Saturday, May 30, 2020

My BMI is no longer obese!

For a little background, I am 25f and 5'5". I've never been naturally thin, but I used to perceive my more muscular and therefore heavier stature as being fat compared to my teeny tiny friends who could fit into size 4 jeans and probably weighed no more than 120lbs (big time body dysmorphia issues in childhood stemming from my time as a cheerleader, but I won't get into that).

At the beginning of college, I weighed about 150lbs and looking back - I looked great. But I decided to say screw it and eat and drink myself into the ground during the first year of college and gained 55lbs. My clothes were tight, I felt physically sick often and I experienced the most awful thing where people speculated that I was pregnant when really I was just fat.

For the next 6-7ish years I thought there was no hope and I was just so unhappy with myself (still working on that). I paid for weight watchers multiple times, trying and mostly failing. I lost and kept off about 20lbs from weight watchers, but I was always ravenously hungry on it and never lost more than that.

I decided that this year was it.. I was going to lose the weight. I want to have children before I'm 30 hopefully and I sure as hell do not want to go into pregnancy at such a high BMI. My boyfriend is supportive and loves me the way I am, but wants me to be happy. I turned 25 in April and realized I hadn't really made any progress towards my goals. I went to my GP for a physical and discussed my weight loss goals. My cholesterol and triglycerides were high and she agreed that weight loss would be beneficial for my health, especially since my family has a history of heart disease. She recommended CICO and gave me a prescription to help me control my cravings and prevent me from bingeing. On May 1 I started seriously tracking calories (I eat ~1200-1500 cals depending on my activity level for the day), making sure to get a minimum of 8k steps in a day (I've been sedentary for a long time and have congenital hip dysplasia so that's big for me), and I've been practicing yoga about 5 days/week. Today is May 30 and I have gone from 186lbs to 179.2lbs in this month. I haven't been under 180lbs in a long time and I know I'm not out of the woods, but this is huge for me. My BMI is officially just "overweight" and not "obese". Teenage me wouldn't believe I could ever be happy being classified clinically as overweight. My goal is 145lbs and I now know I can do it. I want it so bad and I will continue to put in the work.

Sorry if this was all over the place, but I wanted to share my story. To anyone else who feels like they've tried and tried to no avail - I know you can do it too.

submitted by /u/w4t3rs_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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