Sunday, July 31, 2022

feel so demotivated

Around 1,200 calories a day. Consists of 70% veg and then 2 peices of fish and sometimes 100g of rice or golden rice. Hell, i go as far as to eat 1 or 2 lines of chocolate a day, a bar lasts me a week when usually id eat 2-3 bars in a day. I eat out 1 a week now instead of 3. I have nearly completely cut out fries except for said takeouts. I walk so much more than i use to, i even have a job that has me walk like mad (waitressing) i get like 12,000 steps a day usually now, maybe more if i walk home from college (2 miles, hour walk) I've been going to the gym for 1 hour a day, 3/4 days a week, i start with 15 minutes of cardio then do maybe 5-10 minutes on weight machines.

Today i got back from the gym, arms killing and so tired and i did my weekly weigh in

Are you fucking kidding me... I feel, so damn demotivated. The app i have to track my weight tells me that after all of this, for a month. I've GAINED an average kg. My worst fear in my weight loss journey is the idea that im just physically unable to lose weight and even after I've been trying so hard the only compliment ive managed to get i "oh you lost some weight round your face" and thats it, while i have the scales telling me that nothings happened. It feels so demotivating..

17/06 - 80kg 07/07 - 79.9kg 17/7 - 78.3kg 23/07 - 78.2kg 27/07 - 78.6kg 31/07 - 79.6kg.

Average change - +1kg.

submitted by /u/Squishyncolly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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