Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Only seeing the weight loss on the scale?

Hi all, I have a question just to see if anyone is on the same boat.

I started my journey April 18th at 81.1kg I've been slowly and steadily losing weight, at least according to my scale and family members. Today I'm at 62.4 kg.

I'm happy, kinda? This was the lowest I've been in since 2018?

But all of my current clothes still fit? I mean all of them, haven't lost a pants size, bras fit just moving the hook from third to second instead and a Medium shirt that I had still fits me just as snug as it did before.

The clothes don't fit me any looser they fit just like normal? The only difference to me is that my collarbones are a bit more visible.

Obviously the scale and the people telling me I lost weight can't be lying but I guess the weight I lost are from my boobs and butt cause it's not showing on my clothes 😭

Anyone else? I'm sure my hands to my elbows are slimmer but my shoulders still bulge out in my t-shirts.

*I'm only walking, and will continue swiming and suba diving in October as thats my job and I can't do high intensity workouts/strength training due to a recent injury and subsequent surgery.

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Health90
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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Struggling with meals for entire family

I’m on my weight loss journey, counting every calorie that passes my lips. My husband could give two shits about what he puts in his body and my teenager is trying a new meal plans every other week it seems like, mostly to “bulk up”.

Every time I make a plan for dinner someone is unhappy. If my husband makes dinner, I typically can’t eat it because it’s too many calories or I could have a tiny bit but still be hungry afterwards.

I’m at my wits end making multiple meals to appease everyone or arguing about it every damn night. My husband makes me feel like shit about what I’m doing to try and get healthy. He’s naturally thin, eats junk, and drinks beer and stays the same size. I am beyond frustrated.

What are some easy meals that are low calorie but don’t taste like it?

submitted by /u/Nash_M28
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Help with weight loss plateau

Hi folks,

as the questions states, I've been in a weight loss plateau for what I consider to be about 4 months now.

For reference, I'm a 24 year old Male, weighing 176-180lbs. My ideal weight is around 167lbs but I cannot push below 80kg.

Previously I was weight training 4x per week: push, pull, legs, full body. With 20-40 mins of moderate cardio (usually cycling), 10k steps daily. I got down to about 74kg following this. My caloric intake varied depending on a work/rest day but was typically 1400 - 1800 kcals (I bloat and maintain weight easily, so this was advised by my online coach at the time.

Now I weight train 3x per week: Push, Pull, Legs (progressively overloading weight and making consistent strength improvements) 20-30mins of cardio on training days. 40-60 mins on off days (expect for 1 day per week), 8k-10k steps and a bodybalance class on Wednesdays followed by cardio. Kcals within this range.

I eat a high amount of protein (40g proteinpowder serving with breakfast, typically 35g of oats and 100g of berries w/ water)

Lunch 150-200g chicken breast (seasoned but not with pre-made sauces etc so low cals), mixed salad (beetroot, cucumber, onion, lettuce, sweetcorn, about 100g)

Dinner 150-200g chicken breast, 150g of same salad or mixed frozen veg, sometimes 40g brown rice.

Snacks are: bourbon biscuit, Bombay mix, ice cream (Not all in the same day of course, typically 1 bisc, 30g of bombay mix, or 75g ice cream.

Typically, I will go to the higher end of cals on a training day, and lower on cardio/rest days.

With this output & calorie levels I question why I am stuck in a plateau, unless I am missing something super obvious? Naturally, the first place to look is calories, which I do. Regularly track, keep a particular eye out on weekends etc. I'm very good at saying no to things.

Training, I do feel challenged, each day I am pushing my upper limit, working with strength & hypertrophy ranges, aiming for the higher end of rep ranges before increasing weight.

Cardio I get my heart rate between 140-160bpm.

So, yeah.

I just wonder, with this information is there anything I'm missing? I'm sick of seeing love handles and a pouchy stomach and have lost the weight before. Any help would be grand.

submitted by /u/RipsterGod
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-10lb. I didn't realize I'd been doing this for an entire month until I checked the date ??

I've made and deleted a couple posts about the start of my weight loss on this subreddit, mostly from either self consciousness or overall just not knowing what to even say. My journey is uniquely mine with its own challenges that others might not face or find very trivial by comparison, so it's been really hard for me to broach the subject of weight loss. For the past month, I have basically done it all on my own with no community of any sort - besides YouTube videos and lurking here. My parents have an idea of what I'm doing because of my health decisions and the fact my father and I go to the gym together, but besides that I don't have any other friends who are also going through this process, and none who have gone through it in the past. Basically I'm kind of alone in that sense lol

However, I do have some really great news, and I wanted to share that with you all today! I checked the scale today, and I had a big "whoosh" (Is that what it's called?) from 309 to 305.4, meaning I have officially lost my first 10lbs - and technically a little bit more than that! What's insane is that I've been going at this week to week, comparing the start of my week to the end of my week and nothing more, not paying any mind to how long I've actually been doing it for. So, when I checked my Samsung Health app and saw that my caloric deficit started nearly a month ago, I was in awe - I had just pushed through an entire month of a caloric deficit, I didn't restrict what types of food I've been eating (However I've been trying to do anything I can to put more protein and vegetables in my diet), and considering my height and starting weight, I'm comfortably able to have about a -1000 calorie deficit and not feel any loss of energy, performance in the gym, or anything. If I do, I will 100% try and insert a couple days of maintenance to keep myself sane, I wouldn't push through something uncomfortable just to ruin myself in the process.

Over that time though, I have almost completely undone my preconceptions about myself and started to see things in a new perspective! I used to think I was destined to be this weight, and I could never be thin and that I was just genetically "inferior" to people who were thin - In a way it is true from a mental standpoint, my relationship with food and the way I experience hunger was/is very strange and I often had no self control when it came to eating. What's weird though is I would never feel "full", only bloated when I started to eat way too much (Probably how I got to this point in the first place), but conversely I have also never felt real hunger. Even now, I still have to eat based on pure math/logic, and not based on signals from my body. I kinda have none. Regardless, this has been an incredible journey and I'm so happy. Regardless of how little change in the mirror I've seen this month (I know allll about the paper towel effect), I know I have at least 11 months more of this to go until I hit a healthy BMI, and until then I'm going to do it strictly for the love of the game, and not to rush straight to the finish line. I've felt so much better since starting mentally, and physically.

I don't know why or how I got the motivation to start (I seriously just got up and started doing it after a lifetime of asking why I haven't yet) and I haven't stopped. It was like a lightbulb just turned on in my mind, like some sort of divine inspiration lol. But if you can help it, please don't wait for a massive mindset shift and try and create that within yourself. I wish I had done this 5-6 years ago before it became a problem. Especially since I've been on hormones for 3 years now, and now that I have female hormones it is marginally harder to lose the weight I've gained now + retain the muscle by working out in the gym. But I won't let that stop me!

Have a great day everyone! And I hope to check in with you when I've hit yet another new milestone 💖

submitted by /u/Burssty
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The last ten pounds

I weighed 216lbs in 2022. Lost around 40lbs and hovered around 175lbs for much of 2023. In Feb/March this year my weight was at around 187, but since getting back on track with counting calories and focusing on a deficit (was consistent at the gym throughout) I'm now down to 164lbs.

I'm aiming for 154 lbs, do I need to reduce calories even further? I usually eat around 1800 calories per day (48F, 5'9") but as my weight loss is slowing down a little I'm thinking to reduce to 1700. These last ten pounds are hard work!

submitted by /u/fatgyalslim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, August 12, 2024

You're are what you eat with your eyes and ears, too

I spent a little time today reflecting on my weight loss journey over the years, and I've realized something that I want to share with you, so maybe it'll help someone else, too. We've all heard the saying, "you are what you eat," and it's usually in reference to what we put in our bodies; now we are learning that what we also "eat" what we consume with our eyes and ears, as well.

So I wanna talk about our social influences that we have while we go on our journeys. I don't necessarily mean your "support" system. TL;DR at the bottom lol

Let me give the personal example that brings this up. 6 years ago, my main social influence was my mom and step-dad. Pizza dinner usually at least 2 times a week, McDonalds once or twice a week, and any homecooked meal have maybe one can of veggies as a side (if any was prepared at all), and the meal usually some kind of variation of Hamburger Helper. They laugh at people who exercise or workout, or who eat healthy foods, or take their health decisions seriously.

