Sunday, June 11, 2023

How do you guys transition from eating for pleasure to eating for health, or better yet eating less for weight loss?

I have struggled my whole life because I love food and I eat impulsively. I think I am kind of addicted to sugar too, I love little chocolate candies and treats.

For the past two years I have been around 245 lbs which as a 6 ft broad built man doesn't look that bad on me, but I'd rather be around 200-220 lbs. Also I'm 21 for reference.

I typically go to the gym 3 times a week and save for the last two weeks I have kept this up pretty consistently for the last two years (I recently moved my living situation 2 hours away and started working 42 hours a week so I haven't had a chance to get back in the gym, its coming this week tho).

When I started college almost five years ago, it was the most fit I've ever been. I think it's because I had to walk all over a huge campus every day including uphill walks, and I ate exclusively at the dining hall which served healthy food that I didn't have to prep and was prepaid. Also not to mention I was extremely poor, I think I had like $40 in my checking account for most of my Freshman year. Anyways during my freshman year I dropped from the 245 that I was during most of high school to 225. I felt really good and I looked skinny, honestly.

Fastforwarding to the current day I'm about 270 lbs and I work at a desk job. Again I'm a big boy by default so I dont look obese but I'm way heavier than I want to be. I am pretty good at eating well while I'm at work, only maybe 1200 cals while I'm there. When I get home I usually eat fast food because I struggle to find the time to cook a nutritious dinner. I work a little more than full time and I do jiu jitsu 3-5 days a week after work so I'm out of my house 6 am to 8 pm most days.

After dinner (typically 1400 ish calories of fast food) I usually snack on like 400-1000 calories of chocolate and/or ice cream. I don't always do this but on average I do it probably 4.5/7 days of the week. I know this is the problem and I always regret it but in the moment it just feels so natural and warranted. Almost like a reward for a hard days work.

Anyways I'm just wondering if anyone has broken out of this way of thinking because I just feel like I'm so used to eating like shit in the nighttime. It doesn't help that my mom does the exact same thing and is also extremely overweight: ultimately it's my decision to put that stuff in my body though, although it's very hard to resist.

TLDR: how do you stop feasting on chocolate for the dopamine and enjoyment, and start only eating when hungry and mainly nutritious foods?

Thanks for reading y'all

submitted by /u/DoNotEatMySoup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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