Thursday, July 21, 2022

I’m making progress on my weight loss but people still make me feel like shit

This is just a rant…

I’ve lost 30lbs since January which is a huge win for me, even though there’s still some bit to go. My blood pressure is down, and I’m almost past the obese label on my BMI.

But people in my life still make me feel shit for STILL being fat. I’m taking a slow approach to my weight loss to build sustainable habits, but people keep telling me I need to do more or that I need to lose the weight more quickly.

It’s almost as if they don’t care about the progress and think this is a quick fix…

submitted by /u/babs_shirley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else experience crazy bloating after having lost a lot of weight?

Yo, I've lost a human's worth of weight and maintained for a while now. But the issue is that sometimes after eating food I'm sensitive to, I can bloat like crazy. In terms of water weight it can be up to 7kg / 15lbs within a short period of time. I am male and don't have estrogen cycles.

So I've never understood how this is possible but somebody in a forum mentioned that empty fat cells remain in the body and they can in fact absorb water. Visually when this bloating happens it is mostly around the midsection, where the most loose skin/empty fat storage is located. So intuitively this makes sense.

I am wondering if there is any science to this, or what to search for in terms of papers to learn more. Or if someone else has food intolerances + weight loss + massive bloating.

submitted by /u/g0regrind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Women in their 40s: talk to me about what worked for you and why.

Me: 42, F, 145lbs (I think) and want to lose about 20-25lbs.

So, my situation is that I lost weight (about 25lbs) at the start of the pandemic and was fairly comfortably under 130lbs until late last year. I had some relationship issues, work was hectic and stressful, I got covid with fatigue symptoms lingering for two months and essentially lost all motivation and enthusiasm for eating right and exercising. More recently, a 5.5 year long relationship has ended and it was a pretty difficult and stressful break up which resulted in comfort eating, poor sleep and generally not taking care of myself as I should be. Now, I’m overweight (back to where I was before the pandemic or possibly even heavier) and really not feeling so great about myself physically. I’m going on holidays for a week next Thursday and I know that will be a bit of a blow out with food and alcohol and that’s fine (to an extent) but I want to mentally and logistically plan for weight loss for when I get back from that trip.

What are your best tips for weight loss? What programmes worked for you and why? I eat everything so no dietary restrictions required.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/purpledrapeseeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Down 40 pounds but no one notices

26F; 5'6; SW: 312 CW: 272 GW: 180

My starting weight was 312 pounds, and in 3.5 months, I've lost 40 pounds. I now weigh 272 pounds, and to my surprise, no one notices. Granted, I started my weight loss journey at a high weight and am still at a very high weight, I would expect a small reaction from friends and family at the very least. But no one has noticed, and it makes me feel delusional. I don't mention my weight to them because I don't want to seem like I'm bragging. It would just feel nice to have your progress validated by your loved ones, that's all.

I notice the changes in my clothes and my face. I'm also slouching a lot less because I'm regaining my confidence. On Saturday, I wore makeup for the first time in over a year and felt beautiful. I know I am beautiful at any weight, but at my heaviest, I hated wearing makeup because I felt ugly. I'm noticing the changes in my confidence and appearance, but my loved ones haven't said a word. Has anyone experienced this?

My goal is to lose 130 pounds, so I still have a long way to go, but just wondering if others have friends and family that don't notice weight loss?

Side note: Last week, I asked my mom and sister if they noticed anything different about me, and they said no.

submitted by /u/LowRequirement8136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to lose weight when I just don't really care?

The majority of weight loss advice I get all stems around wanting to live a longer, healthier life. That used to be my motivation, that and being in the Navy, but getting diagnosed with a terminal lung condition changed that. It was slow at first, then I broke my arm and gained like 50lbs in a couple months. I went from a 200lbs slab of muscle to a 350lbs pile of goo in two years. I've not got any heavier since then, but not any lighter either.

I've tried to lose weight since then, but always failed. I've tried doing it for girls, but that wasn't enough. I've tried doing it so that I could love myself, but it's hard to love a body that's killing me. I've tried doing it to be 'healthier' but it's not going to change the fact that I'll die in a decade anyway.