Currently, my husband and I are living with my MIL. She eats a balance of take out and home cooked meals, but rarely fast food. I've never seen her eat a meal without at least one veggie choice. She has a wide variety of healthy snacks, from fruits and veggies to potato chips. By and far, she's not a health nut, but she's health conscious and I'd say 90% of her choices are overall "healthful."

The decisions I make, now, and the thought process behind them are so vastly different. When people around you don't make fun of the people making the same choices you're trying to make for yourself... when the people around you have a healthier relationship with food and exercise... you make better choices. You are influenced by the people around you.

And that goes for media influences, too. I'm not saying don't enjoy your favorite shows, but be mindful of what they're portraying. And I know I'm not the first person ever to realize this or think about it, but sometimes it's good to be reminded.

TL;DR: be mindful of the influences that you surround yourself with, or it could distract from your ultimate goal.

submitted by /u/Th3FakeFatSunny
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Trying to build a healthy lifestyle after a lifetime of disordered eating

Growing up, I (25 f) was allowed full reign to eat whatever I wanted. I wasn't taught to cook, or eat healthy. I was a very picky eater, and I refused to eat vegetables. I didn't play sports or go outside, I preferred to stay inside playing games. I was never considered a chubby kid, but I was always in the higher end of a normal bmi or slightly overweight. My father always called me fatty, even though I was a normal size. The name calling started as a toddler, and it gave me issues with body dysmorphia later on. I would eat nothing but junk food and sweets and chocolate milk. I was made to finish my entire plate every time I ate, even when I was full, and learned to ignore my fullness cues. I would eat entire pizzas by myself at 9 years old. I would eat and eat and eat just because it felt good, not because I was hungry,.

At 13, I had a brief phase where I stopped eating and became very underweight, and at that point I became very obsessive about my body and I got a satisfaction from eating less and losing weight. I still thought I was fat, and I wanted to lose more weight, but ultimately I was forced to eat and gain the weight back (thankfully). I maintained a normal weight, until 2 years later when my father passed away suddenly a few days after my 15th birthday. It was very traumatic and led me down a path of emotional eating and binge eating. I'd eat 5 bowls of cereal every day, plus lunch at school, plus a giant meal from McDonald's, snacking here and there throughout the day. I relied heavily on food for comfort, while at the same time hating my body and wishing I could just lose the weight. I didn't know much about weight loss, other than not eating = losing weight, but I couldn't stop eating no matter how much I tried. I attempted different diets like Keto, but I couldn't stick to them. I felt so addicted to refined sugars and carbs that cutting them out felt like torture, and every time I'd lose weight I'd just "celebrate" by buying one of my trigger foods and inevitably gaining the weight back by falling off the wagon.

By 21 years old, I was at my highest weight ever of around 162 lbs, which for me is a BMI of 32, in the obese category. One day during the summer of 2021, shortly after I turned 22, I started to learn about CICO and how weight loss actually works. Unfortunately, I was not learning about healthy weight loss. I had fallen down a rabbit hole into a community of people sharing very unhealthy dangerous methods of weight loss, and I had a warped perception of calories. I ended up eating between 400 and 900 calories a day for half a year, with a few "high" (aka barely enough for a toddler) calorie days here and there. I lost over 50 lbs, but I became completely obsessed with weight loss. I weighed myself 3 times a day, I was obsessed with taking pictures of my body and watching the scale drop every day, and I became increasingly paranoid about calories. At one point, I was even scared to drink water due to water weight. During this time, I had changed nothing about my eating habits and I was surviving off of fast food and sweets, which, in addition to the dangerously low calorie intake, was starting to affect my health a little.

