Sunday, December 17, 2023

weight loss tips?

hey! currently, i am 5”5 and fluctuating between 150-148lbs. my starting weight was 190lbs, so i’ve lost a good amount of weight but i still have 20lbs to go to finally be healthy again.

i started my weight loss journey in may of this year. over the pandemic i became depressed and gained a crap ton of weight and never lost it. i would try (meaning i would start a workout one day then wouldn’t stay consistent then i’d quit) but never succeeded. but then in may i found out we were going on vacation to the beach in the following month and i freaked out because i didn’t want anyone to see me in a bathing suit. I did research and discovered what a calorie deficit was so i calculated mine and i stuck to it. long story short, i lost 20 lbs in the next two months and started playing tennis.

then, this school year started and i stopped actually trying to lose weight but i was mad because i wasn’t losing any. in september, i decided to start doing it again and lost another 18lbs!

now, here i am at 149lbs and doing a calorie deficit but it isn’t working. i work out 3-4x a week and am in a -500 calorie deficit. i will admit, for a while i was trying to eat only 1,000 calories a day but for obvious reasons it didn’t work because i’d end up binging due to hunger. but now, i think i am doing it correctly but it is still not working.

i don’t know if this is a plateau or something but i am so frustrated with myself. i sometimes eat more than i’d like and then tell myself “i’ll start tomorrow” (which i never do) or “i’ll start eating better in the new year” my house also has a lot of cookies, chocolate, and candy right now because it’s the holiday season and sometimes i can’t resist but i really really want to. i just desperately need help on how to have self control and the ability to push myself and not be lazy.

i have also decided that i want to start running and possibly do soccer somewhere next year so i have been craving to run but i have no where to run. i had a treadmill but it’s broken, and i know i could just run outside but i live in a dangerous area and i don’t think it’d be the best idea (not to mention it is freezing outside). i would like to start running 1-3 miles a day to lose weight and be more energetic.

i just feel stuck because i havent lost weight in two months and i can’t drive to go to a gym or something of that nature and i feel like as of right now my only hope is to lose weight by dieting.

my goal is to weigh around 130lbs by march 2024.

so, does anyone have any tips for me?

submitted by /u/Lopsided-Guitar-2121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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