I just can't find a real reason to care. I want to care, but I just don't. Maybe I should get people that I'd have to report my progress to, so my anxiety would go into overdrive to make sure I don't disappoint them? I try to get into a rhythm, going to the gym regularly and eating healthier, but then I'll work a surprise 14 hour shift and be so tired I can't walk straight for days. I just can't keep the discipline up and I don't have the motivation to try harder.

Is there anything else I can try to get myself to care? Little tricks to force myself into being healthy until I don't have to care anymore?

submitted by /u/wsdpii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wife says I'm "bullying" her into losing weight

My wife and I have been on a weight loss journey for some time, we're quite young (25 and 27) but we started gaining weight after getting married. We agreed to lose weight 6 months ago, in that time I've lost 90 pounds, she has lost only seven. I'm now 195 at 6ft, she is 202 at 5'5. I understand I had more weight to lose but I now weigh more than her and it feels like she could have put in way more effort. She starts the diets then gives up later. I've overhauled my entire life.

My attraction to her is fading the more weight I lose and I feel terrible, but I can't help it. I have developed a revulsion for fat and overeating, mostly directed at myself but sometimes I project it it on her. I get irritated when I see her eat junk food. I even helped her made a diet plan and meal prepped for her (this apparently felt patronising). She hates me commenting on her food choices and has gotten very upset sometimes. She told me she now feels like she hates her body more, I was sad about that but at the same time she could use it as motivation like I did?

I know she wants to lose weight, but I don't know how to help her and clearly I'm not doing it right. I can't see the marriage lasting anymore if she doesn't lose weight. I know that's harsh, but our lifestyles are so different. I do love her though.

On top of this, she is critical of my dieting and thinks that I'm too strict and miserable, but I like my strict schedule and I feel like it has changed me for the better. I have so much more discipline now, and I feel like I can reach any weight I want. She rolls her eyes when she sees me weigh food and log things in MFP. I apparently give her "dirty looks" when she eats. The only time we have fun together now is when we go out and do activities. I try and get her to do more with me but she doesn't want to. She likes to relax and watch netflix but I feel guilty doing that now, I don't like missing workouts for any reason really. We used to go out to eat together but we no longer enjoy it, she feels judged and I get stressed trying to count the calories and find something healthy.

She thinks I only see her for her body but really that is not true, when I married her she was overweight, I love her for who she is, I just wish she would put the effort in like she promised.

How can I help her? Am I being too mean?

submitted by /u/sertyypi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A good doctor's visit! NSV

Yesterday I went in for my physical and to go over some bloodwork done a week ago with my doctor who I haven't seen in about 6 months. Started my weight loss at 254 lbs at the beginning of the year. Now, I had lost a lot of weight about seven years ago, going from somewhere near 300 lbs down to 150 lbs. I gained most of it back over the years due to giving up a healthy lifestyle and also going on Abilify did not help me in that aspect.

Anyway, I haven't noticed much of a change even though I've gone from 254 lbs down to 217 lbs. But once I was called in, the LPN who I didn't even think remembered me commented, "Oh, you look great!" I was taken aback. "You remember me?" I asked. She nodded and said of course, and even commented on my new haircut. I was so flattered, as really no one has commented about my change, at work or my friends. I thanked her and waited for the doctor. And when she came in, she told me she was so happy with my labwork, that everything was looking good and showed me the numbers. I didn't understand all of it, but my cholesterol was way down and I'm assuming everything else was levelling out. And my blood pressure, which has been high in the past, was completely normal. I think hearing my doctor say I am doing a great job and looking genuinely happy and excited about it really gave me that much more motivation. She was so nice I was tearing up a bit.

I'm one to dread going to the doctor's office for any reason, always had anxiety about it. But this visit was very positive, gave me motivation to keep trying my best, and made me feel more confident. And now I have another round of labs due in 3 months and another checkup, I really want to lose that much more and stick to my lifestyle change. If you're in healthcare, just want you to know that these comments and encouragement mean so much, even just noticing slight changes or remembering someone at all. So, thanks!

submitted by /u/Stoobly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat