Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tips for sneaky protein?

I don't track macros religiously, but since getting more serious about my fitness and weight loss, I know it would behoove me to consume more protein. And you'd think this would be easy! I eat plenty of chicken, fish, tofu, legumes, dairy, nuts. I've never had an issue with inserting some form of clean lean protein into my lunches and dinners. But since cutting down calories and putting a bit more emphasis on healthy carbohydrates to fuel my workouts, it feels reeeeaaaally hard to fit in 100+ grams per day.

I know that the simple solution would be to make protein shakes, eat protein bars, or replace the bun of my turkey burger with more turkey, but my conundrum is ultimately that I don't want to do that. I think food is the best. I obviously love to eat, and while that has gotten me into this situation of needing to lose weight, I have no interest in making eating less enjoyable. And to me, spending 20% of my daily calories on a chalky protein "milk" is one of those things that could take this weight loss plan from manageable and empowering to just miserable. If I was still consuming 2500 cals on the daily? Sure. But at 1800? Nooo!

Anyway...I guess my question here is how do I sneak in more protein and keep eating things that are clean, enjoyable, and compatible with a deficit? Is it possible? Am I overthinking? Any and all tips are welcome.

submitted by /u/bigsweetieenergy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 LBS Weight Loss Achievement !! SW 225 CW 174 GW 150

Weight loss journey started June 2023 at 225 lbs/102 kgs; I’m now at 174 lbs/78 kgs; a loss of 51 lbs/22 kgs!

Hello everyone! I'm a 27 y.o F standing at about 5’5; I work a desk job 40 hours a week. Before losing weight I was very sedentary. Weekdays I sat at my desk for hours and on the weekend I would just lay in bed.

So here’s how I lost 50 lbs/22 kgs from a once couch potato!

Firstly, for my eating habits the majority of my journey was just eating until I was only 70-80% full, while also cutting sugar/junk food. I love sweets and baked items, so cutting sugar was hard, but I found a quote that really helped me in the process.

“An urge is not a command.” Any time I wanted to eat because I was bored or was tempted by sweets, I would repeat this phrase in my head (sometimes out loud) and that would help me turn away without eating.

Now for exercising, in June 2023-Nov 2023 I would walk for 1 hour a day (during my lunch break at work) and this led to losing about 17 lbs/7 kgs (weighing at 208 lbs/94 kgs)!

In Nov 2023 is when I started going to the gym; I didn’t do much at the gym. I just went on the treadmill or elliptical and messed around with the speed and incline on the machines. For the treadmill, I never went above a speed of 3.0 or an incline of 10. I wouldn’t go below a speed of 2.5 or an incline of 4 (unless I was doing a cool down).

So, at this point I was doing 2 hours of walking M-TH, F-Sun I maybe walked for like 20-30 mins, not much.

With the addition of the gym in my routine, I had set a goal for myself that by the end of 2023 I wanted to weigh 200 lbs/90 kgs. I was able to hit this goal! On Jan 1, 2024 I weighed 198 lbs/89 kgs wooo yippeee

To continue losing weight I started looking into healthier meals, but honestly I only changed my lunch to have some greens LOL so my eating habits for the new year were:

-not eating breakfast (which I never really did anyway LOL)

-lunch: grilled chicken salad which consisted of lettuce, bell peppers, grilled chicken, avocado every now and then, topped off with lemon juice.

-dinner: whatever was made honestly, some examples of meals are some sort of meat, rice, beans, sometimes with bread or tostones/fast food dinner, but portion control

-snacks: great value fiber brownie bar (eat 1-2x a day), protein shakes (1-3x a week), fruits (4-5x a week)

From Jan 2024-Mar 2024 I lost another 10 lbs/5 kgs, weighing in at about 189 lbs/85 kgs now. This is with the above eating habits and exercising with walking and treadmill for 2 hours a day (1 hour during lunch and another hour after work) for 4 days a week. Sometimes I would try to workout on a Saturday, but honestly that didn’t happen much. But, I did switch my hour lunch exercise from walking to climbing 3 flights of stairs. I did this because climbing burns more calories compared to walking.

However, from April 2024-June 2024 is when things went a little south, or when I plateaued. At this point, I was really tired of trying to lose weight, portion control, putting in so much effort, and not being where I wanted to be weight wise. Also different scales were telling me different numbers, it was a difference of 5 lbs/2 kgs sometimes. So I slacked off with exercising, I went from 2 hours of exercising to 1 hour, and I went back to eating til I felt full (not every meal, mostly for dinners).

