Tuesday, May 30, 2023

30 Day Accountability Challenge - June Sign Ups

Hello lose it folks! It’s almost June! That means a new daily accountability challenge thread!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!



And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them regardless of where you are in your journey.

Let’s get down to the business, shall we?

This is the sign-up post to outline your goals. Please don’t limit yourself to weight loss or health goals, we’d love to hear about your reading list, chores, whatever you want to do in the month ahead.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went, you can use whichever daily post fits your time zone. Don’t feel bad for missing a day here & there, this post is to help you feel supported however often you would like to check in.

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress, don’t forget that!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Log before I eat everything & aim for more fruit, vegetable & pre/probiotic foods for my tummy health: Got it. I've been making overnight oats & a weird little yogurt shot of probotics with lunch. I added a fruit to my usual lunch & miso to my dinner.

Calorie goal tbd:

Exercise five days a week: I want to get back into the habit of a walk & an on purpose workout. I got new fitness gear for the holidays & I want to use what I already have to make 2023 me a stronger version of me! I want to do yoga twice a week & use the new gloves & impact pads I got twice a week.

Journal for two minutes before playing my Switch: A sneaky way to ensure at least two minutes of journaling most days. X/X days.

Engage with the lose it folks: For example: Today I read some of the top posts & chatted up a couple of you in the comments.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for

Random self-care action I want to conquer today:

Now, onto the fun part. What are your goals for the month ahead?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/IzFGBvD

How can I help my partner understand that their weight loss plan is unhealthy?

My partner is starting a weight loss journey due to some health concerns. He is a 5’ 6” male and weighs approximately 225 lbs. His highest weight about a week or two ago was 235ish. He has set his max calories for the day at about 1650, but is eating much lower than this. I asked if he had a minimum he wants to meet and he said 1000. It doesn’t seem like he would be unhappy to eat even less than this though. He doesn’t see an issue with restricting that much and while he knows it isn’t sustainable, he plans to eat this way until it become unsustainable and then change. I tried to explain it’s also about developing a healthy way of living, not to mention the bodies need for diverse nutrients, but he is hyper focused on wanting rapid weight loss

I personally am trying to lose about 15-20 pounds, but am fairly healthy overall. However, I have a history of an ED and can easily go into restrict and binge cycles. I know at the end of the day I need to stay in my own lane, but I hate to see him swing from one unhealthy way of living to another. I got a bit excited to see him taking steps to take care of his health, as I’ve been worried about him, but now I’m worried in a whole new way.

Any suggestions Reddit?

submitted by /u/Apple-Farm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/MThqdxy

I now weigh even less than my goal weight yet still feeling insecure?

Hey y’all,

I am sure there are plenty of others that have experienced this and this post is just for general support/relatability to not feel so alone. I’ve been dealing with a lot of body dysmorphia lately and not sure how to go about the obsession with how I look and how I am perceived by others.

For context, I am 23 yr old female, 5’1, and now weigh about 110 lbs. Last year during this time I was about 160-170 lbs. I didn’t really start feeling insecure about my weight until getting into a fairly shitty relationship and started the long process of trying to look better for other people, not even really myself.

At the beginning of this year I was about 125-130 lbs, so a fairly healthy weight for someone my height and age, which was my initial goal weight when first starting the weight loss journey. Then that’s when I started dramatically losing a lot of weight in the past couple of months and lost the rest of those 15-20 lbs to the weight I am out now in a very unhealthy way. And the obsession with how I look and the insecurities really kicked into gear then. Almost everyday I record myself just standing in different positions, particularly to see how my stomach looks from the side, how big my waist looks from the front, etc. Many people now make comments about how “skinny” I look and it just feeds into the obsession. Because for me, although I logically can acknowledge the thinness, I still mentally see the body I had from last year. Looking at old photos of myself can disgust me sometimes too because I can’t fathom that that is what I looked like, it makes me sad, and almost embarrassed to have looked like that.

Still, I am trying to lose weight. I technically am still in the healthy range but my mind just keeps thinking about how I need to drop by just 5 more pounds and then I’ll finally be happy with how I look. It’s always more, more, more. Eating anything just makes me guilty now, no matter how low calorie it is. I am terrified of gaining the weight back, as if I will be disappointing myself and everyone around me. I know I have destroyed my metabolism and the thought of trying to fix it, which will inevitably lead to some weight gain, terrifies me as well.

