Friday, August 4, 2023

I never thought I'd regret weight loss surgery.

I never thought I'd say this, but I regret my gastric bypass.

I went from 325 to 250 lbs. I almost wonder if it was worth it. I look at all the loose skin, around my thighs and tummy, all the cellulite and varicose veins. I don't think having this surgery helped me be attractive... in fact I feel it made me repulsive from one way to another. I decided to hook up with someone, be brave and take off my clothes. The next day the person blocked me. Now, I find myself spending money on compression outfits and anything that can help me. At least being big, as a gay male, I was attractive to a certain subgroup of people, now I just look like a melted candle whenever I take off my clothes. Unfortunately, this is irreversible and I have ruined my life. So, my advice to others, especially parents with children, watch what you eat and watch what they eat. Keep active. Dont make the mistakes I've made. Unfortunately there is no good outcome when gaining weight or trying to reverse the damage.

submitted by /u/mr-filthyclean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Has anyone had success "saving" calories to spend later on a cheat meal?

I grab dinner with friends about once a week on the weekend. I eat very healthy during the week and I consider this my cheat meal. I don't want to have a salad while everyone else is having burgers and drinks. What I've been doing on these days is eating light lunch and then not eating anything else until we get to dinner.

My target calories are 1700 a day. I have to force myself to eat the last 100-200 calories some days. Is it ok to "save" those calories for my cheat meal later in the week?

I'm 5'7, 320 lbs. I have been on my weight loss journey for 2 months now and have lost 15 lbs so far.

submitted by /u/TheOneAndOnlyBritt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

RANT: Unsupportive family

I’ve (24f) been going through a very hard and busy time in my life, part of that is a massive breakup. I live on a homestead and so all of the chores went from being shared work to just me and they’re a lot of hard labor. In Texas summer heat nonetheless. This was the catalyst for my health journey and weight loss. My starting weight was 220lbs. Everything was soo freaking hard and I was miserable so I made an effort to focus on my diet and in hand with farm chores and maintenance I’m currently at 185lbs. It has happened suddenly without a doubt. Within about three months. Im 5’7”. My GW is 160lbs.( My family is acting as if I’m dying or have developed a mental issue regarding food and that just isn’t at all true in any way. I eat daily, I’ve all but cut added/processed sugars and foods, fried foods “junk” food, fast food etc etc. I realized I only have BO when I eat sugar. Im feeling way more confident and generally better and chores are rarely a struggle now.

They don’t listen when I explain how I’m doing what I’m doing. If I ask for no feedback vs ugly comments I’m ignored. “Um you’re very skinny” “you look sick” “wasting away” “are you going to stop trying to lose weight anytime soon?” “You looked better big”

I don’t want to cut my entire family out but dang it’s really depressing to hear all that now that I’m mindful and taking care of myself. I’m the healthiest I’ve been in years.

I applaud you if you got this far. I don’t even know if any of this made sense I just needed to rant and get it off my chest and out of my brain.

submitted by /u/DryTransportation507
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 months into my weight loss. Muscle gain and cardio on point. Question about side effect…(srs bsns)

Hey. I’m sorry for this question in advance. So, I’m down to 238 from 323 at the 7 month mark with ozempic, healthy eating decisions and insane amounts of water… combined with an extremely labor intensive day job that provides both cardio and muscle failure most days. Add in gym on weekends and rainy days when there is no work.

For some preface context… I haven’t had any libido in a long time. I’m 41 for the record, and I had mistakenly assumed maybe I had reached some sad middle age plateau where a combination of being overweight depressed and old had prematurely just sorta disqualified me from ever wanting sex again… and it has remained that way for the majority of my weight loss journey.

Which genuinely surprised me. As my low sex drive and a failed relationship due to it was kind of my shallow-tivation to lose weight in the first place. I had kinda made peace with just being a crazy cat guy by myself.

But this week, it’s like bad. Real bad. Down bad even. On one hand, I’m extremely excited that I’m not idk barren or whatever the term is.. I haven’t made any changes to my diet super recently. The only other thing that feels different is this nagging feeling that I like the way I look, and might even be experiencing actual moments of genuine happiness at times.

The concern is why tho? I’m anxious because I don’t want it to go away. How do I keep it here? Is it all mental? Should I go get blood work and compare it to my levels pre weight loss? Is it due to “feeling myself” and having more security in my appearance?

