Saturday, December 2, 2023

Hungry all the time when I’m over eating, yet feel more satiated while I’m dieting. Anyone else?

Just wanted to share an observation I’ve had.

I was losing weight very steadily from June 2022 to November 2022 about 4lbs a month. Then I tapered off and took a series of breaks. I roughly maintained between 22 and 18lb weight loss in that time til now, and I’m back on the horse again trying to get to my goal weight. But something I’ve noticed during the time before I ever started weight loss and during my most recent break…

I am so much hungrier when I’m NOT being conscious of my diet. When I’m just eating what I crave, whenever I feel like it, it seems my hunger is a lot harder to satiate. Possibly because of the types of foods I’m going for are less satiating and more likely to trigger my cravings again (sugary carb heavy choices). But it’s just odd to me how when I was at my heaviest, I felt like I could eat all day and never really feel satisfied, then I cut down to 12-1300 calories a day and often felt very full throughout my day on objectively less food. Im noticing the same again. Two weeks ago I was eating flexibly, having holiday pie and whatever I felt like for breakfast, yknow. And I was hungry all the time!! Seemed like I constantly had food on my mind, I’d wanna eat every hour or two. And now that I’m back on my bullshit and I had a 450 calorie breakfast 5 hours ago and I’m still not hungry yet, not really thinking of food.

There have also been periods of my life where I was so fixated on dieting that I felt overly restricted and that led to its own issues of satiation and food obsession, so I’m familiar with that too and I know that’s a common experience here. But I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing where you actually have much more control over your hunger when you’re actively dieting? Do you think it’s just because when we’re dieting we choose foods that are more satiating?

submitted by /u/Feisty-Promotion-789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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