Monday, June 28, 2021

How to lose weight slowly without losing patience/hope?

Basically what the title says.

F27, 90 kg/198 lbs, 172 cm.
GW: 75 kg/165 lbs.

I've lost weight before, but have always ended up gaining it all back and then some more. More recently, I went from 89 kg down to 84 kg over the span of two months, but that was extremely unsustainable as I was eating around 1500-1800 calories a day when my TDEE maintenance is around 2600.

My TDEE is so high because I exercise consistently every day. I walk around 16-20K steps daily, bike, lift weights 3x a week (5-6x in the winter), and throw in the occasional yoga practice every few days. I used to run, but because of my weight it's become a lot harder to enjoy it. I grew up extremely athletic too (danced ballet for 15 years, played soccer through high school) so I've cultivated a more active lifestyle very easily. I don't own a car so I walk or bike everywhere.

I'm restarting the journey now at 90 kg (198 lbs), which makes me technically obese at 172 cm (even though I don't really "look" that big). However, this time around I'm aiming for a much more reasonable deficit of 500 calories/day, so 2100 calories. I don't see a lot of people on this subreddit or really anywhere try to lose by eating so "many" calories, but I really want to go at it more slowly, at 1 pound of weight loss at most per week.

I know this is the most sustainable option, but it's really hard staying focused on weight loss when your eating pattern doesn't feel that restrictive anymore. More importantly, it implies a much more quiet overhaul of my bad habits that will hopefully not come back once I hit my target weight. But I keep getting "bored" of it, as I feel like my goal is much more intangible since it's so far off! What can be done to make this feel more like a journey and less like something I occasionally remember?

submitted by /u/Historical_Elk3915
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Planned diet break for my weight loss journey?

Hey everyone. For the past 4 months I’ve been eating at a caloric deficit. I started my journey at 266 lbs and weighed in at 216.8lbs on Saturday morning. Super proud of my progress.

As 4 months have gone by I realized recently that im getting drained eating the same foods every week and I am deciding to take a diet break for this week. Nothing crazy, just not tracking for a week, eating dinner with my wife like we used to (taco night, chicken parm, burgers on the grill). During my journey I’ve also allowed myself one cheat meal a week.

My question is has anyone completed a planned diet break? How were the results on the scale afterwards? Any tips on how to bounce back after the week is over? I do plan on continuing my workout routine. Lifting and nightly walks with my family will continue. Any information and tips are appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/DerJ3ager
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Maintenance Monday: June 28, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sustainability, Binging, Keto, etc...

Hi everyone.

I have been keto very liberally off and on for a couple of years. Back in 2019, I had really great success and 50 pounds melted right off. I went from 240 to 190. My lowest weight was 179, but then I fell off the wagon for months. Even still, I maintain between 190 and 205. I haven't had anymore success with weight loss. It's been over a year since I reached that low of 179. It seems I cannot make it more than a few weeks of keto before I'm off the wagon, but it's not just about eating carbs. For me, eating carbs is a doorway into binge eating. I feel like it doesn't matter what I eat-- potatoes, rice, salads with lots of veggies, fruits-- if it's carb loaded, it will send me spiraling into a binge that can sometimes last... months. I feel so ashamed to even admit that. When I fall off the wagon, I fall HARD. That being said, it truly feels like being in ketosis, or sometimes the act of fasting, is the only thing that takes away the part of my brain that loses control. Even if it's only for a few weeks, keto gives me the feeling that I am in control of my eating behaviors, binging becomes minimal, and if I'm not around carb-laden food, I do not really get cravings for them. The problem for me is multifold. 1) it seems like keto isn't sustainable long term. Society revolves around food, I genuinely feel as if I'm missing out a lot of times because I am so restrictive with carbs. This leads to me feeling sad towards food, mad at myself for not being "normal," etc which leads to binging. 2) Keto is the only thing that gives me a semblance of control. I tried to just count calories for a couple weeks, but inevitably I would eat something that would lead into a binge.

So. I know this problem isn't really even a keto problem. It's a binging problem. Binging is a mental problem, probably a maladaptive coping mechanism. However, there is a part of me that feels like I will never truly be in control of myself if I'm eating carbs regularly. But another part of me feels like I cannot live my whole life keeping myself from food I enjoy. Ugh. I just feel so hopeless and out of control. I feel like a child who's had their carb eating privileges revoked. It feels like a punishment, and despite feeling so lost and unsure, I know for certain that feeling that way is not the path towards successful weight loss and health management.

I'd truly appreciate any and all advice. That being said, I don't have insurance or the resources to consult a dietician or therapist at the moment. I'm hoping this will change soon, but right now I need things I can take in my own hands. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/vermillion_ink
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I want to go to the gym but I don't know what I'm doing, please help! (24F)

[24F; SW: 311, CW: 223] Hello all! I have been on my weight loss journey for about a year and a half now and I have lost 88 lbs! I have incorporated exercise into my routine for a while now but it is primarily cardio. I have lost a noticeable amount of muscle mass and would like to regain it in addition to boost my metabolism through strength training to maintain steady fat loss. But I have no idea what I'm doing. I've done some resistance and cardio workouts that I found on YouTube but I want to understand and know what I'm doing and be able to create my own workouts that work best for me. I currently do not have access to a gym but would like to become a member at my local planet fitness ad it seems to be the most cost efficient. So that will most likely happen in the near future. Where do I even start? Should I be doing full body workouts or designate certain days to certain muscle groups? How do I structure workouts? Like how many different exercises, how many sets, reps, etc. With my schedule I can make time for about 3 workouts a week. Is that enough? Do my workouts need to be the exact same every time or can I have variety (variety is preferred. I hate doing the same thkng over and over)? Do I mix in cardio? I'm also very open to trying exercises that require minimal equipment. I would like to attempt at least a few workouts at home to get comfortable with strength training before I step foot in a gym. I do have 3 sets of free weights at home, a set of 2 lbs, a set of 3 lbs, and a set of 5 lbs in addition to 2 sets of resistance bands. Right now 5 lbs seems to be challenging and not too heavy. Any exercises that can incorporate these are helpful!

Also, I have no idea how to use gym equipment and I have gym anxiety. The idea of being in view of others while working out freaks me out. Any tips, advice, suggestions on overcoming this is welcome! The more I know about what to expect before I go to the gym, the more confident I'll be when I actually go. I have no desire to talk to people at the gym and I hate asking for help from someone other than Google. Also just Any notes about gym etiquette is appreciated.

Thanks in advance! Any input is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/daddethkenn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 pounds lost?


It is difficult for me to wrap my head around what I should say in terms of my weight loss numbers…

My heighest weight was 356 lbs in September 2020. It was during a bipolar manic episode. My feet were super swollen, which was very obvious, but nobody seemed to care. Other parts of my body might have been swollen, but the feet were the most obvious. My doctor (in the psych ward and my PCP)didn’t have an answer and didn’t seem to care to find one. At a doctor appointment a few weeks later, my feet weren’t swollen anymore and my weight plummeted to 342. I was congratulated on my weightloss but there really wasn’t any acknowledgement of whether whatever was swelling my feet- and the fact that it went away, might have been up to 14 pounds worth of water weight. Ugh. Anyway…

I kept going back to doctor appointments through January this year and my weight waddled between 336 and 342. I think the most recent weight was 342z The next appointment I had was last week….

May 23 I started a low carb/high protein/low calorie kinda-keto diet. I didn’t weight myself until the third morning of the diet. Since I had been eating crap for months not caring about myself, I was expecting to see a weight of up to 350 or higher. Instead, it was 330.

From experience I know that the first two days of a new diet can make you drop several pounds from water weight and bloating, but I just don’t know what that amount could have been since I didn’t weigh myself on day one…. I did some research on diabetes and weight loss and saw that high blood sugar could cause weight loss through muscle atrophy (yikes)…

ANYWAY. At my doctor appointment last week the scale said 323 and my doctor said some muscle atrophy during my previous crappy high sugar/carb diet was possible.

This morning it says 320… yay.

I don’t know how to think of this overall. Have I lost 10 pounds with a proper diet and some exercise, or have I lost 36 pounds? The top weight of 356 was during COVID so it’s not like any friends/coworkers saw me to notice a 36 pound difference (I was maybe 325-330 pre-COVID) I feel like including the 26 pounds pre-diet from my rougher times is disingenuous.

Oh well. Yay to 10 pounds with my new diet!

submitted by /u/misselliebee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Proud moment at work today!

So I 35F 6’1” SW 205 lbs CW 179 lbs GW 163 lbs started CICO roughly three months ago and have lost 26 lbs so far. This means for the first time in six years I am no longer overweight! However, my weight loss has definitely stalled at this point and I haven’t really lost any more in two weeks now, so I’m feeling kind of discouraged.

So today I’m at the restaurant where I work as a server, and the manager gathers us to sing happy birthday for the chef. My coworker brings out a gorgeous chocolate cake. At this point I have eaten family meal and have only 400 cal left available. I save these for a light dinner which I eat after my shift and if I eat this cake now I will be hungry by the time I go to bed and risk going over my limit. What happens though is we sing happy birthday and the kitchen guys place the cake right next to my station and get back to setting up for dinner service. Um, a cake was brought out and is sitting there uncovered and no one is eating it I’m sorry what?!

So I go into self loathing mode as I try to polish silverware with the cake in my peripheral. Of course I’m the only one having major anxiety right now, I’m still fat at heart, I’m an embarrassment etc. Finally I decide I’ve had enough, I’m hungry and on a calorie deficit, screw this. I walk into the kitchen with the cake announcing without shame ‘I’m removing this from my line of vision!’ and place it on a counter. To which my coworker says ‘thank you!’

I’m drinking coffee now. They did cut the cake in there eventually but out of my sight. Out of sight out of mind.

I know this may seem trite but I’m proud I stopped blaming myself and did what I needed to do instead of enduring anxiety which would probably lead to eating the cake. I mean who just leaves an uncovered shiny cake out and can focus on work? Not me and that’s fine

submitted by /u/tallfatfordays
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from loseit - Lose the Fat