Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A good doctor's visit! NSV

Yesterday I went in for my physical and to go over some bloodwork done a week ago with my doctor who I haven't seen in about 6 months. Started my weight loss at 254 lbs at the beginning of the year. Now, I had lost a lot of weight about seven years ago, going from somewhere near 300 lbs down to 150 lbs. I gained most of it back over the years due to giving up a healthy lifestyle and also going on Abilify did not help me in that aspect.

Anyway, I haven't noticed much of a change even though I've gone from 254 lbs down to 217 lbs. But once I was called in, the LPN who I didn't even think remembered me commented, "Oh, you look great!" I was taken aback. "You remember me?" I asked. She nodded and said of course, and even commented on my new haircut. I was so flattered, as really no one has commented about my change, at work or my friends. I thanked her and waited for the doctor. And when she came in, she told me she was so happy with my labwork, that everything was looking good and showed me the numbers. I didn't understand all of it, but my cholesterol was way down and I'm assuming everything else was levelling out. And my blood pressure, which has been high in the past, was completely normal. I think hearing my doctor say I am doing a great job and looking genuinely happy and excited about it really gave me that much more motivation. She was so nice I was tearing up a bit.

I'm one to dread going to the doctor's office for any reason, always had anxiety about it. But this visit was very positive, gave me motivation to keep trying my best, and made me feel more confident. And now I have another round of labs due in 3 months and another checkup, I really want to lose that much more and stick to my lifestyle change. If you're in healthcare, just want you to know that these comments and encouragement mean so much, even just noticing slight changes or remembering someone at all. So, thanks!

submitted by /u/Stoobly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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