Friday, May 29, 2020

Feeling a little discouraged

Hey there everyone, I’m just looking for some words of encouragement! Ive been back on my weight loss journey for about 5 weeks now, running 1.5-2 miles 3x a week and being very diligent in my calories and nutrition. I’ve been feeling really good both mentally and physically, however I’ve recently come to the realization that my scale has been off a HUGE amount of weight.

I was using a mechanical scale that started me at 187, and this week weighed me in at 181 which I was thrilled about! But then my roommate used it and it said she was 100 lbs which isn’t correct, she said she weighs 124. I then went to the store and got a new one, a nice expensive digital scale! However it weighed me in at 212....and her at 124. I know I shouldn’t put so much thought into scales and worry about the number much, however to see that was so discouraging and made me feel really bad. I’ve never been this heavy in my life and I feel as though I don’t even look like I’m 212!!!! If anyone can offer some words of encouragement I’d really appreciate it. My physical appearance has huge impact on my mental health and this isn’t helping whatsoever. I’m a 24 year old girl, I’m 5 foot 4 and I’m trying to rack my brain around how much longer it’s gonna take to get me to a healthy weight again 😔

submitted by /u/marikind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Yesterday I cried during my workout.

It’s been a crazy ride.

I’m quarantined with my parents and my mother and I have always had a rocky relationship, mainly because she’s bullied me for my weight my whole life. She used to be a ballerina, and glorifies stick thin bodies. She’s the type of person who would starve herself to lose weight and not care about being healthy. I’m not.

Yesterday was particularly hard - she makes comments about my weight every single day. I’m F23, 181lbs, 5’7”, and been active my whole life. It’s been such an insane struggle living under the same roof as the person who hurts me the most. Since quarantine started, I’ve been doing IF and losing weight, and my mom has noticed. She’s made comments about how she’s gained weight while I’m losing weight, and maybe this has hurt her ego, because yesterday she was particularly nasty to me. Making fun of me for not leaving the house (because we’re quarantined), alluding to me being a “couch-potato” (because I work from home and I have to sit in front of the computer most of the day), and generally being verbally abusive as she usually is. And it just sent me over the edge.

I’ve been doing Chloe Ting’s two week shred challenge in order to keep some structure to my workouts. Yesterday was day 4, and I was really tempted to skip my workout and have a glass of wine to relax. However, I chose to work out because it was one of those days where I looked in the mirror and saw a morphed version of myself - fatter and uglier. I used to have really bad body dysmorphia when I was younger.

So I start with the first video out of three. I tend to record myself while working out to see the progress. I was halfway through the first video (HIIT workout) when I just broke down crying. It might be a little funny to watch that video in the future, since I was doing heel-touch abs while sobbing. Second video in, I get so frustrated with the fat in my abdomen I smash the floor with my fists. Third video in, I try to do a sideway plank (very difficult for me to hold) and again, I break down sobbing. Every time I’d start crying, I’d feel like getting in the shower, curl up into fetal position and cry my eyes out. But I didn’t.

I recorded one last video - the vlog-like, update video after my workout. It’s insane, I couldn’t stop crying. I kept saying how unworthy and fat and ugly I felt. I kept crying. Then I go silent for a few seconds, and right before the video is about to end, I say “oh wow, I really did finish the whole workout”. It was a really nice moment of realization, knowing that despite feeling like absolute shit, I’d donde something good for my body and mind.

I’ve never had such an emotionally draining workout and I really needed to share it with someone. I turn to this community in moments like this, because it’s really reassuring to know there’s others out there who understand the deep struggles a weight loss journey brings. It’s not just a physical change - it’s a whole ass emotional journey too.

submitted by /u/bonitawehbe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weeding through my closet - unsure of what to keep and discard during my weight loss journey (F23)

Hello everyone,

Right now like a lot of people during quarantine, I'm going through my closet and am planning to donate things that I do not think I need. For the vast majority of my adult/teen life I was 135 lbs till my last year of college (2018) which I gained weight and was 150 lbs and then post college (Dec 2019) I got up to 164. Starting in Feb 2020, I began a weight loss journey of exercise and CICO and have gone from 164 to 146 with my goal of 135 to be able to be the same size as I was for a lot of my life. As of now, I lose about 5 lbs per month so I should hit this goal in August.

Sorry for all of the ranting lol but my question is, would you advise I donate these clothes that don't fit me now or should I keep some and not all or what? Pretty much all of my shorts do not fit right I really can only wear dresses and skirts, which I mean I don't necessarily mind. My closet is just bursting at the seams since I have so many items, it's just a lot don't fit me since I bought them pre weight gain but I am on track to lose that said weight so I just don't know what to do. I am going to be going to grad school soon so funds are limited.

submitted by /u/happylittlesunshinee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 Year Change

Hello everyone! This is my first post on this subreddit and I'm happy that I found this place. My heaviest recorded weight was 250 (it's possible that I went to 260, but I can't prove it) and that was May 2018, also when I graduated college.

After graduation, I had a job lined up in the fall, so I had the summer to do whatever I wanted. I started going on walks just to past the time, and a month after I graduated, I went to the doctor's office for a checkup and asked if I intentionally lost weight (I lost 10 lbs since my last recorded weight, so now at 240). I didn't even realize I lost weight! I left the office thinking to myself that if I could lose some weight without trying, then I could lose more weight if I put effort into it.

I realized that I wasn't stressed or emotionally eating anymore because I wasn't in school, so I made the point to keep up my changed eating habits. I learned to tackle my stress and emotions in healthier ways by reading, listening to music, etc.

In November of 2018 (my birth month, approx 6 months later), I got into the Onederland! I haven't been this low since freshman year of college. I had tears in my eyes because I was patient and committed.

May 2019 (a year later), I got to 175. My weight loss significantly slowed down, but that didn't stop me! I continued to cook healthier foods, get a workout in, and decreased my alcohol consumption.

Months go by and my weight remains between 175 and 180. I kept telling myself I don't know why the scale isn't moving. Looking back I was snacking often and eating larger portion sizes because I got careless and comfortable. March 2020 when stay-at-home orders were issued, I managed to get back on track because I didn't buy snacks or junk food (less income sadly). Now May 2020, I'm at 165 and I am proud of my accomplishments. I hope to continue this lifestyle as I move onto the next phase of my life, which is grad school.

My overall message to everyone: Keep moving forward and don't look back! You have the power to change your lifestyle, you just have to be determined and patient.

submitted by /u/luvduvbunny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm at my 10th grade weight again!! (+ epiphany on weight gain)

F19, 5'5, SW: 171, CW: 153.8

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share a really big milestone of mine, which is being back at my 10th grade weight of 154lbs!! This morning I looked at the scale expecting maybe a 1lb difference from last week, but instead I saw a 3lb drop (must be that magical whoosh everyone talks about).

Growing up, I was always overweight and very self conscious. I attempted tracking calories on MFP from a young age as we were tasked with doing a week of logging for PE each year. I don't use MFP anymore and instead I handwrite my food log each night, but I was curious and I logged on through my old email and WOW.

Summer of 9th grade - 146lbs

Feb of 10th grade - 154

July 10th grade - 165.5

Not only am I back at what I weighed in sophomore year of high school (4 years ago), I also realized that I gained a whopping 11.5lbs in 5 months of grade 10. This was when I moved from having split time with my parents to living with one parent full time and moving schools - it was really hard. I kept a poker face, but I distantly remember having a tough time with it. I guess its crazy to me to see that I am such an emotional eater, and that I really gained that much weight in such little time. Now I know to watch my eating habits very carefully especially around periods of time that involve a transition.

I'm positive I'll be back to my "grade 9" weight by this summer, the 5 year mark. I started my weight loss this year in late March, and have lost 17.2lbs since then (nearly halfway to my GW 135).

So excited!! I wish I could've known how good this feels when I was younger. I don't know about anyone else, but I wasted so much of high school feeling insecure and not knowing what a calorie was. I'm so happy I lost my stress weight and am in a better place both mentally and physically.

Anyone else aiming toward their high school weights?

submitted by /u/mmefosca
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is the best way to raise the issue of weight loss with a friend?

Visited a very close friend recently whom I hadn’t seen in about 12 months. She has always had weight problems but when I say her today I couldn’t believe how much weight she had put on. She must be close to 440 pounds. She hasn’t got a very good support network and I’m probably the closest person to her.

Her weight is clearly affecting her ability to walk properly and I am very concerned for her health and wellbeing. I suggested we go for a walk next week but honestly, I feel she may need medical intervention of some sorts, whether it is a referral to a weight loss specialist or a strict diet plan.

I want to have a conversation with her next time I see her and be able to offer some constructive and supportive advice/suggestions. However I’m not sure what would be the best thing to say.

Any suggestions about what would be the best thing she could hear from me right now would be appreciated. I don’t want to upset her (she is sensitive) but I want to help her, even if it’s just going to doctors appointments with her or grocery shopping.

Edit: I realise some people might perceive me saying something to my friend as being nosey and judgemental, which I accept. I guess I was wondering whether anyone who has struggled with their weight would have appreciated a good friend reaching out, and if so what they might have liked to hear to help start the weight loss process for them

Edit: my friend is candid about her need to lose weight and admitted today “I know I need to lose weight” but she doesn’t seem to have any strategies in place. She knows full well she has a problem. She lacks the motivation and support to make any lasting change it seems.

submitted by /u/_badtasteinmen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone lost a lot of weight not fasting of doing keto / low carb?

I am 42 and need to lose a significant amount of weight 70 lbs approx. I know why I have gained weight I am not active enough and I eat too much. A bit factor in my weight gain has been the fact I suffer from chronic migraine which is 15 or more migraine days a month. This seriously impacts my ability to exercise and to make changes to my diet.

All I see all over the internet is low carb, keto and fasting and I've tried them all and they all made my migraine much worse. In fact on keto I even ended up being admitted to hospital. What I read online makes me feel like unless I can do low carb or fasting then I'll never lose weight and that if I'd only push though the inital few weeks I'd feel amazing, but that doesn't happen for me. My brain is so sensitive that once its aggravated it can take months for it to calm down and for me to get some migraine free days and even longer before I can think about anything as challeneging as serious weight loss.

Exercise can trigger a migraine for me, even going for a walk can cause one but not always or I often wake up with a migraine already starting and then exercising just makes the migraine worse. The medication I use makes me feel sleepy and weak but I can't do without it.

I do need to lose serious weight though, I am so ashamed of how I look, I am very unfit and I am getting to the age where the consequences of the extra weight are very serious.

Things I can do would be count calories using mfp for example and commit to a set number of workouts per week and just try and fit them in when I am well enough a combination of low impact cardio and strength training? I am vegetarian and will not eat meat or fish but I do eat some dairy. I could also probably do a low glycemic index type diet and increase my protein intake via supplement shakes or something but not low carb or Keto as my brain won't tolerate it.

Can someone here give me some encouragement that such an approach will work? I know it won't be as fast as a low carb or fasting diet but I don't have a choice. I just need to believe it won't all be pointless!

submitted by /u/doratattie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat