Thursday, May 28, 2020

6 months in, 57lbs down, goals are changing

Hi folks! I wanted to do a 6 month check in.


SW: 245 CW: 188 GW: 165

SW: Dec 2019 CW: Jun 2020 GW: Dec 2020

Last six months:

I don't know WHAT made me stick to my "new years resolution" (that I started in December, so that I could have a head-start) but here we are. Crazy.

December 2019 I weighed 245lbs. I'm 5'5" and a 20 year old girl, and I have wicked cool social anxiety (mostly based around my body image, which is awful) to the point where I wouldn't go out with family or friends unless absolutely necessary and I would hide myself if I was outside. I have so few pictures from 2015-2020, and the ones I do have I'm literally wearing the same shirt in every picture. I won't go into the reason I was 245lbs as a teenager because it doesn't really matter right now. But that's what I was. And I hated myself. I saw other plus sized women who were GORGEOUS and in my mind flawless, but I didn't look at all like them. (Spoiler: I did look like them. I was lacking confidence and happiness)

I gave myself the goal to hit 200lbs by the end of 2020. I was going on vacation for December 2020, and I wanted to be able to be confident around my friends and family. I wanted pictures to remember the trip from. 45lbs, one year, let's do it.

By February 2020 I was deep into this subreddit and others like it and I was learning more about healthy ways to lose weight, things to do to improve your mental health, and I decided that my new goal should be 180lbs by December 2020. It was a bit more weight to lose but it would put me much closer to being out of the "obese" BMI and my new goal was to be healthy, not a number.

In March 2020 I learned about fasting and IF, I started watching and reading posts and watching videos from people that were in the process of weight loss and realized I had an incredibly unhealthy relationship with food and alcohol, I relied on it for happiness and when I ended up regretting what I ate/drank I just went to eat and drink more. Fasting truly helped me find myself and find my priorities and sort some shit out in my brain. Before this point I was eating healthier and drinking less, but I was absolutely devastated about it. I hated "dieting" and having to cut back on things. After I started fasting I realized that I need to treat my body with respect. Even if my tongue doesn't like spinach, my brain loves it and it and we need to compromise in order to take care of the body. Also apparently healthy food can taste good, and this is amazing news to me.

By April 2020 I realized that I was losing weight faster than I thought I could, which I'm incredibly grateful for. I'm a bookkeeper and I am obsessed with numbers. Once I figured out that 1 pound of weight equaled a certain amount of calories, there was no stopping me. I started counting calories and found a spreadsheet that lets you calculate the amount of calories needed (the total deficit I guess) to get to your goal weight. I don't think I would've been able to lose this much weight if I didn't understand all the math behind it, it makes weight loss fun and (semi) predictable. I set a new goal, 165lbs. Evaluating my height, my shape, where I'm losing weight from and where I'm holding it, 165 would potentially be a good spot for my health and where I think I want to be aesthetically.

What I do:

I'm exercising 5-6 days a week for about 15 minutes (HIIT workouts) and one weight lifting workout (about 45 min) each week. I eat ~1200 calories a day. If I come up too short or go over a little I don't worry about it, as long as my weekly average is where I need it to be. I weight myself every morning and input it into my graphs and get a good idea of what/when in the month I tend to gain more weight/lose more weight. I like to do extended fasts a few times a month (2 or 3 days) and do IF or OMAD for the rest of it. I also have a lovely partner who has taught me how to respect myself and loved me through my insecurities.

How things have changed:

I love pictures. I have so many selfies on my phone now! I never took pictures of myself because I hated how my face looked but I feel like a normal 20 year old hahah. I love how I feel. My chronic pain (which used to be debilitating almost all the time, couldn't sleep, walked with a cane, I hated my life) has subsided and I'm able to go up and down stairs without fear.

Next six months:

I don't expect to keep losing at the rate I am, it's impossible for the long term. But I look forward to being able to eventually switch to maintaining my weight instead of losing it. If I don't hit my goal weight I won't be too upset, I've learned too much to be upset. I've grown and matured in the last few months and I'm looking forward to continue to do so. I plan to go to a bar with my friends and not have an anxiety attack/sweat my ass off because of my body image. I also plan on going to the beach and not hiding my stomach/thighs/literally all of my body.

Wow, that was a super long post. Anyways, stick to it! You've got this. I've got this, we got this.

submitted by /u/humanchonker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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