Wednesday, May 27, 2020

first time post / weight loss accountability (20 lbs lost)

So I’ve been working out on and off for the past two or three years and tried to lose weight but as a college student it was pretty hard.

My walks to class would pass all the restaurants on Main Street and sometimes I’d see my friend in a cafe, a coffee here, a stir fry bowl there, eating out for dinner because by time I’m done my school work, my job and extracurricular the restaurants are closed, really adds up.

I had a routine before quarantine and I got down from 225 to 205-195 where I plateau’d for the months of December to February.

When Quarantine started in March I had decided that now was the time to start building healthy and sustainable habits. I’ve been stalking this reddit for a couple years and I guess the knowledge of CICO and intermittent fasting and different excercises and healthy recipes kinda just accumulated in the back of my mind and I put it all to work now. I got a pull up bar and a yoga mat and try to make it outside on a run or bike ride every other day and do yoga every morning.

For most of March I was just trying to work out a couple times of week, watch what I ate but I didn’t keep track of my weight or really took progress pics. By 4/20 (I was especially proud because I did my workouts before I partook in some festivities) I was 195 down from 205. I tracked my weight and as of today (May 27th) I am 185. Which is super exciting. I usually try not to step on the scale during the week but something this morning compelled me to. 185 was my original goal weight but I’m definitely going to be changing that to something like 160-170 as of right now.

I wanted to post here to hold myself accountable for this weight lost. I kept thinking I’d post when I got to my goal weight but I should celebrate my accomplishments where I see them.

:) here are some progress pics! top pic is December, bottom is today

submitted by /u/prismix
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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