No matter how much I lose, it seems like I will never be happy with how I look.

I am not necessarily looking for advice on how to overcome my thinking right now, but feel free to share if you’ve also experienced this. Any words of support is also highly appreciated. Thank you:)

Tl;dr — Significant weight loss has led me to develop potential ED and body image issues.

submitted by /u/yazzy_star
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kx9vLa5

Had to provide measurements for a dress as a wedding guest: eye opener

I've never had to provide measurements for an outfit before, especially not since I gained a ton of weight in the last few years (110lb-200lb). I'm attending a wedding next month and needed to order a traditional Indian outfit and this involved getting it made to fit me and therefore providing measurements. I have been wanting to start a weight loss journey for several months now but always find excuses, I think the disgust and desire to reduce those number might actually be the motivation I need.

submitted by /u/OutsideMysterious227
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/zS1du7m

Why aren't my calves shrinking with the rest of my body?

So I lost 60kgs so far, still got a way go but I'm very happy at where I am :)

Everything had been slimming down quite nicely... besides my calves

My calves are f*cking huge, and I don't think they shrunk at all during this weight loss journey, when I was 150kgs they looked reasonable with the rest of my body, but now? When I'm 90kgs? Fk no. I never measured them but like most people I meet comment on them at one point and also "you can see em' from the front".

On the one hand after being a part of the gym community for a while I'm aware that there are a lot of people who really struggle with building big calves and would trade me in a second.

But on the other hand, I can't fit into jeans (unless they're super baggy) and most other long pants, and even when wearing shorts it almost feels like the porportions are off, the calves are so wide they make my legs look really short.

I know you can't spot reduce fat... And there isn't really a way for me to activate them LESS muscle-wise (I'm already intentionally neglecting them at the gym, which is probably not the greatest)... But I wanted to see if anybody has tips about how to deal with them besides that?

submitted by /u/GoWithTheFlow667
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nqXfc0

Monday, May 29, 2023

Getting over a certain mindset

I am struggling with keeping a positive mindset regarding weight loss. I’m expecting way to much to soon. I have over 100lbs to lose and I want it in like a week. I don’t know how to explain it but in this day and age almost everything is easy to get but this goal is not. I just don’t know how to set realistic expectations for myself and stay motivated. What happens is I don’t see results and that makes me feel like everything I have done so far means nothing. How have you gotten past this mindset. I know I didn’t get this big in a weeks time but I sure would love to get this weight off ASAP in a healthy way.

submitted by /u/Firefrog14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qtFYO4k

Started metformin and spironolactone for pcos. I'm 32.8 bmi and 5'3". I really want to lose weight, how can I get the best results with these meds? What lifestyle changes would propel the weight loss?

I'm struggling to feel good about my body. I feel like I am built like a truck. I'm 5'3" and 185 pounds. I'm miserable when I see myself in mirrors. I was 150 ish which made me feel overweight already...but then I had a pregnancy in 2021 followed by a miscarriage and had gone up to 189 lbs during that. Then I kind of spiral and went up to 197. I'm trying my best to exercise and eat less. Honestly I feel like I'm using food as a coping mechanism for my mental issues. I have bipolar and general anxiety as well as pcos. I'm super excited because my doctor prescribed me metformin and spironolactone and my appetite which was usually really ravenous with intense hunger queues has seemed to go down a bit. However, when I get bored or uncomfortable for any reason I start to snack. I eat a meal then because my mouth liked the experience, I keep eating. It usually happens at night.

I have heard metformin and spironolactone can help people with pcos lose weight, but I'd like to know what I can do to help that along. Mentally, I fixate on food. I used to have an eating disorder and was 107 lbs. I constantly thought about food and that's stuck with me for the last 12 years. Now because I don't indulge in the starvation habits I seem to have done a 180° turn and instead overindulge and binge.

Physically, I exercise seldom but at least once a week I'll try to go on a walk or a hike with my husband and our dog. I know that's a pitifully small amount of movement. I just have no energy most of the time. Maybe I'm truly lazy. I work remotely so I don't need to commute or walk around an office, which means even less movement. I used to walk for hours every day but I was assaulted in public and have become very agoraphobic I fear.

Diet wise, I eat lost of processed foods and sugar. It's miserable but I believe I am addicted at this point.

submitted by /u/allothemothsinmyarms
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mrgkvWR