Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How to lose weight when I just don't really care?

The majority of weight loss advice I get all stems around wanting to live a longer, healthier life. That used to be my motivation, that and being in the Navy, but getting diagnosed with a terminal lung condition changed that. It was slow at first, then I broke my arm and gained like 50lbs in a couple months. I went from a 200lbs slab of muscle to a 350lbs pile of goo in two years. I've not got any heavier since then, but not any lighter either.

I've tried to lose weight since then, but always failed. I've tried doing it for girls, but that wasn't enough. I've tried doing it so that I could love myself, but it's hard to love a body that's killing me. I've tried doing it to be 'healthier' but it's not going to change the fact that I'll die in a decade anyway.

I just can't find a real reason to care. I want to care, but I just don't. Maybe I should get people that I'd have to report my progress to, so my anxiety would go into overdrive to make sure I don't disappoint them? I try to get into a rhythm, going to the gym regularly and eating healthier, but then I'll work a surprise 14 hour shift and be so tired I can't walk straight for days. I just can't keep the discipline up and I don't have the motivation to try harder.

Is there anything else I can try to get myself to care? Little tricks to force myself into being healthy until I don't have to care anymore?

submitted by /u/wsdpii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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