Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Have any of your done Diet Bet? Worth it?

Have any of your tried Diet Bet? I'm looking for a way to gamify my weight loss, or to have some sort of external motivation. 33F (5'4 240 lbs πŸ™ˆ) and I know I do well with external motivation.

Bit of context (that you can skip past because it's boring). I am about a year postpartum from my third child. Prior to having kids I was sitting around 160 and I strength trained a lot, so it was a healthy weight and look for me. Obviously, I weigh a lot more now. With my first pregnancy I got up to 220, then lost 50 lbs and started my next pregnancy at 170. Second pregnancy I went up to 230. I then lost 50 lbs again and started my third pregnancy at 180.

So here I am...hoping to do it all over again, and I'm not looking forward to it. The good news is that my husband and I are done having kids now, so this weight loss is just for me. I know I do best with external pressures which ignite my internal drive to be better. In the past, I've enjoyed having a personal trainer. I worked with a dietician too. I know what I "need to do" to lose the weight in a healthy and sustainable way, but getting started is hard.

I'm just wondering if any of you can share your experiences with Diet Bet. I remember hearing about it like a decade ago by Trisha Paytas (of all people πŸ™„). It was trendy at the time for YouTubers to have link codes and end up profiting off of it as a collaborator. This is the only thing that worries me. Is it a scam?

TL;DR - Did Diet Bet help you lose weight? Did you enjoy it? Bonus points if you have a link to a Bet happening soon/now that I can join.

submitted by /u/Crazy-Narwhal1822
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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