Saturday, October 14, 2023

Weight loss help

Hey all! I’m trying to lose weight and would like to be at my best weight possibly where I like slim and have a stomach, arm, and thighs that aren’t covered in fat. CW: 175 lbs, height: 5’8.5, 21F. My body fat percentage is about 32% roughly (according to the scale so idk if it is right). I also feel like i have a large frame. Im thinking a body fat percentage of around 25% would be nice with a weight of about 140 lbs. Would someone please tell me if that’s good or if I should aim lower? I’m just tired of carrying so much fat especially on my stomach and being fat 😩

submitted by /u/Safe-Butterfly-4052
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss slowed drastically, now I'm gaining weight?

This is half for me to vent, and half for advice. I (28F, 5' 9") started losing weight in February of this year. I started at 241 and reached 199 at the beginning of July. This was my first goal, but I was still not looking/feeling like I wanted, so my next goal is 175. I was using Noom, which set my calories to 1400. It was difficult but I was successful. I also work out 4-5 days a week doing strength training, yoga 2x per week, and 1-2 days with cardio. My job is fairly active and i average 8k steps on days where I'm not on the treadmill. My hair started falling out, and I was learning more about BMR and TDEE, and came to the conclusion I was not eating enough. This was difficult to change as I was afraid of going back over 200lbs. I increased to 1800 calories. I also started focusing on more protein as muscle growth is also a goal. It took me two months to get to 195, and last week I finally weighed in at 189. I was 189 for 3 days last week. We then had a night with friends over and I ate pizza, I skipped weigh in the next day because I knew it would be off, but then I was 191, then 191.6, and this morning I am 192.2. I want to cry. I am on my period, but it's like day 3-4 and my bloating has usually gone away by then. I weigh and log everything, so there's no way I consumed enough calories to gain 3 pounds in a week. And I dont think I'm packing on muscle at a rate to account for the lack of weight loss. I am so discouraged. I am already frustrated that it took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds, when I lost 40 in the 5 months before. Is 1800 still too many calories? I'm going to Las Vegas in a few weeks and I wanted to get to 185 by then, but that seems impossible. Any advice is appreciated, or even just an "I totally get it". I'm not at the point of giving up yet, but feeling really low.

submitted by /u/middlenamedanger17
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 13, 2023

Losing weight isn't what I hoped it would be. Weight loss and thinness is not for everyone.

So I am 5'3 and at my starting weight I was around 205lbs. I have gotten down to 125lbs and not only is this impossible to maintain because I'm hungry all the time (please don't suggest keto, not only am I vegetarian but that sounds so fucking miserable not to mention expensive) but I am just so miserable about everything related to the weight loss.

I originally lost weight for some chronic pain issues I was having and they also haven't improved all that much.

I was hoping when I lost weight I would feel great in myself and would adjust to smaller food portions but it just hasn't happened. I was expecting to shed the fat and see someone pretty staring back at me.

In reality I actually hate the look of my body when I was mostly neutral about it before. When I was fat I was just kind of round and buxom. I have never liked my big boobs but they sort of blended in with my fatness before now and they were firm. I am still wearing a H cup bra but the band size has decreased. My boobs are extremely saggy and wrinkly and impossible to hide. My shoulders look really big when before they were balanced out by my fat belly and I have a big nose and forehead that I didn't notice before. My feet and toes also look much longer. I still have a squidgy belly and I have loose skin on it now. My legs look thin but not the cute thigh gap Tumblr 2014 kind of thin. I have almost no waist. My teeth, which are not straight to begin with and gums look huge when I open my mouth or smile when I didn't notice this before. My features are no longer obscured by my fatness and I'm not even close to being pretty. I seriously just look like a skinny gummy toothy toad with big boobs and hair and a dress, that's precisely how I look. I'm not imagining anything. The weight has shed to reveal a truly ugly woman when before I just looked fat.

I am finding it impossible to dress my new body. Everything either emphasizes my awkward shape or drowns me. I hate wearing a bra that is too supportive. I don't like bras with underwire and I like the band not to squeeze my ribs. The bras I can stand to wear don't give me enough 'support' not to look saggy anymore. I like shopping, it was a hobby before. Now I can look at clothes and find nothing I like.

I find myself still liking fat girl style clothes but when I wear them they don't look intentional anymore and I'm now very petite so they just drown me. If I wear petite style clothes I just look lumpy and they show my awkward shape. Nothing flatters my body because like I said, I look more like a toad than a human woman.

I'm going to gain the weight back as I am just really unhappy. I have been hit on more but only by the most disgusting and much older men. Not by men of any quality. When I was fat I never had any more or any less trouble dating, in fact now it's even harder. Before there were even men who liked me for my fatness. Now there is nothing to like, nothing to fetishize. I'm just a thin woman with no appealing or attractive features.

I get no joy out of sports and exercise. I don't get that rush everyone talks about. All the activities I enjoy are sedentary.

I miss getting up in the middle of the night to eat chocolate granola. I miss waking up to two cans of monster energy in the morning. I do not like coffee and diet drinks make me very hungry for some reason and taste too sweet. I miss eating a big bowl of spaghetti olio covered in cheese. I miss sitting in front of 90 day fiance with a whole pack of cookies to myself.

I get that this is probably unhealthy, but 80 years miserable is worse than 60 years of content. I don't want to live another day like this, let alone into old age.

Today and yesterday I have given up my weight loss and have been eating all my comfort foods. I still have all my fat clothes and I'll be happy to wear them again.

submitted by /u/That_Roll2584
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Some backstory: I’ve been fat my whole life, back in 2017-18 I lost 70 lbs which brought me to 190lbs (I’m 5’8 so while still technically overweight I felt great and was very happy with how I looked) I hovered at that weight for around 2 years. I went through something very traumatic in 2018 and was heavily dissociated which resulted in me first really restricting and then steadily gaining weight back… even more than when I started out (got the worst around quarantine when I was really forced to sit in my trauma) anyways I’m losing weight again and I’m really trying to do it healthily this time as I’ve processed the trauma. I’ve lost 20 lbs so far.

….Tldr…. Losing weight, 20 lbs down but I’ve been prediabetic in the past and just got my blood work done today and pretty much expecting to be told I’m officially diabetic now and my doctor brought up metformin. She said that even if I’m not technically diabetic I could still take metformin to help with blood sugar and weight loss. Has anyone else tried it? What was the experience like for you

submitted by /u/Beneficial_Lab_8790
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can you guys help me calculate how much I should be eating?

Hi reddit!! I’ve been on a weight loss journey, and I’ve been eating less and focusing on the right foods while also trying to be more physically active. It’s been going good, but I’ve been struggling to find an actual number of calories I should be eating to be in a deficit. I’ve used TDEE calculators, but they all give me a different number so I’m really not sure what number I should truly aim for to be in a healthy deficit. Some information: I’m 5’ tall, 22 years old, female, and currently weigh 135lbs. I would like to be at least in the 120s by the holidays or so. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you :)

submitted by /u/That-Score-5051
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Body dysmorphia after weight loss

I have always been big, I got bullied a lot throughout my childhood and heard some really awful comments from adults that have scarred me. I started disordered eating at 12 and was praised by all the adults around me from my weight loss (didn’t last long as I gained it all back and more after moving to the US). I have always been very insecure and was finally able to get a consistent workout routine and diet. I am currently at my lowest weight since I was 12. I am still a few pounds overweight but I look considerably better since I started this journey 2 years ago. I get so many compliments, even from strangers at the gym, but I can never truly believe them. I feel the most insecure I’ve ever been, I literally get panic attacks and start crying at the gym just looking at my body. I tried therapy but it didn’t really help, my last therapist told me that I “wasn’t even fat so stop obsessing over that”. Last week I tried the last pair of pants I bought, they were a size 6, which was super tight since I had been stuck on a size 8. When I tried my pants they looked huge. The problem is that I cannot see it. I feel so big and huge, every time I look at the mirror. I feel like I am going crazy and I am so sad that I cannot enjoy my hard work. I eat a very bland, strict diet, weight lift 2 hours a day 6x a week and do spin and yoga classes as well. I am exhausted and terrified that I will never look the way I want. I just needed to vent and see if I’m the only one struggling with this

submitted by /u/Just_a_racoon_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Start a Weight Loss Journey

Hi, I (16F) am 5’1 and 175ish lbs (~79kg). I don't exactly have a problem with the way I look, but being a few pounds lighter would definitely boost my confidence. To do this, I would need to need to start losing weight.

The thing is, I don't know where to start. Should I create a workout plan? If so, how? And what about meal preps? I hardly know anything about those.

I have no clue what to do and where to start. Reddit, please help point me in the right direction.

Also, I don't eat many veggies but would like to start including them in my diet. Any recommendations on the tastiest vegetables?

submitted by /u/Plastic-Term5113
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from loseit - Lose the Fat