Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Winter Weight Loss: 7 Reasons to Try Nutrisystem This Season

Between the holidays and the increased time spent inside, losing weight in the winter can feel like an impossible feat. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be that hard. In fact, with the right support system and an easy weight loss meal plan, your journey will not only be doable but enjoyable.

At Nutrisystem, we believe that losing weight shouldn’t have to mean giving up the foods that you love. When you take an approach where you feel deprived, it’s hard to stick to it. That’s why we’ve specifically crafted our easy weight loss meal plan to be flexible while still offering plenty of support. Plus, you don’t have to give up the foods you love to lose weight!

If you’re considering trying Nutrisystem this winter, we believe that it can be an amazing, life-changing choice that you won’t regret. Still not convinced? Here are seven reasons to try Nutrisystem this season.

5 Surprising Reasons Winter is the Best Time to Lose Weight

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1. Get Your Comfort Food Fix

FROZENRestaurant Faves Café-Style Creamy Tomato Soup

There’s no question that comfort food and winter go hand-in-hand. Nothing warms you up on a chilly night better than a good-old comfort food dish like a hearty casserole or a big pot of chili. The problem is that most of these choices aren’t good for the waistline.

With the Nutrisystem meal delivery service, you can get your comfort foods in a perfectly portioned way. Our menu takes all the guesswork out of getting dinner ready while still giving you the flavor and total enjoyment of some of your favorite foods.

Our Roasted Turkey Medallions dinner entrée is sure to crush holiday food cravings, while our Chicken Pasta Parmesan tastes just like mom’s home cooking. Inspired by the soup from your favorite bread café, our Café-Style Creamy Tomato Soup is a stepped-up version of a classic. And we can’t forget about our White Cheddar Mac and Cheese!

2. Easy Meals Delivered to Your Doorstep

a smiling woman receiving food from a food delivery service

Grocery shopping can be a hassle any time of the year but when it is chilly or inclement weather, it’s even less desirable. That’s why having food delivered right to your doorstep is such a welcomed benefit of the Nutrisystem program. You’ll get delicious meals and snacks to stock up your freezer and pantry without the inconvenience and hassles of the grocery store!

3. Get a Head Start on Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolutions

a woman preparing to write down new years resolutions next to a plate of fruit. easy weight loss meal plan 

If losing weight is always on your New Year’s resolutions list, you can do yourself a big favor by getting started now. You’ll start shedding pounds before New Year’s even rolls around and will be motivated to keep up that momentum in the year ahead. Just imagine where you’ll be by the time next year’s New Year rolls around!

One of the best things about Nutrisystem is that our support doesn’t end after you reach your goal weight. We’re also here for you during weight maintenance with our Nutrisystem Success plans. The Nutrisystem program is about making lifelong changes which not only contribute to healthy weight loss but to overall better health.

10 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

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4. Flexibility to Get the Most Out of Your Holidays

a Thanksgiving spread of food on a family sized table

We realize that one of the reasons people put off their weight loss plans until after the holidays is that they feel they won’t be able to enjoy them to the fullest. There’s no question that food is deeply ingrained in many of our holiday traditions.

But that’s what’s so great about the Nutrisystem program! With our easy-to-follow Flex meal guidelines, helpful tips and advice, you can still enjoy homemade holiday meals or dine out at your favorite restaurants. It’s all about balance. We truly believe that when you avoid feeling deprived, you have the most success.

5. Personalized Nutrition Tailored to YOU

a couple cooking together while looking at a recipe on an iPad. easy weight loss meal plan 

Another reason why Nutrisystem is so great is the fact that they offer unique meal plans that are tailored to YOU. Our plan provides you with personalized nutrition, powered by science to support your success: Our NuMi app has the ability to intelligently tailor your meal plan to your body as you lose weight. The truth is, no two people are alike and their journey to weight loss shouldn’t look the same either. As you drop pounds and record your progress, NuMi SmartAdapt uses the latest weight loss science to intelligently optimize your plan for results designed to last. With a program tailored to you, you’ll be able to finally achieve results that might have been elusive in the past.

6. You’ll Feel Great During the Holidays

a family gathered around a dinner table full of food on Christmas. easy weight loss meal plan 

When you lose weight, you feel great—something that will make the holidays even more special. Maybe it’s fitting into that holiday dress that you used to love wearing. It could also just be a matter of feeling your very best while enjoying the holiday season to the fullest. Instead of feeling sluggish and tired, you’ll have the energy to get the most out of the season.

10 Ways to Prepare for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

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7. You’ll Have all the Support You Need to Succeed

a man relaxing on his couch, while looking at his phone. easy weight loss meal plan 

At the end of the day, we find that so much of peoples’ success (or lack of it) comes down to how much support they received. That’s why we’re committed to supporting those who start their healthy weight loss journey with Nutrisystem in a variety of different ways. We have  Weight Loss Coaches who are available to help you set goals and answer all of your questions. We also offer the NuMi app for easy meal tracking, reminders and motivation. Finally, we have The Leaf Weight Loss Blog that provides educational content on diet, nutrition and fitness. With such a robust support system, you’re truly set up to achieve your goals.

Achieve your winter weight loss goals with Nutrisystem: Get started with a weight loss plan today!

The post Winter Weight Loss: 7 Reasons to Try Nutrisystem This Season appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Have any of your done Diet Bet? Worth it?

Have any of your tried Diet Bet? I'm looking for a way to gamify my weight loss, or to have some sort of external motivation. 33F (5'4 240 lbs 🙈) and I know I do well with external motivation.

Bit of context (that you can skip past because it's boring). I am about a year postpartum from my third child. Prior to having kids I was sitting around 160 and I strength trained a lot, so it was a healthy weight and look for me. Obviously, I weigh a lot more now. With my first pregnancy I got up to 220, then lost 50 lbs and started my next pregnancy at 170. Second pregnancy I went up to 230. I then lost 50 lbs again and started my third pregnancy at 180.

So here I am...hoping to do it all over again, and I'm not looking forward to it. The good news is that my husband and I are done having kids now, so this weight loss is just for me. I know I do best with external pressures which ignite my internal drive to be better. In the past, I've enjoyed having a personal trainer. I worked with a dietician too. I know what I "need to do" to lose the weight in a healthy and sustainable way, but getting started is hard.

I'm just wondering if any of you can share your experiences with Diet Bet. I remember hearing about it like a decade ago by Trisha Paytas (of all people 🙄). It was trendy at the time for YouTubers to have link codes and end up profiting off of it as a collaborator. This is the only thing that worries me. Is it a scam?

TL;DR - Did Diet Bet help you lose weight? Did you enjoy it? Bonus points if you have a link to a Bet happening soon/now that I can join.

submitted by /u/Crazy-Narwhal1822
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Weight loss after reduction surgery

Hi everyone, so as of Nov 17th I started on saxenda, it’s honestly been a really great journey so far (thankgod for no side effects) and has almost kind of helped motivate me even more than before. My SW on saxenda was 201.8Lbs, CW is 193Lbs and GW is 130Lbs.

Now I know there’s lots of different post circulating about weight lose and how it changes your body but are there any women here that have had a breast reduction in the past and then lost more weight after?

I had mine in July of 2021 and it was amazing, helped my back pain significantly, but I unfortunately gained quite a bit of weight since. Now that I’m on my journey of losing again, I’m just worried about how that’ll affect it.

If anyone has any related experiences please let me know!:)

submitted by /u/Wise-Ad-4652
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm losing it... In more ways than one

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. I hope you don't mind if I have a small breakdown here but if anyone may understand it, maybe it's this community.

I'm a 33yr old male 167cm who grew up playing sports and as a result never had a weight issue until recently. When I was 24-25 I noticed that I was losing my hair and as a result I fell into a depression. I started staying home, ordering in food to make myself feel better, you can see where this is going.

In December 2018 i weighed in at 86kg, Jan 2020 91kg bounced back to 86kg in april of 2020 then slowly climbed up to 98kg in April of this year before falling down to 89kg in August a rise to 95kg in October and after noticing 5 stretch marks on my stomach (I only had one on my stomach prior to this which was under hair so it didn't really bother me) have decided enough is enough and started CICO and got a gym membership, since October 13 I've gone from 94kg to 85kg.

I should state that I previously did gain stretch marks on my hips and butt, they're long and reach right round (yeah not happy about that) and big deep ones on the back of my thighs and underarms/armpits but since starting my weight loss, the stretch marks on my body well.. they've exploded. I now have them on both arms on the sides too and worst of all the front both thighs near my groin, some are deep and purple. Honestly typing this out I can see myself reading a post like this and being like yeah, that's what you get but I was in the 90s for years and I pay very close attention to my skin so I know these are new and not just skin that was previously stretched out. As you can imagine I'm devastated.

