Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I lost 74lbs, but i worry about my body even more.


When i started my weight loss journey, i was a whopping 150kg (330 lbs) and 1 year something later, i weigh 116kg (255 lbs). I am incredibly proud of this, but i know my journey has only begun.

Now here are the things i worry about.

Abdominal fat, and the biggest issue (that really mentally fucks me up sometimes) is the size of my penis.

While a weight loss of 34kg (74 lbs) sounds a lot on paper, in reality, it doesn't actually look like i lost that much weight, and it's really crushing. Besides my mom, i barely get compliments on my weight loss. But this isn't (too) big of an issue, because i know what i've accomplished, so i don't have to rely on other people's compliments.

The biggest issue i have, is penis size. I, for obvious reasons, can't talk about this matter in real life, so i created a Reddit account in hopes of receiving information surrounding this matter to ease my anxiety, and i'm hoping that men who were (or are) in my situation can help. Every few months, the thought of my penis size spirals me into a terrible mentality, and i start doubting myself. Now, i'm not saying that i start binge eating or something, i actually have never cheated on my diet due to bad thoughts or anything, this is more like depressing kind of thought, one that makes me think about my future.

I will go into detail.

At my highest weight, my penis size was 7 cm. Currently, my penis size is just above 10cm (3.9").

I'm scared that even if i do lose weight, my penis size won't increase, and that thought is just super depressing, i lost 74lbs and only gained 1.1".

I read up on something called bone pressed measuring and did that, but i can't seem to do it properly because it just hurts and it doesn't to deeper than 12cm.

Today (unfortunately) is just one of those days. Losing sleep about this topic, questioning myself.

Is there someone here that went through the same thing as me?

submitted by /u/MMonclaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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