Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Binging my way to the altar

Hi all! I’m looking for some advice here. I know the mechanics of weight loss. Calories in, calories out. However, I’ve been “trying” to lose weight for the past 9 weeks and ended up gaining 3 lbs.

I’m female, 24, 5’6”, 132 lbs. My goal weight is between 120-125. I have a pear/hourglass body type and I just feel slimmer and better lighter.

For the past 9 weeks, my calories have been alternating between 1500ish to 4500ish with an average of 2495. This has caused me to gain 3 lbs and lots of frustration.

I am getting married in October (also maybe sooner, august) and really just want to look and feel my best. For me, that is feeling slim and dainty. I am going wedding dress shopping Saturday and I don’t even want to go because I just spent the afternoon binging and feel yucky. My main problem is binging on sugar, some days I swear I just have 3000 cals in excess sugar. It’s bad. I tell myself I should cut it out but then I feel like I’m being too hard on myself and too eating disorder-y if I do. Idk.

I guess I am just looking for any advice you all have regarding binging, setting weight loss goals, tracking goals, etc. I just want to feel great on my day and even though I “know” how to lose weight I’m really struggling.

submitted by /u/tswizzle1322
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

\\TW// Pro-Tip: seek help for your eating disorders before you start a weight journey

TW eating disorders, mental health and body image

Hi again.

About 5 months ago, I made this post celebrating my 10 kg weight loss.

everything was going 'well' and I was super excited about my progress until I went overseas for two months and everything came crashing down.

I relapsed 2 eating disorders that I had battled for years and never got professional help for. I spiralled constantly and fell into a whole other side of depression that was so, so sad.

I didn't realise that the manner in which I lost the 10 kilos was super unhealthy, borderline orthorexic and the unrealistic standards I had set out for myself had cause me to lose control.

I have gained back most of the weight but luckily I got the help of a dietitian and a therapist. BUT I really want to emphasise something.

Please Please PLEASE focus on eating disorder recovery FIRST before you decide to go on any journey. Sometimes you may think your weight loss journey is going really well, but if you have unresolved issues, then it won't be long before something triggers a relapse.

I say this with love because this is the worst I have relapsed, and I'd hate to see someone experience something similar.

Stay safe everyone <3

submitted by /u/Confusedartkid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can anyone else relate?

I am curious If anyone can relate to having a hard time holding their tongue back when someone starts a bar and shake meal service. Let me start with background on me and then I'll dive into why I feel the way I do about them

I am currently a 23 year old male. I am currently 5'11 215 lbs. 2-1/2 years ago I was at my heaviest of 340lbs. I am still doing CICO and slimming down as we speak but in a very healthy and sustainable way.

August of 2014 I started my senior year of highschool, I was 305 lbs. I decided I wanted to lose weight for graduation because I was sick of being the fat kid in my grade. I had no proper knowledge or understanding of good nutrition, CICO, Macros, ETC. What I did know is that I loved working out. So I started working out a lot. By a lot I mean My fitbit would track on average over 25,000 steps a day. I was in the gym for hours a day lifting weights, running, etc. After the gym I would Frisbee golf, Hike with friends, etc.

I felt unstoppable. I was losing weight and fast. The problem was I wasn't eating. I was almost doing the OMAD diet on top of all the training. I opted not to eat because most nights dinner wasn't healthy food or we didn't have healthy food in the house so I just wouldn't eat. By graduation in May of 2015 I was down to 225 lbs. In my mind at the time "I did it!". But what I really did was set myself up for failure.

Fast forward 3 years later 2018, I graduate College move to a new state and in those 3 years I've put on all the weight plus more because obviously that lifestyle and amount of training was highly unsustainable. I felt horrible, my relationship with my partner crumbled due to my insecurities and my overall mood was terrible. I was in a shitty place to say the least. In fall of 2019 My Girlfriend and I parted ways. At that point I dedicated all my free time into nutrition, foods, different workouts etc. I have dumped hours into not just knowing the nutrition but understanding how it will impact me moving forward. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination and am ALWAYS willing to learn and hear more about studies that have been done on nutrition, supplements, proper workout movements, etc.

So I started my new healthy lifestyle marathon with my own nutrition plan and training. I learned during this time that weight loss shouldn't be the only goal. Completely changing your perception of food and nutrition should be the goal. Changing your lifestyle should be what you strive for and the weight loss and transformation is nothing more than proof that what you're doing is good. Nothing feels better than having someone come up to you and say "have you lost weight?". That feeling is what companies like to use, to make you think what they offer is good.

When ever I hear someone say "Oh I started this meal service" and i've lost XX lbs. My heart drops a little and I find myself holding back my tongue. I have a hard time not asking them if they've thought about the sustainability of the plan. The one where they say "Hey have this bar or drink this shake". My biggest problem with companies like that is the fact they help people lose the weight but never teach them how to sustain that AFTER they no longer want to pay the price for the monthly trash bars and powders they get.

As someone who has went from Fat to Fit twice I have a hard time pretending like those plans are good. I guess I always want to chime in because I want that person to be successful for longer than just that initial "high" that they get from it. But I'd rather just keep to myself unless asked and cheer them on for doing what they want.

Do any of you find yourself thinking the same thing or can you relate to this at all?

submitted by /u/Bigski7597
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Genuinely at a loss. Advice would be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

I am a 24 yr old, 5'3, 152lb woman and was previously eating at 1,300-400 and have decided to start eating at 1,125cals because I'm not losing weight. Somehow, in Feb/March I gained ~6 pounds. It's insane to me because I maintained and even lost all quarantine while baking and cooking the most decadent foods and then I gain weight when I’m not longer doing that...whatever.

