Thursday, July 21, 2022

Women in their 40s: talk to me about what worked for you and why.

Me: 42, F, 145lbs (I think) and want to lose about 20-25lbs.

So, my situation is that I lost weight (about 25lbs) at the start of the pandemic and was fairly comfortably under 130lbs until late last year. I had some relationship issues, work was hectic and stressful, I got covid with fatigue symptoms lingering for two months and essentially lost all motivation and enthusiasm for eating right and exercising. More recently, a 5.5 year long relationship has ended and it was a pretty difficult and stressful break up which resulted in comfort eating, poor sleep and generally not taking care of myself as I should be. Now, I’m overweight (back to where I was before the pandemic or possibly even heavier) and really not feeling so great about myself physically. I’m going on holidays for a week next Thursday and I know that will be a bit of a blow out with food and alcohol and that’s fine (to an extent) but I want to mentally and logistically plan for weight loss for when I get back from that trip.

What are your best tips for weight loss? What programmes worked for you and why? I eat everything so no dietary restrictions required.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/purpledrapeseeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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