Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Exercise and Weight Loss

So I get it, you can't outrun a bad diet etc. I don't have a bad diet, I have a calorically good diet. I'm currently 233 lbs (5ft10in) down from 266 lbs. I've averaged about a 2.4lb a week loss since mid March but the last week or so the scales aren't moving in the same significant way.

I religiously track food, weighing it occasionally to ensure I am still getting it right (and I am) and I'm eating an average of 1500 to 1600 calories per day, this has reduced from about 1800 per day when I started to lose weight. I tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch each day, mainly because I know the calories for that meal and I enjoy those meals, evenings varies because its eaten with family, but I am good at limiting the calories being eaten OR I know exactly what's going into it if I am cooking. I do tend to overestimate if I can.

The only thing that's changed is I've started back on an exercise program with the aim of getting back to doing Triathlons (70.3 distance) which I had to stop because of my weight, I'm only doing the Couch to 5k program on the treadmill at the moment to break me in gently.

Long preamble for a short question, is the running causing my weight loss to stall?

submitted by /u/Recoil101uk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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