Near the end of May I was feeling really down because soon it would be a full year since the start of my journey and I was still in the 190s-180s lbs (depending on the scale).However, hitting the one year mark kind of woke me up a bit because I started thinking what other ways would help me lose weight. I started googling and that’s when calorie deficit was brought up. I never really wanted to count calories because I was scared of developing an eating disorder, but I just told myself I will be responsible and begrudgingly started counting on 5/31/24.

I tried keeping my calories in the 1500-1700 range and I did slowly start to lose weight again; during the plateau my last weigh in was on 4/18/24 at 196 lbs/88 kgs and I didn’t weigh myself again until 6/17/24 with 185 lbs/83 kgs! Looking back now that was a great achievement, but in the moment I was only slightly happy because again I wasn't where I wanted to be and I felt like I wasted so much time.

That pretty much brings us to the current day! I have gone back to exercising at least 2 hours a day, sometimes I do 2 ½ hours OR I try to burn 800-1000 calories a day. I exercise 6 days a week now instead of 4 (this increase started in late June). I still try to keep my calorie intake to 1500-1700. I still have maybe about 30 lbs/13 kgs to lose, but losing 50 lbs/22 kgs is something to celebrate no matter how long it took!

Some things I wanted to note during my googling is I found what TDEE is and also found a sheet that helps you track it. Here is the link: ~

A big thing I wanted to say is that a lot of the time I still want to stop exercising LOL Losing weight is tough, but I’m just trying to grit my teeth and get to where I want to be. So to anyone struggling you’re definitely not alone.

If anyone wants to see my monthly exercise snapshots here is the link ~

Progress pictures ~

TDEE Tracking Chart ~

If you've read this far thank you! i wish you all the best in your journey!!

submitted by /u/theo2121
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Taking my weight loss journey seriously and would love a cheering buddy

I want to cheer someone on their journey as well as find support for my efforts! 🙏 I've been on and off the weight loss wagon for a while now and since October last year I'm finally doing it all: calorie counting, exercise, healthy eating, no alcohol or smoking.

Unfortunately due to my healthy habits I've lost many existing friends who aren't very happy that I'm changing my ways. I'm 214lbs now after being nearly 300+ for 10 years and would love to meet some people here who are doing the daily grind all alone like me! I want to cheer you on your journey, share my progress and celebrate our wins and losses together!DM or message me in chat if you're interested 🫂

submitted by /u/dirtypoledancer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

No Point in Feeling Guilty

I think one of the things I’ve learned from food is mainly that food is JUST an object, something that shouldn’t have control over me and doesn’t have control over my life and/or actions.

If I eat more than my calorie intake for the day, I let it go because I know there’s no point on holding onto it. I don’t say I binged, because honestly I believe maybe my body just needed more food for today or whenever the consumption happened. I don’t let it affect the next day- I continue as if it never happened, or like no progress has been lost because really, none has.

For me there is no point in sitting on it and being so angry that oh god, I ate more than my calorie deficit allowed. That was the same mentality that had me constantly hitting restart, restart, restart.

That quote about how you didn’t gain the weight overnight, so you can’t lose it overnight goes the same this way- you won’t gain the weight back just because you had one day of overeating. One day of overconsumption isn’t going to throw me completely off track- it was just another day, and really I’m unlikely to gain anything even if I eat 3,000 calories. Also, realistically, once my weight has shed I’ll keep in the same deficit but I’m not going to go to events as a skinny person and think hm! I can’t have a bite of this because it might go over my calorie intake.

For me, there is no point in feeling guilty. It ruins my day and my mind to sit and think about how I could’ve done better. Instead, I just let it pass and get back on track. Yesterday I binged and today I was ✨back on track✨, cal deficit and all, in fact a little less because I fasted a bit lol. I just don’t believe in shaming myself anymore, and it has helped me to keep positive and actually stop myself from overindulgence. Life isn’t a straight line and in such neither is weight loss or the human body.

submitted by /u/tryingtryingtry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Self-Love and Weight Loss

This may be a little woo-woo for some (and too long for others) - if so, scroll on.

But for those who are into this side of things, I realised that it was only when I started to love myself, that the weight really started to come off.

I had tried to lose weight for some years. I did everything within my then tool box to lose weight and build up my fitness again. But as long as I was coming from a place of low self-worth, I was repeatedly sabotaging myself.

It was only when I decided to be grateful for and compassionate toward my ‘fat self’ that had eaten as a way to cope with very stressful life events, that things really started to shift and weight loss became almost effortless and fun.

