Sunday, June 11, 2023

Small victories, bigger lifestyle changes

20sF 5’6” SW: 252.5 CW: 247 GW:160

I started taking my weight loss journey more seriously less than a month ago, and I’ve lost ~5 pounds since then!

I know I have a long way to go, but I’m so happy about this small SV. In the past, every time I’ve lost weight/attempted to lose weight, I would try to cut out the foods I loved (carbs!), cut calories unsustainably, and burn out after a week (or less).

This time around, I’m trying to take a more realistic approach. I refuse to cut out any foods I enjoy and instead focus on CICO; this means I can enjoy what like while not going overboard. Instead of spending an hour everyday on cardio and forcing myself to do try to HIIT, I now do a low intensity cardio warmup and have started weight lifting (which I really enjoy) 6 days a week. I’ve even convinced some of my friends to be gym buddies with me.

Most importantly, I also have a history of binge ED. I’ve learned that restricting food groups or trying to do intermittent fasting are the quickest way to trigger a binge. Now, if I want something sweet or know that eating something will make me go over my calorie limit by a little bit for the day, I don’t sweat it. I’d rather be over by 200-500 calories and get back on the wagon the next day than binge 2000 calories in one setting.

It’s a little tricky at points, because I have loved ones who advise me to crash diet (cut out carbs, cut out junk food, etc) and lose the weight fast and then go back to eating what I like when I’m in maintenance. In the past, I would have, mostly because I want to see results immediately, but I realize that’s just a recipe for disaster now.

However, weighing myself today and realizing I lost some weight — even if it is just water weight — has motivated me to keep going. I just wanted to tell someone, because I don’t think anyone in my life thinks 5 lbs is a big deal.

submitted by /u/Ancient-Squirrel7766
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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