Sunday, December 10, 2023

Frustrated but not at reality, just my brain's inability to grok it

Two and a half years ago I weighed 123. With loss and pandemic and other great excuses I'm now at 150, my; highest. I've managed to bounce to 140 a few times but there's just been some chaos. The chaos is finally ebbed and from all looks my life should be calm enough now that I can begin working out regularly again and eating well again. Goal is that 123 again but more fit, so I would be happy with more weight but better actual fitness (I was just skinny, not toned). I'm 48, perimenopausal, recently put on estrogen, the middle aged spread is real.

So, I started working out regularly about 9 days ago. A routine I've used in the past that has worked well. Tracking my food and staying around 1,200-1,400 (5'5" woman). I weighed in when I started with my fancy scale and today was my first weigh in since starting. I KNOW, I fucking KNOW what happens the first few weeks. But to prep myself I also read some articles last night and confirmed that you really can't expect weight loss in the first 2-4 weeks of working out. In fact a slight gain is common. But when I got on the scale and saw I had gained a pound (149-150), I cried. My muscle mass went up a tiny bit as did my lean body mass but so did my body fat and my water went down.

I'm working really hard to not let this set me back and feel discouraged enough to stop eating well or working out. I really want to be near my goal weight by July which shouldn't be impossible even though losing weight as we age is definitely tougher. I just don't want to feel depressed and like this isn't working. I know if I keep at it the trend will reverse but seeing that high weight and yet feeling my sore muscles just hurts. I was hoping to at least have stayed the same, now part of my brain is "well if we are gaining this way, might as well stop trying". Shut up, brain.

Also estrogen tends to help you lose weight but the first month or two you will retain a lot of water so the scale will reflect that, too.

I just need to stay motivated and positive about this. I am not happy at this body shape and size. I know I can do this and I know today's weigh in isn't a reflection of the work I'm doing. I just don't believe it yet.

submitted by /u/Fit-Jasmine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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