Friday, August 4, 2023

I never thought I'd regret weight loss surgery.

I never thought I'd say this, but I regret my gastric bypass.

I went from 325 to 250 lbs. I almost wonder if it was worth it. I look at all the loose skin, around my thighs and tummy, all the cellulite and varicose veins. I don't think having this surgery helped me be attractive... in fact I feel it made me repulsive from one way to another. I decided to hook up with someone, be brave and take off my clothes. The next day the person blocked me. Now, I find myself spending money on compression outfits and anything that can help me. At least being big, as a gay male, I was attractive to a certain subgroup of people, now I just look like a melted candle whenever I take off my clothes. Unfortunately, this is irreversible and I have ruined my life. So, my advice to others, especially parents with children, watch what you eat and watch what they eat. Keep active. Dont make the mistakes I've made. Unfortunately there is no good outcome when gaining weight or trying to reverse the damage.

submitted by /u/mr-filthyclean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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