Wednesday, May 3, 2023

already feeling more confident

i just started my lower cal diet a week ago, started working out a bit everyday, drinking 9 cups of water, going to sleep on time, doing 10k+ steps, and i’m already feeling better than i have in a long time(⌒▽⌒) i know the weight loss rn is probably just water but this is the first time i’ve lost weight in a healthy way after an entire life of extreme body dysmorphia and food issues. this is the very beginning of my journey but i already find myself feeling less negatively of my body when i look in the mirror cus i know im making an effort to take care of myself :]

submitted by /u/xujiaqi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So You Want to Start Jogging? How to Begin

You see those people taking their long strides in the park or pounding the pavement in your neighborhood. You used to think no way. But these days, you’re feeling a little inspired, more ambitious and want to give this jogging thing a try. Plus, it’s the perfect time to start now that the weather is warming up! Here are some tips to get you going:

1. Set goals.

Think about why you want to run, suggests Beth Jordan, certified personal trainer and spokesperson for The American Council on Exercise. Is it to lose weight or fit into a favorite pair of jeans? Or maybe it’s to have more energy to play with your kids? Making those reasons your goal can help you start running, and stick with it. Of course, before you begin any new exercise program, check with your doctor.

4 Tips for Enhancing Your Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss

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2. Shop for running shoes.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money, but you do want to invest in a pair made specifically for your new sport. The best spot to find the right shoe is your local running store. The staff can analyze your gait, as well as consider any knee or back issues you may have, to make sure your shoes provide the needed support and proper fit. You may also want to pick up a good, supportive running bra, suggests Jordan, to help prevent chaffing and keep the breast tendon from stretching from the force of running.

What you don’t need: Running belts for water bottles, goos and gummy running snacks or compression sleeves for your arms and legs, says Jordan. Not necessary unless you are training for a marathon.

3. Dress in layers for outdoor running.

Make sure your clothes are breathable. Cotton can cause chaffing and discomfort while you’re jogging. When it’s on the cold side, slip on a hat and pair of mittens (they’re warmer than gloves).

4. Start slow.

You know that saying go hard or go home? Doesn’t apply here. “The key to sustainability and less risk of injury is to build up your distance gradually,” says Jordan, who also runs a boot camp in Jacksonville Beach, Fla. If you’ve haven’t run in years, or at all, start and stick with walking until you can go for ten to twenty minutes consistently, suggests the Road Runners Club of America. Then begin to incorporate running. Depending on your fitness level, you could start with as little as one street block. “I’ve had clients run the same block and back for one week, then had them add 10 percent or another block,” says Jordan.

Time could also be your marker: start with two minutes, for example, and then add minutes gradually. Where you run is up to you: Outside on a track or pavement or on a treadmill is good for beginners. Trail running, on the other hand, requires a different type of running show and training, says Jordan. Beach sand is not stable, so there’s a higher risk for injury.

5 Common Mistakes New Exercisers Make

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5. Skip days.

For new joggers and runners, two to three non-consecutive days a week is safe. The days off in between can give your muscles a chance to rest and help reduce wear and tear on your joints, back, knees, hips, ankles and shins.

6. Stay hydrated.

That’s key, regardless of the weather outside. And don’t forget to warm up before you start jogging: Walk for about 5 minutes to warm up your muscles, get oxygen and blood flowing and help mentally prepare yourself for your run, says Jordan. You could also march in place, do arm circles or hamstring curls. At the end of your run, stretch to help you cool down.

7. Jog with a buddy.

You can also consider joining a running or jogging club—for some, running with others provides extra motivation and you might feel safer in a group. Most running clubs have varying types of runs, so pick one that works best for your specific goals and fitness level, says Jordan. “Don’t run for someone else or feel pressure to do more than you are capable.”

If you’re running with a friend, suggest running in the same area—like on the same road or track—but you each go at your own pace, suggests Jordan. If you choose to run by yourself, make sure you’re in a safe area, that you have identification on you and a phone, and that you are visible to other runners or cars.

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How Your Friends Can Help You Lose Weight

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The post So You Want to Start Jogging? How to Begin appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

How much protein to gain muscle while overweight?

(6’, M, 115kg) I’m in the process of losing weight mainly though lifting weights at the gym. I’d like to try to increase my muscle mass as much as possible while losing.

I’ve heard the recommended amount of protein per KG for in-shape people, but feel like it would be too much for me as I’m currently 115kg. Was wondering what the optimal amount of protein for muscle gains would be as an overweight person?

Also if anyone has an idea of how many calories I should aim for to balance weight loss and muscle gain during, that would be awesome. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Hypnoring
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Push through!!

SW 230 CW 167 GW 140 5’5”

Back in March I posted in here wanting to give up because I had hit a plateau. Now fast forward 2 months and I am down 13 more pounds and for the first time, feeling really close to where I want to be and maintain. I have been doing CICO since the end of August 2022, going to the gym 3-5 days a week (imperfect consistency) and reaching at least 8,000 steps a day. I am now down 63 lbs and am 27 lbs away from my goal weight.

My advice is that sustainable weight loss is through imperfect consistency and continuing to push through, even when you want to give up. 🎈

I appreciate you all, without your motivation 2 months ago, I don’t think I would have made it here.

progress pics!!

submitted by /u/Live-Wrangler3156
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Women of loseit: IUD Removal & Weight Loss?

I keep hearing and reading studies that weight gain from birth control is not really a thing. But I got my IUD out last week after years of being on Mirana. Things that have changed:

• my flora scent is completely gone (tmi, sorry, not weight related, but a huge relief) • my jaw line is now visible • I have dropped bloat all across my body • there is no longer constant pinching and cramping in my stomach • my mood has stabilized to a neutral vs a high/irritable state or sad • example: I haven’t cried since I got it out (I was crying daily—and I found out my gpa has Alzheimer’s since getting it removed & I didn’t break down) • my sugar/food cravings have DISAPPEARED. Like I literally NEEDED ice cream, sweet tea, cookie dough, fast food or I would be in a panic. Almost daily. It was pure hell to avoid carbs/sugar. Now, I’m a little sad that food is not bringing me the dopamine hit it was, but I’m super thankful. • I am more motivated to do things. I was just like, “hey, imma mow the grass today.” And I actually did.

So my question at this point is how am I not going to lose weight when I’m feeling 1000 times better and my hormone cravings are down and energy is up?

Anyone have personal experiences with this? Nothing else has changed and I was not anticipating positive results from IUD removal (we want kids soon) so I don’t think it’s a placebo effect).

submitted by /u/Suspicious_Excuse_55
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's the hardest part about losing weight in today's society?

Hey reddit, I'm working on a project and am curious about everyone's thoughts about the hardest thing for young adults or working class individuals when it comes to losing weight in a diet culture society?

With all of the fad diets and new weight loss programs, how is anyone supposed to know which plan is going to be best for them? Some people swear by keto while other suggest intermittent fasting. Cheat days are good, cheat days are bad, etc...

For someone growing up in a culture that's run by social media and all about advertising the next "big thing" in weight loss, how do you tell good advise from loud opinions? Just wanting to create an open and honest discussion about what some of the hardest things some of you may have struggled with on your weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/Worth_Ordinary_8004
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Egg & I

Hello Reddit,

As I progress through my weight loss journey, I have noticed something called a collarbone. Apparently I’ve had one or two all along. To show the definition is difficult on camera so, I enlisted the help of a hardboiled extra large egg. Don’t really know if someone will tell me this should have been flagged as NSFW but I figured better to add the filter accordingly.

submitted by /u/HMSRathbone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat