Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Losing weight for the last time...

I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago and she mentioned that in the time we've known each other, we've always been trying to lose weight. 2 lbs here, 5-7 lbs there, now here I sit in 2020, after a 2019 riddled with excessive weight gain, depression, anxiety, and a terrible work life balance, determined to lose weight..ALL of the weight for the last time. At the start of quarantine, I looked at the facts and said to myself "this is going to go on for do you want to deal with this? how do you want to come out of this, the time will pass regardless so lets get to work" and every single day since, I've been working. Where I typically fail in weight loss is expecting fast results, going out way too hard, too fast (dieting and excessive working out) and then being saddled with injuries, getting angry about said injuries and then quitting...every single time, every single year for the past 3 years.

At 33, my body isn't what it was at 23 and with that in mind, with lessons learned from the mistakes I mentioned above, this is the most consistent I've been in any weight loss journey I've had...14 lbs ago was also the heaviest point I've ever been in my life, I hated pictures of myself, I hated the way my clothes fit, I've always been the athlete, the person that everyone else came to for workout advice or health advice, my friends and family pushed me to be a personal trainer because those things were ingrained in me....and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel like that person anymore. I'm not the person that has 100 lbs to lose or some large number but for me to feel healthy, and comfortable in my clothes is everything to me. I don't care what anyone else thinks about the way that I look. If I can't look at myself and be happy, it's a problem.

As of today, I have 10 lbs left that I'm hoping to lose by Labor Day and as a person who is as mentioned, athletic, already eating at a large deficit, and Pelotoning/working my ass of it, I know it will be hard, but I'm determined to lose weight for the last time in my life and will continue working to address the issues that aided me in gaining those extra pounds over the past 3 years. I fail some days, some days I sit on my couch and eat Chipotle and have 2-3 beers with my partner because it's what I want, but I don't beat myself up, I wake up the next day and try again. The runner in me always tries to remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Slow and steady wins the race.

To all of you who are busting your tails day in and day out, counting calories, maybe not seeing results as fast as you want. I promise you, they will come, you will put on those jeans or shorts that didn't fit sometime soon and they'll be loose. You'll take your measurements and will have lost inches everywhere, and you will be so happy, and proud of the work that you've done. Hang in there, keep going, reach out if you need motivation or words of advice, ESPECIALLY now, we're all in this together.

submitted by /u/Ophelia_AO
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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