovert_89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hOa4ygr

Parent talking about weight loss makes wanna overeat

F (25), 5’5, 225 lbs. Been obese my whole life but it wasn’t seen as a huge problem since played plenty of sports during that time. Had a health scare that almost made me lose my eyesight when i was 18 but was diagnosed and given medication. I’ve been in remission for 3 years now.

However ever since that scare my mom has been talking nonstop about me losing weight and its exhausting. Like 2x a week at the very least. First of all, we never talk about it. More she talks at me for 45mins to an 1hr about trying new diets, challenges, books, apps, videos, working out more, etc.

Now every time the topic comes up i get cravings for all the unhealthy foods that trigger me to overeat.

I’ve been living on my own since 2020 (arguably 2011 since i was in boarding school) but it still feels like Im letting my impulses weight entirely on my mothers words and thoughts about weight loss. Sometimes ill make great progress with eating and exercise, but then lose all motivation from her calling me about a doctors recommended diet she read about…at this point i really don’t wanna share any of my progress with her.

I get that shes worried for my health but now I’m worried about how i’ve been letting her words affect me this negatively. Has anyone else dealt with these feelings? Or been in a similar situation? Where do i go from here?

submitted by /u/ACastlefortheKey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/MLDmH0Z