Like I said, sorry for the question… I understand this is a really long winded way of saying I’m anxious because I’m suddenly bad life decision levels of horny. Thank you for reading

submitted by /u/SprayPaintmyTaint
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie deficit but no weight loss (5'9", 200lbs)

As title says, I've been eating in a calorie deficit for a whole month and haven't dropped any pounds. The scale has fluctuated around 200 pounds for two weeks. My TDEE comes out to 2600cal, and I've been eating 1600-1800 calories a day, in addition to weight training 3 times a week and cardio 6 days a week.

This is super discouraging because I feel I'm trying so hard to track everything that I eat, and it's all for nothing. I can't even figure out why, which is more frustrating. Could it be that I need to eat less calories, like 1200-1500 to truly start seeing results? Somewhat of a rant, but I'm hoping someone else has struggled with this and can provide some insight.

submitted by /u/pretendtotime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m strongly pro eating back your exercise calories

I know a lot of online weight loss spaces are against eating back your exercise calories - for good reason. If you’re guesstimating your exercise calories, you’re probably going to overeat if you eat them back.

That said, when I started losing weight (35 pounds down in 6 months) I read something along the lines of “the person who eats the most and still loses weight, wins.” This stuck with me. Why starve unnecessarily?

As a short person, my TDEE is only about 1800 calories on a standard day. To lose a pound a week, I would have to cut down to 1300 calories! And then even lower as I lost weight! This is obviously not impossible (props to those of you who are doing it) but it wasn’t sustainable for me.

Instead, I purchased a Fitbit and decided to experiment with eating back the exercise calories it gives me. I don’t log any extra exercise, I just eat back what it automatically detects. I log my food in the app and follow the recommended daily calories that fluctuate based on my activity for that day. I heeded the warning that fitbits overestimate calories burned by a lot so I tried it out for 2 weeks, weighing every day and carefully weighing all my food. Guess what? After 2 weeks of eating back my calories I had lost 2.3 pounds!

For me, Fitbit is pretty much bang on the money. It has been a lifesaver for me, getting to eat back extra calories. If I’m super active, I know I can eat more and if I’m still hungry at the end of the day, I can add in a bit more activity to get more calories.

Keep in mind that ymmv especially depending on what sort of activity you do. My main source of activity is brisk walking and Fitbit seems to calculate my calories burned from that almost perfectly. If you are going to start eating back exercise calories, monitor things for a few weeks to ensure you’re still losing the expected amount of weight. If you’re not losing weight or losing less than expected, you’re probably eating too many of those calories back and your Fitbit/Apple Watch/online calculator could be inaccurate.

That said, Fitbit gets a bad reputation and I don’t think it’s totally fair. It can be an awesome tool to make your weight loss more predictable, to allow you to eat more, and to allow you to change up your food habits based on the activity you did that day. Even if yours doesn’t calculate your calories that well, you can always test it out for a few weeks and then adjust your deficit or eat back 75% of the estimated calories to still get huge value out of it. Once you know how much it’s overestimating by, it’s easy to just correct for that and still eat back some calories.

Super underrated for us short people! I’m convinced that if you’re able bodied, there’s no reason to torture yourself on ~1200 calories unless you prefer it. Get active and you’ll benefit twice! Once from increased activity and once from a more flexible diet!

submitted by /u/oatmilkperson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost weight quickly, stuck with loose skin.

So I’ve finally managed to do what I believed to be impossible. Went down from ~100 kg to 71.8 kg (current weight) in a an unknown time span due to personal disliking of checking my weight (Just hated myself and that number was too confronting to see).

Over the past 1.5 month I actually kept track of my weight, June 25th I was at 74,5kg, meaning an additional 2.7 kg was lost in 5 weeks. At my height of 1.84m (6,1 ft I believe) this is a healthy weight but I am scared that maybe this weight loss has been too rapid… Especially seeing it was NOT accompanied by going to the gym or other purely physical sports, but rather just an increase in passive exercise (walks, work, loads of water drinking, the small things basically).

Currently I have a lot of loose skin as to be expected but most of it centers around my lower stomach (bit of an overhang) and my upper legs. Are there any recommendations of loosing that excess skin in a healthy manner.

Any help/ tips are much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Flimsy-Badger-4639
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from loseit - Lose the Fat