Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The ritual of eating

Hello fellow adventures. I've been on a slow but steady weight loss journey for a little over a year now; M33 6' SW:240 CW:220 GW:200 and I've really tried to put some focus on my eating habits in relation to my moods. I've noticed that often when something positive happens (i get a big sale at work, i accomplish a particularly tough chore, i have a fun night out with friends) I'll justify a big, unhealthy meal to follow it. Often some crappy fast food with a huge soda that i nearly immediately regret. I love good healthy food, lean meats, nuts and veggies, but i find the satisfaction of pairing an accomplishment with a splurge is addicting. Does anyone have similar habits/feelings? And if so, what steps do you take to curb the urge?

submitted by /u/Its-From-Japan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fitness apps for number-motivated people

I feel like I may be low-key addicted to the dopamine of seeing my HappyScale chart go down month after month. I was considering shifting my end goal weight, but I think it'll be healthier for me to try to sit in maintenance, see how I feel, and start trying to get genuinely fit and not just "skinny".

Does anyone have any app recommendations for tracking other forms of fitness that will help me shift my number obsession from scale numbers to different numbers? I love seeing my step count, but its so time consuming to get it up to exciting numbers. I would really like to get into body weight fitness. I've started a bwf primer (from here) so many times and never followed through to the end. Something like that is great, but what kept me going through with my weight loss was putting numbers in apps to see real progress outside of my head. If there was something like that with fitness I feel like I could get super into it!

submitted by /u/bellellella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 lb Weight Loss Goal Seems Huge Outside My Body

Weird title, I know. What I meant to say in 10 words or less is that I looked up what 50 lbs of human fat looks like because it's my approximate weight loss goal, and I came across a few pictures. One of them was this one.

I might be delusional, but I can't imagine that much fat on/in my body. Scratch that, I must be delusional because I obviously have even more than that on me to be able to lose that much. Does your fat get squished down to take up less space when it's inside your body though? I could imagine that a lot easier.

Anyway, I thought these pictures were very motivating. I'd love to see how much easier it is to just exist with all that fat off my body at some point. I'm officially about a quarter of the way now, but I don't feel much different yet, and I know the last part will be the hardest and have the most visual effect, so it's nice to remind myself of the big picture. Once I reach my gw I'm gonna look up the volume 50 lbs of fat takes up, and fill buckets of water to that amount to be able to see it in real life. I'm also definitely planning on either taking half a walk or half a short run with all the extra weight strapped on to celebrate.

submitted by /u/Greenbanne
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Share Your Favorite Apps for Weight Loss and Fitness! Tech Lover Here, and a Bit Lazy Too!

Hey fellow Redditors!
I hope you're all doing well on your weight loss and fitness journeys. As a self-proclaimed tech lover and someone who appreciates the convenience of delegation, I'm always on the lookout for apps that can help me achieve my goals with minimal effort. Today, I wanted to start a discussion about the best apps out there that have helped you on your fitness journey. Whether it's shedding those extra pounds, improving your overall fitness, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, apps can be fantastic tools to track your progress and keep you motivated.

I'll kick things off by sharing a few of my apps for weight loss and fitness:

FatSecret: For those looking for a comprehensive food diary and calorie counter, FatSecret is a great option. In my experience, it has the most extensive food database I've come across, making it easier to find almost any food item without having to enter the details manually. They also claim to have the "world's highest quality food and nutrition database," which adds to its appeal.

Food delivery service app: Although I used to count calories diligently, these days I rarely find the need to do so. I've started utilizing food delivery services that provide meals tailored to a specific calorie range every day. This way, I've been able to save time on tracking my calorie intake (which used to be challenging for me), and I no longer have to worry about what to eat and whether it fits my diet.
I've settled on a service that offers a convenient app with a customizable meal builder, allowing me to remove or add ingredients as per my preferences. However, since this service operates only in certain cities within my country (not in the US), I'm not sure if mentioning the name would be helpful. But you can find something alike!

Zombies, Run!: If you struggle with motivation or easily get bored during workouts (like me), this app might be just what you need. Zombies, Run! turns your runs into an exciting audio adventure, where you immerse yourself in a post-apocalyptic world and escape from zombies. It adds an element of fun and excitement to your workouts, keeping you engaged and entertained.

I'd love to hear about the apps you've found useful on your journey. Have you encountered any specific challenges while using fitness apps? For example, as a beginner, I sometimes struggle with not being strong enough to complete all the exercises recommended by certain apps and I easily become bored and need apps that keep me engaged and motivated throughout my workouts.
Let's collaborate and share our experiences to help each other find the best apps that suit our individual needs and preferences! Please share the app names, a brief description of what they offer, and how they have benefited you. Let's create a valuable collection of apps that the community can benefit from!

Looking forward to hearing your app recommendations and insights!

submitted by /u/ITMistress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I stopped being emotionally affected by the number on the scale

BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm just sharing my own experience. I'm in no way saying that everyone should do this, or even needs to do this. There are many other metrics that can be used to track weight loss progess, and scale weight is just one of them. In no way, does it give the complete picture. If you feel that weighing yourself negatively affects your mental health, please skip this post.

Context: I've been on a couple weight loss "journeys" over the past decade, and in each of those I was anxious about stepping on the scale and seeing that number.

What I did -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo)
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale (alternatives are LibraScale for Android, or just using graphs on a spreadsheet)

Why this worked for me -

  1. Weigh myself once daily (first thing in the morning after using the loo) - the first 2-3 weeks of doing this, I would feel anxiety about stepping on the scale. I had to emotionally reassure myself that the weight is just a number. But after a month or so of doing this, patterns started emerging. If I had had fried food the previous day, I would see a spike in my weight. If I had eaten later than usual the previous day, I would see a spike. If I was consipated, I would see a spike. This is the mental change that happened - when I checked my weight everyday, if it had jumped by 1kg (2 lbs) in the span of one day, I understood that there was no way I gained 1kg in a day. I mean we always read/hear about this on social media, but watching it happen to me reaaally cemented it for me. And most times, if I ate according to plan that day, next day I would again see a drop of ~1kg (2 lbs).All of this just helped me understand on a deeper level that the weight is just a metric, and a pretty noisy one at that. But you can reduce the noise if you track it over time. Which brings me to point 2.
  2. Track my weight using HappyScale - this app calculates a moving average of your weight, along with other useful stats like current rate of weight loss, trends over the week/month/year. Again, seeing the pretty trend graphs reduced the importance of my weight that day - instead bringing my attention to longer term trends.

I plan to keep using this method even after reaching maintenance phase as I find the long term trends (monthy or more), a good indicator of my overall energy balance.

I hope this helps someone!

EDIT: fixed formatting

submitted by /u/Left_Opportunity9622
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV - 10kg lost! (SW 104kg, CW 94kg, GW 80kg)

When I (28m) started taking weight loss seriously, the scale gave me a reading that shocked me: 103.85kg. I had no idea I had crossed 100kg and it made me feel ashamed.

But today, on my morning weigh-in, the scale showed me something I've been waiting for: 93.85kg! Which is a clean 10kg down from my starting weight. Still not even the halfway point to my goal but an important milestone anyway.

The funny thing is, I see zero change in my body. But I guess it has to be there!

I've done nothing more complicated than count calories, and even that I mostly eyeball. I try to eat 1650cal a day, but I'm not that concerned if I accidentally eat a bit less or more. I make sure to stay over 1500cal though! I also have cheat days every now and then, but I very, very rarely eat above maintenance even with that. But when I do it's no big deal! I just get back to it the very next day.

As to exercise, I climb/boulder once a week and walk a lot. I should hit the gym though since I'm still worried about my muscle mass even though I try to cook high protein food.

Funny side effect is that this has made me think about my style and looks more, kind of in a positive way. I got new glasses, a new haircut and I think about upgrading my wardrobe as well. I feel like it's not too late for me to be stylish and attractive.

Anyway, I'm very happy with this, and the next goal is sub-90kg/Onederland! Hope I get to report that soon.

submitted by /u/alonealsoatnight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Just started my weight loss journey.. and then I break my ankle.

But I'm not stopping!

I already lost 1 pound (possibly more, I started at 215 at the doctor a month before but once I got a scale I was 210 then 209) in the 9 days since I started and even though I can't walk or exercise I CAN diet and I'm already doing so well.

This sub has given me all of the motivation I needed and more so even with this happening, I'm not letting it put me back to square one. I didn't know weight loss was mostly diet, which has also given me hope as I can never stick to a workout plan, but I know I can diet and count calories! Who knows, once I can step on a scale again I'll weight 20-30 lbs less! 🤞

submitted by /u/Nothingsomething7
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from loseit - Lose the Fat