Monday, June 26, 2023

I'm overweight!!!!

And it's a good thing! FINALLY, after literally years of struggling, cycling between hating myself and eating everything in sight because "life is short, I'd rather be fat and happy", I stepped on the scales today and am half a pound into the overweight BMI category.

I've been obese for a painfully long time (university and the pandemic were not kind to me), and last month I decided I'd really had enough this time. I leveraged a period of illness where I wasn't eating much, and stuck with that pattern. I'm sticking to recommended portion sizes, stopping eating when I'm full rather than forcing it down, and reaching for apples instead of chocolate bars.

Exactly a month later, and I'm down 16lbs. I feel like my relationship with food is much better, and I've had absolutely no urge to binge eat, which is unheard of for me. I'm a little cross that I could've been doing this the entire time, but I get such a feeling of satisfaction every time I step on the scale and see the number's gone down. I even pulled on my jeans today and couldn't figure out why they felt different, until I clocked that I didn't have to pull them hard to button them up, they just went on.

I don't notice a visual difference yet, looking in the mirror, but I'm guessing that'll come with time. I just feel like my whole attitude and mindset has changed.

This is the first weight loss journey I've been on where I've not counted calories at all. Sure, I'm more mindful of them and will choose a lower calorie option over a higher one, but I'm not keeping track. Every time I have, I've become obsessed with weighing every single thing I eat, and spending ages obsessing over finding the 'right' calorie count for homemade meals. I figured that wasn't working for me, so while it might be controversial, I've ditched logging altogether - and it's working for me. I feel so much less guilt about eating 'bad' foods, and as a result feel no need to binge them.

Idk you guys, it just feels like a switch has flipped.

submitted by /u/stalesun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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