I'm more concerned that in the past month of intense HIIT bootcamp work outs and logging my calories, I haven't been able to lose a single pound! I keep hovering between 151-153.

I weigh my food in grams. I barely eat out and if I do I overestimate. I divide calories burned in a workout by half, sometimes I will eat them back. If I binge eat, I'll even it out over the days... I really do feel like I'm doing most things right, as I've been losing/gaining weight what seems to be my whole life and I know how it works, but I'm at a loss here. Not even one pound doesn't make sense to me? Genuinely about to look into a nutritionist or weight loss counselor or something because I don't know what to do.

I will say, I don't look bad though. If anything, I look the most fit I ever have, but I'm really not comfortable at this weight. I'm trying to get to 135-140 but rn I'll just be happy to see the 140s again!

This is my first week at 1,215 calories so I'll see how it goes. I didn't put my TDEE at sedentary, because I'm really not. I don't really move outside of my workouts but 3 days HIIT and 3 days Couch 2 5k feels like I can say I am slightly active...should be losing 1.45 at that number a week...any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/dashingthrough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tell me about your average day

Hello darling losers,

I’ve only been on my weight loss journey for about 3 weeks, and I’m struggling a little with meals at the moment, and I guess I could use some inspiration?

Those of you who eat between 1200 & 1400cals, what does your average day look like? As I’m also following 16:8 IF, I find that many days I simply don’t eat enough before my window closes again (12pm - 8pm) and I must admit, I’m feeling it. Before I started my journey I could do DAMAGE in that amount of time. Somehow I’ve flung myself to the opposite end and now I’m lost lol.

I need to figure out a better system so that my body actually gets all the nutrients it needs, since whilst MyFitnessPal says I am, my body is saying gurl, no.

So please, tell me your daily routines, strategies, favourite recipes even. I need the advice!

Much love to you all!

submitted by /u/naturesfuckup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally hit 170! I'm so excited and needed to share somewhere!

About 3 years ago I was at my heaviest and hit 198lbs. I'm a 28-year-old female and got diagnosed with Hashimoto's when I was 14. I'm only 5'6, so at 198 I was feeling terrible from all the junk food, the largest clothes I had ever worn, and just generally self-conscious about how I looked.

I ended up seeing a nutritionist for about 6 months and easily got down to 160lbs in 2019. I stopped there even though I really wanted to be at 140lbs because I felt great and figured I could maintain there for a while until I was ready to go back to more weight loss. Spoiler alert! That didn't happen.

I did maintain for about a year somewhere between 160-165lbs, but after the 2019 holidays I weighed in back at 175lbs at the end of February 2020. I was horrified, then COVID hit. I was going through a lot at that time, working from home, depressed, and caring for my dog who had bone cancer. Sadly I lost my dog, and then I somehow got back down to 162lbs, but in hindsight, it was because I stopped eating from the depression.

After adjusting and healing, the weight easily came right back on since I didn't lose it in a healthy way and continued to eat like garbage. I got on the scale in February 2021 and was blown away that I was already back at 185lbs after having worked so hard to lose all that weight in 2019.

Well - no more! I was inspired by an upcoming trip we booked after getting fully vaccinated and have been working hard to lose the weight again. This time around I am doing CICO, IF, walking for an hour just about every day, and strength training 2 to 4 times a week. I pretty much never eat my calories back except for a Saturday here and there (weekends are hard).

I wanted to get down to 175lbs before the trip so I could wear shorts and not feel completely terrible. This morning I was 170lbs! I can't believe I have lost 15lbs! (again, but still!)

I keep telling myself - only 10 more pounds and I will be back to my weight from quitting the diet before. Then only 10 more pounds after that and I will be smaller than I was after my sophomore year of college back when I was 19 and FAR more active. One of the biggest things for me this time around has been paying close attention to how much better I feel when I just stick to my plan. That brownie or cookie on a Saturday night might taste great, but the hangover-like state I find myself in the next morning is just not worth it. Smaller treats have been so much more satisfying if/when I decide to cheat at all.

All this to say - YOU CAN DO IT. If you fall off the horse, it is okay. You can get back on, find a plan that works for you, and be successful. You got this!!

submitted by /u/angelakayyyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling frustrated/defeated

I need to vent about my frustration with my weight loss journey because my boyfriend always says “you’re not fat” when I bring it up. He’s 6’2, so it seems like any bloating or minimal weight gain he has is unnoticeable. I feel like on my 5’4 frame, a fluctuation of five pounds is very obvious.

I’ve been on a bit of a roller coaster with my weight loss for years now. I managed to get to my lowest weight I can remember about two years ago, and since then, my weight has been slowly creeping back up on me. I’ve gained about 45 pounds back of the 55 that I had lost. I’m so frustrated with myself for letting this happen.

I’m about to embark on a thru-hike, and I KNOW I need to lose some weight to make sure my body can handle the intense exercise I know I’m going to be getting. I feel like I know exactly what to do to make the weight loss happen, but I’m somehow lacking the motivation again when it’s something that I know would be much better for me.

I walk 10,000 steps every day, but I can’t get the food in line with my goals. I think some of this also stems from becoming unemployed a couple months ago that now, despite sitting at home with work before, I know have way more time to sit at home and snack and eat unhealthy foods.

I didn’t even think about what I ate this past weekend for my birthday, and assumed all of my additional walking around the city (20-30k steps) would make up for junk food. NOPE. Came home last night, stepped on the scale this morning, and I’m back at 200. I’m horrified with myself. I wanted to cry as soon as I saw that number.

I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or support or what exactly, but I needed to get my feelings out.

submitted by /u/ellgor94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat