Wednesday, July 27, 2022

8 day check in

Hey guys just wanted to post a little update. It’s been 8 days since I’ve restarted logging my intake and making more of a conscious effort food and exercise-wise.

It’s starting to come back to me which has been good. Yesterday was the biggest struggle, a whole bunch of things went wrong and by the mid afternoon I had cancelled my exercise plan for the night. A few weeks ago I would have comforted myself by ordering pizza and pasta and eating it in bed with Netflix for company. I was in half a mind to do that yesterday, but I sat with the thoughts for a while, played out the consequences (pushing back achieving weight loss goals, feeling like shit the next day physically and mentally etc) and I was able to make a healthier choice to eat my preplanned dinner. I still went to bed and watched Netflix when I got home though.

I weighed myself once on Saturday night (had a girls night with my best friend and told her about restarting and she was curious where I was at), and I was at 81.5kg. This is down 4.5kg from when I last weighed myself donating blood (just over a month ago), which is great. I know it was mostly bloat and water retention that I lost, but even then it makes the next 6.5kg to lose seem much closer and achievable.

One weird thing that I’ve found that I remember from my last journey (and this is TMI) is just how much I look forward to… ahem… going number 2. It’s like i miss the feeling of being super full and satisfied with a large meal, so I’ve replaced it with the satisfaction of a good BM? Idk it’s weird but I guess you gotta find joy in the little things.

I’m not interested in weighing myself again for a while bc I don’t want to get fixated on a number on the scale, I’d rather go by how I feel and how I look in the mirror.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to another 7 days ahead of making healthy choices :)

submitted by /u/phoebalini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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