Sunday, December 31, 2023

is 60lb in 6 months safe from 230lb? Does a body recomposition lower BF% quicker than safe weight loss? best plan for looking good/dating in 6-12 months?

I'm approximately 5'11 230lb, 30-40% body fat . I can very easily crash diet- one meal a day with coffee and supplements is easier for me than metering out a few small meals, and I don't fear energy crashes due to being unemployed- and I think I probably have a six pack at 150lb but I'm targeting 165 for now which would be the lightest I've been as an adult by far.

I've heard that fast weight loss can worsen loose skin, but also that fat guys can loose weight quicker. Can I just eat 1k calories a day for a few months then lose 1% bf/week as a safe rate once im at say 200lb.

I'm not too worried about low mood or energy due to my unemployment and lack of social life, I really fear loose skin but just care about being as lean as possible in 6-12 months as I want to try dating and have an alright face. From what I've seen on youtube gym beginners can eat and maintenance and essentially replace fat with muscle, this seems like a better option for the loose skin and health/lifestyle etc. What would you recommend for someone just trying to be dateable in the next 6-12 months

(Yes obviously beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I just don't have many happy beholders at 40% bodyfat). Any help greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/carrot1890
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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