Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Diet hacks 101

We all know how difficult losing weight is. What’s worked for me is shifting away from relying on willpower to creating an environment that works for and not against me. These hacks have helped me sustain and even enjoy my weight loss journey:

  1. Practise mindful eating. I put my spoon down after every bite of food and finish chewing before I go for the next mouthful.

  2. Use smaller spoons, forks, bowls and plates. This helps with portion control.

  3. Budget calories for the week instead of strictly limiting to 1500 daily. This lends itself to fasting / IF patterns as well. You could do 2k cals one day and 1k the next. Great for days I have big meals out with friends.

  4. Try not to snack between meals. But if you do, make sure to keep healthy options around that you don’t really have to spend time preparing, like cherry tomatoes. The idea is to have it as accessible as opening a bag of chips.

  5. Identify your “gateway snacks”. These are snacks that always lead you to eating other snacks. Think twice about eating them. Better yet just stop buying them. For me these are biscuits, chocolate and oddly enough, blueberries.

  6. Have go to low cal healthy sides or desserts at the end of a meal if you’re not satiated. Want something sweet? Banana with a bit cinnamon powder, microwaved for 20s. Salty? Apple slices with salt and pepper. Crunchy? Seaweed. Creamy? Cottage cheese.

  7. If you have a problem with binging, recognise the triggers. For me it would be after lunch, if I am feeling stressed. So instead I’d fix a work call after lunch, shower or go out for a walk to distract myself and get away from food.

  8. Brush your teeth or use mouthwash after a meal. Or pop a mint. But some artificial sweeteners may make you bloat so watch out for that. Or have a decaf coffee.

  9. Liquid calories can really add up. Swop coke for soda water if what you’re craving is carbonation. For non dairy milk, almond tends to be less calorie dense than oat. Try slowly diluting drinks (coconut water, juices). Get into teas.

  10. I try not to go too crazy with my cheat meals, and not make my other meals too bland. Because I don’t want to feel like I’m punishing myself most days and only eating delicious food once a week. So instead of restricted and cheat meals, I think of my meals as regular and special.

submitted by /u/zaxbie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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