Sunday, July 2, 2023

NSV Shirtless at the beach!

Since last fall I’ve (30M) lost a little over 50 lbs. My highest weight was 302lb and now I’m right under 250. Well this week I’m at the beach, which is normally not a place where I feel very confident. I decided it would be a better time to be comfortable rather than confident so I nutted up, took my shirt off, and went swimming in the ocean! This is the first time in about 18 years I’ve had my shirt off in public.

Was it scary? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Absolutely. It felt like a reward for making some weight loss progress. I guess the takeaway here is not to forget to reward yourself even when you haven’t reached the finish line. Make yourself a little uncomfortable and it might pay off. Good luck everyone!

submitted by /u/bradizrad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, July 1, 2023

starting today!

as the title suggests, i'm starting my journey towards a healthier body and reaching towards my goal weight today.

i’ve been overweight for a few years now, and being surrounded by mostly thin people my entire life has put me in a really bad position mentally. it has affected me in every aspect of my life.

i’ve tried a lot of weight loss methods before, but what i found suited me the most was simply calorie deficit diet paired with walking/running, so i’m going with this approach.

hoping to update y’all with positive results very soon. let’s do this!

21M, 5’9”, SW185, GW150

submitted by /u/coldmichelin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[rant] Wife's doctor pushing moronic advice

My wife has had some positive progress this year. She's lost 10lbs over the last 6mo. This is obviously slow progress, but it is so good to see her moving in the right direction and I am so proud of her. She talked to her doctor about possibly getting ozempic to try to pick up some momentum. The doc said she fits the criteria but needs to contact their weightloss dept. She sets up a consult with the weightloss dept at KP. This is where my outrage is sparked.

The doc said first that Ozempic is dangerous, not well understood, and has only been on the market less than a year (all completely untrue). Then he recommends that she join their program which is 16 weeks. The first 8 weeks is a liquid 800cal/day diet. The second 8 weeks is follow up to make sure that she doesn't gain the weight back. Oh yea and you have to buy the liquid shakes that is the entirety of your diet, insurance doesn't cover that. Is this a medical system or an MLM?!?! That is so far from any evidence based advice, it pisses me off. That is the definition of a crash diet! Which is such a bad idea. Not only is that ineffective, it also sounds like the origin story for an eating disorder. How does this person have a medical degree and recommend this. Further how is this KP's (a large health care system) standard program for people struggling with weight loss. Ughh! This just disheartened my wife so much who has made some really positive changes this year.

submitted by /u/dneal12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cheat Day Reflections

I had a cheat day today, as I do once a month since I started my weight loss journey six months ago (on 12/29, so it was NOT a new year resolution, for the record).

Six months in, all I can say is dear god I can't believe I used to eat like this 2-3 times daily every day. The portions are insane and restaurant food feels so heavy. And after eating, my stomach hurts from being over-stuffed, and I have no energy.

Another thing that hit hard today is how much freaking salt is in restaurant food compared to what I make at home. I don't monitor my salt intake, and I salt my food to taste when I cook at home, but the restaurant foods are on another level. I've been thirsty af and chugging water all day. I'm on my 5th water bottle today and still thirsty.

If anything, the monthly cheat day is a good reminder that I do not want to live/feel like this. I can't believe I DID used to live like this. It shows me that I don't really miss my old habits. The fact that I've all but lost the taste for the foods I used to eat all the time is a good feeling of progress. And it reinforces the fact that I want to lose this excess weight and have a healthy body more than I want anything else, even the foods I used to be addicted to.

submitted by /u/desidilgori
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50lbs down - before and after pics!

Seven months and 50lbs down: before and after images here. (SFW)

I've taken progress pics periodically, but this is the first one where I've really noticed a difference - I'm so proud! This community has played such a big role in my weight loss, from advice to support and everything in between. Weight loss is from a combination of CICO and regular exercise (typically walking at least one mile per day.) I track my food with Fitbit's food logger.

Thanks to y'all for all the support. Lose It is such a great resource. I still have a long way to go, but dang, am I feeling good.

submitted by /u/sisival
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An expensive NSV

Today I have spent almost a full three hours emptying my wardrobe, trying on clothes, and bagging them to give to charity.

3 full 60L bags of clothes that do not fit anymore, they are far too big! I've never been so happy to have clothes not fit. Closing in on 70lbs down very slowly, but seeing massive changes in my measurements. Now I just need to go shopping...

The automod demands more words and suggests giving advice soooo....the best advice I have is keep going. The way to weight loss is doing the same things - nutritious food, good movement - over and over.

Here's hoping this is long enough now!

submitted by /u/meeow3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, June 30, 2023

"Sick looks good on you"

40m here. Starting weight was 270lbs at 6'3" in January of 2023 when I joined this sub, started tracking food and calories, and began to tackle my lifelong weight problem.

Throughout my adult life my weight has fluctuated between about 225 and 260. Last winter it got up to 270, and with the 40yr birthday, a GERD diagnosis, and a slow-to-heal knee injury I finally decided I'd had enough of being overweight and unhealthy. I began my CICO journey.

I burned through the first 20 pounds in just over a month, and slowed down to a healthier pace trying to focus on strength at the same time by adding more protein and exercise. By the end of May I was down to about 235-240, and feeling pretty good about it.

Then a few weeks ago I got sick. It started as gastro symptoms and just kept getting worse. I've been to the doctor a few times and they're testing for the usual scary things that 40+ men get tested for when they have bowel problems. I've been quite unwell and have been losing weight at an alarming rate. It's been uncomfortable to eat, and I'm not retaining food at all.

As of Thursday I'm down to 213 lbs, the lightest I've been since I was a teenager.

And all of a sudden the compliments are pouring in, and it's messing with my head. People keep telling me how good I look. Some knew I've been working to lose weight, but not everyone. One of my best friends even said, when I told her I had been sick, "well sick looks good on you!". I know she was nervously joking, but I can't get it out of my head.

It's so bizarre how I'm processing it. On one hand I know I'm Ill. I'm weak and tired and in pain. I'm at risk of major things right now. But somehow I still want to go show my skinny self around. It took getting properly ill to look like this, and the world is praising me for it.

I guess I'm just kind of ranting. I have so many mixed feelings about this. I'm scared about my health, but also excited to pick up where I am and get back to being healthy with a little head start to losing fat.

Am I crazy? Has anyone else been through the mental mess of being happy about illness weight loss?

TL/DR: lost some weight in a healthy way, but then got sick and lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks and the world is praising me for it.

submitted by /u/fables_of_faubus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat