Sunday, December 10, 2023

Last 10/15 lbs is making me go insane

Hey guys! So im 25F 6'1 tall (SW 400+ CW 199 GW 185) Ive lost almost 200+ lbs over the course of the last 3 years, most of which happened in the last 24mo. Im finally in the home stretch of getting to my goal weight! But i have a MASSIVE dilemma. I legit no matter how hard I count calories or exercise cannot for the life of me move past 198.6 and im literally ripping my hair out. And before you ask yes im eating at an insane defecit. I also work at Amazon and burn anywhere from 430-700 calories a shift which i monitor closely. I also dont cook and while living on microwaveables is frowned upon by most, i enjoy it because i have a very busy lifestyle and it also works better financially. So everything I eat i track. If it doesnt have a listed calorie count i wont touch it at all. I also dont have cheat meals, i dont drink anything but water, and everyday I eat anywhere from 700-900 calories a day. I keep telling myself that this isnt that hard, i mean I dont just lose 200+ lbs and suddenly begin to defy the laws of physics. Also with every 5 lbs i lose i always go and recalculate my calories needed. I know that eating as little as i am is considered extreme by most, but i have a hard time convincing myself i even am hungry most of the time. I dont get why TF these last 10lbs are stupidly not budging, and the fact that i eat as little as i do and for some reason defy the laws of CICO? Like does my body somehow forget what tf its doing? Like it does realize when you are on a VLCD that you will lose weight, i mean for christs sake starvation patients and others dont just decide yea im being starved lets GAIN weight? Or do i need to submit myself to a scientific study for them to show me i am an outlier and a freak of nature when it comes to weight loss? Im just seriously at my wits end with this, that being said, im not giving up at ALL. I just dont know what more I can be doing besides dipping even lower caloricly which im fine with, but its just so freaking frustrating to deal with this shit when im so damn close to my goal weight. Its been like this for the last 3.5-4wks and im ready to throw something lol. This post is kinda venting but if you have any tips on how to get over this weird plataeu thing and also just reassure me im not totally crazy and that being in a deficit and exercise will eventually result in me losing weight id appreciate it. Ive just worked so hard this last year to be stuck so close is so frustrating and i know i can lose the weight, i just dont know why my body decided to go on strike and be an asshole about it. I just want to hit my goal weight by february so badly and i feel like im never going to get there even with all my restricting :(

submitted by /u/PossibilityLost2172
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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