Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Extended family makes unsupportive comments

Like many others, I hit my heaviest weight during COVID. According to BMI charts I was considered over weight. I was effectively skinny fat as I'm naturally a thin person but I was carrying a gut. I made a decision to stop eating like a 12 year old and to take cardio seriously. Over the last 16 months or so I have lost 35 lbs and online BMI calculators estimate my BMI to be at 22.2 which seems rather reasonable. During that time I lost weight, gained some of it back, lost more, and today am at a weight that I am happy with. Perhaps more importantly, last month I had blood work done and my Doctor stated that all of my numbers are "phenomenal" and to keep doing what I'm doing. Furthermore, I do participate in sports and I have found that my cardio is much better and, in general, I move 10x better than I did before losing weight.

Now for the vent... my extended family tends to make comments like, "you look sickly" or "you are too thin". On one hand, they should notice my weight loss.... it's taken a lot of commitment to routinely put in the effort to lose weight and control my caloric intake. None of my friends or family joined me in this weight loss journey... I dedicated myself to this and have seen it through to a goal weight and fitness level. On the other hand, I'm incredibly frustrated that people are encouraging me to gain weight because they think I look sickly or appear thinner than they care for. I get it... most mid-westerners in their mid 30s are overweight and are not expected to look fit. However, I have not given up on my body yet and I want to appear in shape. It seems like others expect me to have a permanent dad bod.

This post isn't very actionable hence the vent/rant tag. I trust I'm not alone and would appreciate commentary from others that have experienced the same.

submitted by /u/SlapBassGuy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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