Friday, June 30, 2023

"Sick looks good on you"

40m here. Starting weight was 270lbs at 6'3" in January of 2023 when I joined this sub, started tracking food and calories, and began to tackle my lifelong weight problem.

Throughout my adult life my weight has fluctuated between about 225 and 260. Last winter it got up to 270, and with the 40yr birthday, a GERD diagnosis, and a slow-to-heal knee injury I finally decided I'd had enough of being overweight and unhealthy. I began my CICO journey.

I burned through the first 20 pounds in just over a month, and slowed down to a healthier pace trying to focus on strength at the same time by adding more protein and exercise. By the end of May I was down to about 235-240, and feeling pretty good about it.

Then a few weeks ago I got sick. It started as gastro symptoms and just kept getting worse. I've been to the doctor a few times and they're testing for the usual scary things that 40+ men get tested for when they have bowel problems. I've been quite unwell and have been losing weight at an alarming rate. It's been uncomfortable to eat, and I'm not retaining food at all.

As of Thursday I'm down to 213 lbs, the lightest I've been since I was a teenager.

And all of a sudden the compliments are pouring in, and it's messing with my head. People keep telling me how good I look. Some knew I've been working to lose weight, but not everyone. One of my best friends even said, when I told her I had been sick, "well sick looks good on you!". I know she was nervously joking, but I can't get it out of my head.

It's so bizarre how I'm processing it. On one hand I know I'm Ill. I'm weak and tired and in pain. I'm at risk of major things right now. But somehow I still want to go show my skinny self around. It took getting properly ill to look like this, and the world is praising me for it.

I guess I'm just kind of ranting. I have so many mixed feelings about this. I'm scared about my health, but also excited to pick up where I am and get back to being healthy with a little head start to losing fat.

Am I crazy? Has anyone else been through the mental mess of being happy about illness weight loss?

TL/DR: lost some weight in a healthy way, but then got sick and lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks and the world is praising me for it.

submitted by /u/fables_of_faubus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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