As I worked on self-love and acceptance of myself as I was then my attitude shifted. I became much more focussed on the end result I wanted (rather than wallowing in self-pity about how hard the process is). I started to say thank you to my former fatter self AND to look forward to being in a healthier, fitter body, too.

I became more committed and consistent. I showed up for myself and was just more motivated - like there was a wind under my wings. I also moved from wishful, fantasy type cure-all remedies to actually putting in the work, exercising and counting calories..… and I started seeing real results!

To be clear, I started off overweight (not obese) and my process has been slow and gradual. No miracles here… but it kinda still feels magical!

I’ve lost 30+lbs in around 9 months (I’d been dabbling before that - but I’ll count this as the start). My focus is on building a satisfying, sustainable ‘skinny girl’ lifestyle that works for me (without feeling like ‘work’). That and finding ways to love me at any size.

So, yeah, I think for me this has been key: loving myself through this process, keeping it fun and staying focussed on the me I want to be.

What has most helped you, on this journey, mentally and emotionally? I’d love to hear!

Stats for those who like that: 49F; 5’8”; SW 180lbs; CW 144lbs; GW 135lbs

submitted by /u/Sunshine_and_water
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6’3 23M Down 50lbs, but having some image adjustment issues..

Hey yall, I’ve started my weight loss journey back in January! I was at my heaviest in decent after Christmas, (I hear it’s common to gain a bunch around holidays) weighing in at 278lbs.

During my teen years I was really skinny due to a battle with stimulant addiction, and at my lowest weighed in at 170, and thankfully with amazing support, and a lot of patience from people who care about me, I was able to get out of it.

I replaced my drug addiction with food, gained like 60 pounds in a few months, and eventually started to slow my weight gain, but not stop it.

The relevance of my weigh fluctuation is that at one point, being skinny, I was able to wear clothes that properly fit me, hugged my mid section, and I felt comfortable in it. Now that I’ve lost weight healthily, look better than I did when I was a ghoul, (that’s what I call myself when I see old photos during my bad days) I am wearing clothes that fit, but I feel as though I still look fat, because I can feel the material on my body, and when I look in the mirror, I am still bigger than I was back than. I haven’t hit my goal weight yet, I’d like to lose another 15-20, but I wonder if the self image issues will go away, or will I feel like this even when I reach my goal?

Have you guys struggled with something similar? What helped? (Sorry if I worded this badly, or if it was dragged, I tend to ramble even in text formats 😂)

submitted by /u/-Bash249
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, August 5, 2024

Everything I do is wrong / contradicting opinions driving me insane

I am so lost with this stuff. I read many reputable sources and try to look at various perspectives on healthy eating, but it seems like every which way I put it, it's wrong:

  • If the food I prepare myself is too plain and boring, that's wrong because it will make adherence to the diet difficult. But then, if I add seasoning, herbs and spices, high quality ingredients etc it's a mistake again because it tastes so good that portion control becomes a real issue.

  • It is suggested by many sources to "fill up" on vegetables, things like r/volumeeating etc to add bulk and achieve satiety. In fact, many highly regarded sources use the word full or fullness in the context and/or even mention specific things like steel cut oats to literally "fell full" longer due to slow blood sugar release. Ok but then I do this and people say you're "not supposed to" be full or eat until fullness, just to not be hungry anymore. So either way is wrong then?

  • If I eat a large volume of vegetables to "feel full", I'll keep my stomach stretched, keep myself used to eating large mass of food, and I'll have real trouble adjusting to smaller portions, which in turn is also very important to actually eat less calories. So again, I feel like either way is wrong.

  • If I add anything dense in nutrients/calories like olive oil and avocado or nuts, that's the first thing people say to cut out to save calories. Then the next source says that is exactly what I need to eat because healthy fats induce satiety and that saves calories. So where am I at here, neither works?

  • It is said that a diet consisting of whole, unprocessed food with high protein and high fiber induces satiety and that this is the key to intuitive eating, weight loss etc.. But if (in calories) you can still overeat endlessly on such food that by itself is regarded as healthy, no source seems to have any plan B or answer in that case. It just concludes that no satiety is then my fault because I am still eating wrong, must have thyroid problems or too much stress/little sleep and mindfulness, but once that is looked at and ruled out, the road just ends with no plan B or answer and I am left struggling to identify where I made a mistake or how every single aspect of my life and diet can be so wrong and messed up.

I apologize if it comes off as a rant, but can anyone relate? It's like I take a left turn, get lost, go back and turn right and get lost again. Everything is wrong. Every choice is a mistake, every single thing ends with failure. I am just sad, unbelievably sad about it and not sure how to approach this without losing hope.

submitted by /u/ConsciousEquipment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat