Monday, July 25, 2022

7 months, 7kgs down :)

My progress is a lot slower than most on here, but I am still so proud of myself. I've never been so consistant with weight loss in my life.

28F 5"2 SW 84kgs/CW 77kgs. I was stuck on 78kgs for the longest time and just not getting anywhere. But thanks to a big whoosh scale just suddenly dropped by just over 1kg one day. The number has stuck so I know its real, unless my scale is broken lol.

I'm bad at sticking with a deficit for a long time, I start to get super hungry and hard to focus. I might go a week or 10 days in a deficit, then I'll ease up on myself for a few days and eat until I'm full/my body is happy. It's hard weight training and being in a deficit at the same time, but I love that I'm stronger than I've been in years. I don't mind going slower if it means I can keep/build a little muscle. Hopefully I will be strong enough to do a proper push up by the end of the year, but we will see :)

Good luck to everyone on their journey! Keep at it :)

submitted by /u/Crispy_cucumber00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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