Once I reached a BMI of 21, I decided to try to eat "healthier". I had no idea how, I didn't know how to cook and I was too scared to try because too many ingredients and being around too much food overwhelmed me. So, I started eating easy things like greek yogurt and fruits, and taking vitamins. I started feeling better, but this began a binge-restrict cycle. If I ate one of my old comfort foods, I decided "I might as well make this a cheat day and start over tomorrow." My mindset became very black or white. On the days that I wasn't binging on junk food, I was restricting my calories very low to make up for it, or fasting. I became scared to eat the healthier foods if they were over 150 calories , fearing that I would gain more weight. So I ended up restricting myself to things like sugar free jello, fiber one bars, etc that had very little nutritional value. I lost an additional 10 lbs very slowly through this cycle, but it was absolute hell. ALL I thought about 24/7 was losing more weight, and food. I obsessively counted calories, it was so bad I would try time and time again to delete the calculator app on my phone to keep myself from counting but I couldn't stop. Even if I had already counted up my calories, I would still do it over and over "just to be sure". My bmi was around 20, but I wasn't satisfied at all with my weight and I would cry constantly out of frustration. I am only 5 feet tall, and not very active. It is extremely difficult to lose weight without dropping my calories very low, but I have the appetite of someone twice my size, and a raging sugar addiction.

Last year, something snapped, and I ended up gaining between 15-20 lbs in a few months. I tried to fight against it over and over by engaging in my old habits, but I started to realize that the harder I fought against it, the more I ended up binging and gaining weight. This is what led me to have a change in my mindset. I started to look at my mother and her habits. She is in her 40s, stuck in the same cycle of binging and restricting. She does keto, but she is so restrictive about it that she ends up binging later on. She weighs herself every single day, and is torn apart by a few pounds of water weight. She doesn't even eat fruits or vegetables, because she thinks that they make her gain weight. I realized that if I don't try to fix my habits now, that will be my future. I don't want to spend the rest of my life stuck in this cycle. I had to surrender, and stop trying to obsessively control my food and my weight. At first, the weight gain was so difficult to deal with, and it still is. But, it opened my eyes to my true priorities.

I want to learn how to eat without binge eating. I want to learn to eat foods in moderation, rather than feeling hopelessly addicted to them. I want to treat my body with kindness and give it foods that are nourishing and satisfying, not destroying it and forcing myself to survive off of jello, or forcing myself to eat thousands of calories in donuts until I'm sick because "I need to finish everything today". I want to have a healthy lifestyle and move my body for the sake of my mental and physical health, not just to burn calories. I want to learn to appreciate food, not to overindulge for a dopamine hit, or to deprive myself. I realize that I've never had a healthy relationship with food or my body, and I want to change that. I know there may always be part of me that wants to be deathly underweight, and at the same time there will always be a part of me that wants to eat a dozen donuts in a row every day. But neither of those desires come from a place of self love and acceptance, they come from a place of shame, self hatred, and pain. No amount of weight loss will make me love myself if I am doing it out of self hatred and starving myself, and no amount of comfort food will take away the pain and trauma in my life.

So, that brings me here today. I am now creeping up on an overweight bmi. I have around 20 lbs to lose to get to my ideal weight. But, my goal isn't just to lose the weight I gained, but to create a healthy and happy lifestyle for myself, and to learn to love myself in the process. I will avoid daily calorie counting and just focus on making healthier choices, and listening to what my body actually needs. I already know how to count calories, and I know that if I go down that path again it'll just awaken the obsession. I will be working to incorporate exercise to feel good and make myself stronger, not to burn calories. I will not wear my Apple Watch when exercising, so I won't be tempted to focus on how many calories I've burned. I will weigh myself once every few weeks, or not at all and just focus on measurements instead. I will focus more about what foods feel good in my body rather than what feels good to me emotionally. I will teach myself to eat normal portion sizes. I will write down my trigger foods that I struggle to control myself around, and I will set hard boundaries with those foods. I will break my obsession with food. I will work every day to rid myself of perfectionism and realize that I will slip up sometimes, but when you slip up, you keep going.

I don't want to be in this cycle any longer. I want to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for myself. My goal is to lose these 20 lbs in a healthy and sustainable way, but I've also accepted that things could change along the way. I'm aware that things like muscle growth can affect weight. If I end up building a healthier lifestyle where I don't feel restricted, I don't feel out of control, I am eating foods in regular portions that are satisfying and make me feel good mentally and physically, and I am physically active in a way that is sustainable and enjoyable to me, whatever weight I end up at will be my ideal weight.I know this sub has people from all kinds of backgrounds. Maybe someone will relate to my story, and if you do, know you are not alone and we can create a new life for ourselves free of disordered eating. Hopefully one day I can look back at this post and feel proud that I turned my life around.

submitted by /u/bbbbeeeebbbbeeeeb
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