Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Weight loss/gain with Intuitive Eating

A little background. I'm 46 (F) and I've been able to keep my weight at a normal level with Weight Watchers for the last 10ish years. Because of this I'm very aware of what is "healthy" and what's not. During the last year, I just got burned out on tracking points/calories and always having to be "on" when it comes to food. I literally could not track or measure another point if my life depended on it. I couldn't imagine doing this for the rest of my life. I needed to find something new. I stumbled on to IE. I read the main IE book and then read THIN SIDE OUT. HOW TO HAVE YOUR CAKE AND SKINNY JEANS TOO.

I was so excited. This seemed to be the answer to all my problems. I'm just getting out of the first phase which is no restriction whatsoever, and now becoming way more intuitive with my eating. I normally crave healthy food, so this won't be an issue. The thing is I'm nervous. I've gained about ten pounds which puts me on the higher side of healthy range. I know this is part of the process, and initially I was OK with that, but now I'm wondering if this really works.

I can't post this on the IE community because if you want to lose weight you are promoting the "diet culture" and you don't accept yourself. Basically, you have to be OK with being overweight or even obese and live with it. I understand that IE was created for people with eating disorders, but I can't believe that being overweight is good for you. (And I KNOW it's not good for me emotionally and mentally) I've tried to look up online about people who are normal weight and/or lost weight with IE, but all I've found are life coaches who want me to spend $$$$ on their IE weight loss program for their "secret."

This is a very long post for me to ask, have any of you lost weight or maintained a healthy weight doing IE? I know that it works for people who have a lot of weight to lose, which makes sense since it helps with binge eating and emotional eating. But what about the rest of us who only want to lose like 5 to 10 pounds? Can I really trust only my hunger and mindfulness to keep me from getting huge? Also, I know there's probably not a lot of "naturally skinny" people on this loop, but I'd love to know how you eat and view food.


submitted by /u/Ok-Biscotti3313
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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