Friday, May 29, 2020

Anyone lost a lot of weight not fasting of doing keto / low carb?

I am 42 and need to lose a significant amount of weight 70 lbs approx. I know why I have gained weight I am not active enough and I eat too much. A bit factor in my weight gain has been the fact I suffer from chronic migraine which is 15 or more migraine days a month. This seriously impacts my ability to exercise and to make changes to my diet.

All I see all over the internet is low carb, keto and fasting and I've tried them all and they all made my migraine much worse. In fact on keto I even ended up being admitted to hospital. What I read online makes me feel like unless I can do low carb or fasting then I'll never lose weight and that if I'd only push though the inital few weeks I'd feel amazing, but that doesn't happen for me. My brain is so sensitive that once its aggravated it can take months for it to calm down and for me to get some migraine free days and even longer before I can think about anything as challeneging as serious weight loss.

Exercise can trigger a migraine for me, even going for a walk can cause one but not always or I often wake up with a migraine already starting and then exercising just makes the migraine worse. The medication I use makes me feel sleepy and weak but I can't do without it.

I do need to lose serious weight though, I am so ashamed of how I look, I am very unfit and I am getting to the age where the consequences of the extra weight are very serious.

Things I can do would be count calories using mfp for example and commit to a set number of workouts per week and just try and fit them in when I am well enough a combination of low impact cardio and strength training? I am vegetarian and will not eat meat or fish but I do eat some dairy. I could also probably do a low glycemic index type diet and increase my protein intake via supplement shakes or something but not low carb or Keto as my brain won't tolerate it.

Can someone here give me some encouragement that such an approach will work? I know it won't be as fast as a low carb or fasting diet but I don't have a choice. I just need to believe it won't all be pointless!

submitted by /u/doratattie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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