I know I'm losing faster than the recommended, I'm honestly not trying to, I want to slow down to try to prevent loose skin which I'm also terrified of and I've been told that I'll definitely get because of the stretch marks but I'm just struggling to eat healthy and get enough calories at the same time, when I don't do anything I'm getting about 6500kjs a day, what does everyone here eat?. Everything is suffering as a result of this, I'm finding myself looking for cures, I tried micro needling my stomach stretch marks and managed to only give myself post inflammatory hyperpigmentation which I don't know how to fix and a dermatologist I've contacted has said he can't help and there's only one other one in the city that I've seen previously as a kid and he was not great.. this is also impacting my ability to concentrate at work

I know that some people here who are 300+lbs would like to have stopped where I am and if you're struggling too I send you all the love I have, I just can't deal with this on my own body. My mind just keeps telling itself "You've permanently scarred your body forever, you could have just gone to the gym and focused on that as your coping mechanism but no" It feels worse knowing that this was a choice I made and knowing what it was like to be in shape for most of my life so far.

What I would do to turn back the clock and the loose skin hasn't even really started yet... How does everyone here manage, I can't see myself ever being intimate and confident again

So this is my scream into the abyss of the internet.

Here's some pics, NSFW but everythings covered obviously

submitted by /u/RudeFishing2707
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is your motivation?

Hi, guys! I’ve seen some really inspirational stories on here, and I just want to say congrats to everyone that’s closer to reaching their goals! I’m wondering, though, what is your motivation? For me personally, nothing seems to be THE reason that I start my weight loss journey. I don’t like the way I look and I’m ashamed, I’ve been told by doctors that I’m pre-diabetic and need to lose weight ASAP, and weightlifting seems like a fun lifestyle. Despite all that, nothing has pushed me to lose weight. I keep telling myself that life is too short to spend time worrying about what others think, that I should just eat what I want, and I’m not going to live long enough to be affected by my health choices (not in a suicidal way, just in a “life is too short” kind of way.) I know that I need to lose weight to improve my quality of life, but that still doesn’t seem to change anything. Any tips?

submitted by /u/afr1611
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, December 4, 2023

Finally seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel!

So I posted here a while back with some frustrations about my stagnant weight loss.

I was only a month into my new lifestyle (maybe closer to 3 weeks) and was upset that the scale kept going from 207 to 210/211 pounds consistently. I dreaded weighing myself everyday even though I knew that the data would help me keep things consistent and keep me aware of my progress.

I went from a completely sedentary WFH lifestyle to working out almost every day (5-7 days a week).

After that, I went from my starting weight of 212 pounds to 208 pounds.

I started prioritizing protein and veggies in meal (shocker I know!) and made sure to accurately portion my carbs. Some days I ate too much, and that was mostly due to me not tracking properly in MFP. I would either underestimate or overestimate my daily food intake.

After being stuck with 208 for 2 weeks despite my efforts, I decided to up the ante.

I got a digital scale off amazon, started setting step goals (5k-10k minimum per day) and got a indoor treadmill to walk on while I work at my desk. I don't use it as often as I'd like, but I'd say its my go-to when I'm not feeling up to intense HIT or Pilates workouts.

After tracking my calories and food intake diligently while achieving my steps/protein goals I noticed my weight budge from 208 to 207. Now i'm starting month two at 205 pounds!

Now that may seem like a small victory, but as a shorter chubbier woman who struggled with weight loss, body issues, ED, and many other things in life...I feel amazing.

Not only am I happy about the scale progress, most importantly i'm happy to see/feel my progress when it comes to foot posture, strength, and mobility. Before I could barely jump on my feet without my legs being sore and ankles giving out. Now I can do jump squats, burpees, you name it.

I feel strong, and as embarrassing as it is to admit I've cried more than a few times after or during a workout stress. Who knew our bodies stored all that stress and trauma so deeply? I didn't until now.

If you're like me and feeling discouraged, please please please be patient.

Weight loss is not linear, there are no "perfect" diets or anything. It's what works for you.

I know everyone says this, but it's SO true. Adapt, Overcome, and Achieve your goals!

submitted by /u/CatHair4Ever
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One week update (check my previous posts)


This is the one week update of my weight loss progress and I’m down 7.6 pounds and currently weigh 271.0 pounds now! Out of the last 7 days I’ve only had fast food twice (Popeyes and McDonald’s) but that was the only thing I ended up eating that day instead of just binging on more. I also made a decision to cut out sugar completely and lower protein in my diet (due to a health concern… despite good labs) so I’m very motivated to commit myself to this long term and truly prioritize my health… 185lbs here I come

submitted by /u/holdmeaccountabl1127
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from loseit - Lose the Fat